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  1. ok tryed again and looked about 20 min ago and i got reaply :anxious: ....
  2. this spells best for mellee or dm because of Vengeance and you can heal your friends or mages on your team
  3. yep same thing been trying to unlock my account for month and still nothing i started to give up
  4. lol i had a friend we dont play any more but i gaved him a whip to go dueling after he won over 100mil with my lukey whip he gived me a santa :) that was about 2 month ago
  5. hi to start is my account been locked when pho came out. I also have send them 3 letter telling them to un locked my char on the home page where it say to un locked your char and i still did not get my char unlocked. I also have send them private lettes on my nooby f2p char and i get boring letter that any one gets. So can any one plz help me out here.
  6. is it just me or ppl dont read? he almost got a whip not lost a whip
  7. my friend "Psycho Jason" got one about 5 days ago or so
  8. hi rs2 product hi person who teles in rune in lvl 10 wild. pink was on rsc, it changed colors in the switch to rs2 because jagex felt like it. no difference at all. lol i was still calling them pink p hats and ppl get me
  9. no... it was a program that record that signal your pc sends out when you drop an item so it copyed it and send them out so you could of copy any thing. I find it out by learing how ppl find loop holes in conquer online he sad that stile was use to hack bouth of the games.
  10. New hat, gloves, or boots? no it is not new hat, gloves or boots :(
  11. go to almost any f2p world with some nice armor that onley p2p have and i beat some one will ask you for money in less then 10 min and some times if you say no you get called a noob.
  12. omg i hate f2p if you lvl 100 + and have some thing like full rune i beat alot of ppl will ask you for free things if you dont give it to them some times some ppl call you a noob...
  13. well if you read the updates for this month they say they will add a new dragon wepon this month...
  14. At the first floor in the Grand Tree, there are two food shops. One near the bar (to the east) where you can make gnome drinks and one near the "restaurant" (to the west) where you can make gnome foods. There is also a bank near the restaurant. I think each shop has 5 pots of butter in stock (maybe more, I don't remember). So by switching worlds and buying and banking everything you can make yourself a nice stock of butter. they dont have butter they have cream there...
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