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Everything posted by ml417

  1. i say keep it high with out autoers its easy to get up look at me i got from 70 to 80 wc with autoers only took me 3 weeks :ohnoes: with out autoers i would of been done cuting the 7k yews in a week or less
  2. i thought about the pin last night and figerd that autoers wont have pins cuz of that there needs to be a recuirement of seting a pin to get in
  3. we got mind runes to craft at least that we have : now only if it wasnt so far from a bank...
  4. bump come on guys keep it going we doing great :thumbsup:
  5. come on have orginal segestions i think i came up with a bether idea look at my full granite post
  6. congrats you just broke all the rules i put up get a life you realize that thats how people talk on runescape
  7. you guys know there is acouly chairs you can sit at in your house and benches too so all jagex got to do is duplicate the programing for that and add the restore part and you'll have it some one talked about a glich of walking and sitting you acouly have a glich close to that if you have gloves on and you sit on a chair in your house and change to wepons you could have you wepons looking like the gloves are wileaded i dont know if they fixed that glich yet but that was a long long long time ago when i was still a member (well about 5 months ago) :-w this is a good idea support :thumbsup:
  8. ok first thing i dont think any one segested granite armer become f2p but most F2Pers are complining about bether armer i was thinking granite armer is like the least used armer in P2P and about the part of how to get it... think about it how can you get god armers. simple, find someone selling it. about he bank space if you have full granite you wont need to keep your full rune unless your pking then you will need it about spelling ill fix that (not the best speller :anxious:) about the wepon i dont know what wepon can there be but jagex can come up with that
  9. i know there is only a granite sheild, legs, and mule but if you make a granite plate and helm and mabye a nice wepon (granite mule has a spacial so it can't be F2P. i dont think they will like F2P to have spacials) so maby a nice and strong wepon(i dont think that granite is sharp inoth for a sword) so basicly make a beather armer for F2P i no everyone wants that (expt members because they think F2P dont need anything) ull have to have 50 str and def like granite shield and legs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rules: 1. no flaming 2. only good coment (if ur a member and u saying that f2p dont need any new and bether armer, well tought luck we hate u then i no the whole you can just pay 5 dollars and become a member well i dont care about that. 3. pm me on forms for any coments dont post here for that ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ supports: 1. ml417 me \ 2.Tetsuya 3.RPGoof ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ goal:reaching 100+ supports and some one posting it in RS forms mabye me if im a member when it reaching the goal :thumbsup: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ edited because of people complining about spelling not editing any more if you dont understand this your an ideat
  10. its looks like what happens when the frog prince transformed from frog to prince it looks like a big purple triangle but i reported that already
  11. good point i think we just need more space in bank and maby p2p will get double the bank space but we will still get some and thats the good part p.s. im saying "we" cuz im a f2p to if and ideat dont undrearstand what im saying :roll:
  12. i no i supported in a long time ago but i dont see my name up there well... i support
  13. ya this giled has been planed for f2p expt the p2p rooms
  14. people call it obby cape for short
  15. remington has 4 yews next to each other its right south of the maze thats were all the autoers go members still have way more yews and less autoers this and the numbers can be changed we hadnt choosen the requirments yet and jagex are going to choose them them selfs any way so it doesnt bother us but we want to put them higher then that
  16. i got 60+ hammers and 100+ tinderboxes so dont colect them im doing that :XD: p.s. i dont buy them i just pick them up when some 1 drops them p.p.s. ok maby i buy some
  17. i dont think jagex looks at tip.it forms but if u or some 1 posts for u in the rs forms it mite happen well good luck :
  18. support but its an old cape so no wander there is no emote
  19. cool nice job this rocks... well i can keep going for ever :XD: nice job i support
  20. wow im doing this 100th post :thumbsup: go wc gild : i hop they make 1 then i wouldnt of had to wast 3 weeks geting my wc from 70 to 80 i would of only needed 1 \ but thats a little to late now :wall:
  21. haha nice glich that loos cool :thumbsup: to bad u cant join him and walk to infinity \ of course thats aginst the rules :wall: but it would be cool : :XD: p.s. thanks for the link
  22. well i do and so do most of the autoers in my world im alwas in world 47 :thumbsup:
  23. those skills go with wc well expt for cmb thats just aginst autoers edit: i acsedently put scammer but chnaged it to autoer now after i saw that :oops:
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