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Everything posted by Daviduhlich

  1. you can use glory amulets to tele back to edge
  2. I don't know for sure if that ever happened. It might have been intended for RSC, because of the system they had back then. It wouldn't be necessary now, because you can note items.
  3. They still have their uses. They aren't as good as they used to be though, I think its because of infinity and defenders.
  4. Sounds cool to me..mostly. There are too many instances where it would lead to someone getting screwed (imagine fighting monsters when you get teleported, and coming back with almost no health left) It would be cool to have something like that in your house though, like maybe a lever in your combat room which generates a copy of you in the ring.
  5. I'll admit that's possible. Again, they're just my observations. I haven't exactly been watching for it either. So there's some room for error here.
  6. I don't know about that.. I've moved several times in the last few years, and also had to switch the credit card payment on my account. If it were that simple, I would have have been flagged and maybe penalized for it. My guess is, there's more to it than that. Probably the majority of RS accounts sold would go to a buyer living relatively far away. Now the buyer might change the account details, which might trigger something that ends up getting the account banned right there. But let's say they don't. In most cases, the seller probably has some other account that they use more often, and was selling a secondary one. So, now there are two or more active accounts, with the same account details, being used from two different areas of the world. It would go something like this: Trainee: Look boss, this guy is playing on two of his accounts at once. What do I do? Boss: Probably trading with himself. Give him a temporary ban. Trainee: Wait a minute.. He's playing one account in Los Angeles... And he's playing the other account in Germany. Boss: Yeah, they usually make your job pretty easy.
  7. Hm... Must be a bug. What lvl clues were they?
  8. I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but...The random events that I get seem to be (mostly) grouped by what I am doing at the time. And no, I'm not talking about stuff like the teleport matrix which can only happen when you teleport. Other ones too. When I used to fletch more often, I was getting sent to the maze several times a day. When I woodcut, I get the sandwich lady. Drunken dwarves come to me with refreshing beverage while I fight monsters, but never during a slayer task. If I am ranging Kurasks or turoths, I always get the gravedigger event. Genies pop up when i fish. And I get the evil bob event at barrows, but ONLY when I loot the chest. Anyone else notice anything like this?
  9. That's as close as you're ever going to get to gaining interest for your money. Either that or buying a rare.
  10. Seeing as its f2p, i would guess its probably not a good enough training spot to bring too many people down there. also, 135 ess in 15 minutes only comes out to around 540 in an hour. and im pretty sure you can mine it faster than that.
  11. More than about 10 would be too much, because you wont have too many people mining it for the experience anyway, unless they make it as good as granite or iron. So the number of people mining it probably won't increase enough to make much of a difference, and the same people end up getting almost the same amount of money for their essence, but more than twice the experience for it.
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