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Everything posted by krenbr

  1. heh, srry for questioning you, youre right ty for the tool link
  2. does it? obsoually missed it, can u coppy the blog, i downloaded it and closed the window, as i am compressing files on my cp to possaibly burn to a cd
  3. hey, its the Win32/Mywife.E@mm worm, i need a patch to fix it out antivirus is out of date untill we can renew our subscription, will do soon but if someone would give me a link would be much apprecieated
  4. thats why you pk with a party, use mages to take down warriors use rangers to take down other mages and use warriors to take down rangers
  5. work, i mean i work out of my room, i am a comp tech so i just have a open computer working on it talking to friends posteing on forums and playing rs
  6. *banned for loveing me, i am a guy, :oops: :oops: :oops:
  7. *grabs all the peices of the p hat *uses a needle and thread to sew them back togeather *makes a contract with the kalphite queen and the kbd to protect him for only 100k a week *Steals a d chain from kalphite queen when she is sleeping* :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. sorry to say it but you are kind of controdicting yourself, you want to gain mucle which weighs 2x as much as fat and you also want to loose 20lbs?
  9. Banned for not captialzeing after his puncuation.
  10. *Binds with his spell, he runs up and grabs the p hat, he then moves away and uses a zammy god staff to burn him leaving no evidence that he stole it*
  11. rare really rare.. however they are there.. only know one or two.. but other than that i have my ignore list filled from beggers
  12. i allready knew this.. i helped out friends once or twice and all they do is ask for more stuff from me.. so i quit givin it to them.. i give friends gifts if they reach lvl 100 but thats it
  13. whell to get my first few hundrad k i mined iron ore and sold them for 100ea.. and i would produce 5k a week playing 2 hrs a day max.. i also did other things.. i would do that for 3 months.. i had lots of money then and only been getting ritcher by merchanting rune items
  14. verry nice although i not sure they would go for it... way too big of a update
  15. i drink dont get me wrong.. but getting completally wasted i only do that once and a while.. and its in my own house when my gf wants to get drunk :lol: not goin into details there.. although sure i have beer every once and a while and no law aginst it.. so long as u inside.. however do i crave alchoal no.. do i go out drinking every weekend no.. i actully get drunk twice a year max unless whell the gf thing.. no its not cool to get drunk at least i dont think so.. you act like a idiot and look like a total jack***
  16. krenbr

    Funny Pics!

    is this within forum rules.. if not i will deleate pic
  17. ok.. here people i have to say.. being a owner of rares myself that i dont like the idea as it was currentally states.. however if it were to happen the onlyrares that would be in the shop were ones that were player sold to the shop
  18. not bad and it looks cool too ill go with it
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