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Everything posted by djo0

  1. I would just get the apples. It's too much xp to risk the tree dieing in my opinion.
  2. If that's true, then why do different unids take different spaces in your bank?
  3. I don't think you need the skills to start legends quest (except for the quest points) but you need the skills to finish the quest.
  4. If you're F2P, then there are no good spots that aren't taken by bots :? .
  5. djo0

    The bible

    Evolution has plenty of proof. Though there are unexplained parts to the idea, it is almost certain that this is how organisms evolved. I don't think that this takes away from what God did. I believe that he guided evolution to create humans. I guess that you would say I am one of those "intelligent design" people. Evolution and Christianity don't contradict. In fact, even the Pope has accepted evolution as God's way of creating life. In my opinion, (no i'm not claiming this as a fact), that when God created the human race and the animal kingdom, he gave us the ability to survive. With this, our bodies are smart and adapt to the conditions we are in. However, I do not believe if we continue in that route, we will just evolve 100 million latter into another species. Why does every animal on the earth act by instict but not humans? What makes us the exception? Every Animal has a Intelligence level as well as us humans, yet we are the only one who has choice. We are the only one who can determine if the earth will florish or be blown up into a million pieces. Evolutions orginal design is for surviability, then how does it grant its victims Choice? This cannot be so, because then you could choose to END your life, like people who sucidie do, which is against evolutions very nature, survivale. You seem religious Defender, so I will try to defend what I said from a religious standpoint. I believe that at some point in Human evolution God infused a soul that put us above all other animals. With this came things like free will, complex reason and choice as you said above. I used to believe that God simply created creatures as they are. However, the evidence pointing toward some sort of evolution is nearly insurmountable.
  6. Good Luck with that. I have always been a bit underweight, so I don't have any good advice to give you.
  7. djo0

    The bible

    Evolution has plenty of proof. Though there are unexplained parts to the idea, it is almost certain that this is how organisms evolved. I don't think that this takes away from what God did. I believe that he guided evolution to create humans. I guess that you would say I am one of those "intelligent design" people. Evolution and Christianity don't contradict. In fact, even the Pope has accepted evolution as God's way of creating life.
  8. Lots of rap songs are annoying, but there are some pretty good ones too. I agree with you about that buy u a drank song...it's just annoying. However, people like rap because it does a good beat and is catchy. Also, you can't tell what alot of rock bands are saying either. I think that its much easier to tell what rappers are saying rather than metal bands. What I personally would like to see is more rappers singing about stuff thats actually important, instead of repeating a pointless phrase over and over (It's Going Down by Jung Jok for example :evil: .)
  9. LOL. You had me til I read everyones posts, and then the article.
  10. I remember all I got once were some trout and a few mind runes.
  11. The only advice that I have is to build a chapel right near your entrance portal. If you ever build a guilded alter, you will want it near the enterance.
  12. I would suggest green dragons atm. They are not the best monsters for drops, but the bones are selling for a lot right now, and you would make good $$.
  13. You need the ring of visibility from the Desert Treasure quest. Then, go to the elf's tomb near the Dwarf Cannon place and talk to the ghost there. He starts you out on the mini-quest.
  14. djo0

    The bible

    The Bible is pretty much just there to tell us to do good deeds, such as be a good neighbor, love your enemy, etc. Are those crazy? It's not like the Bible is a science or history book. LIke the person above said, it's a book of morals telling us how we should act. Most of it was written over 2000 years ago, so you cna't expect it to get all of the scientific facts right.
  15. I tried fermenting apple juice once. I put it in a bottle and kept on a shelf for about 2 years. It tasted awful :lol:. Suprisingly I didin't get sick.
  16. My family is on the Do not call list, so we haven't had a telemarketer in years :) . It is pretty nice not having to pick up the phone the second you sit down to eat.
  17. I would pick the 3000. However, if I was really in that situation it would be hard. I mean it's easy to just say that I would do the right thing, but actually doing it :uhh: . I know I would regret it later if I picked the one though.
  18. I think that would be awsome. The last chapter was pretty good, but it didn't completely cover what happened to every charactor.
  19. It's not exactly a skill, but the quest cape is probibally the easiest to get. I like mine because of the cool emote.,
  20. Yea I agree. If the band was that terrible then why do you hear one of their song every time that you turn on the radio? They are a pretty decent band. I doubt that they are going to seriously impact music though; in a few years people will have just moved on to the next band.
  21. I'm going to have to say that Hendrix and Clapton are the best.
  22. What ever that means... It's an allusion to the "heil" hand gesture from the regime. Read a little history, you should. I though it meant that you were way too "right wing." I was the average score. Thats cool with me I guess
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