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Everything posted by djo0

  1. djo0

    Love Songs/R&B <3

    I can't stand those types of songs at all. It's not that the artists don't have talent, but it just doesn't appeal to me at all.
  2. Sponge Bob is much more funnt and clever than 99% of cartoons these days. I got to say that my favorites are still the Looney Tunes cartoons. Bugs Bunny and all the rest are classic : .
  3. The Church supports that can be a beautiful, wonderful, and unitive act, one that truly brings a couple together (as well as being procreative). Within the confines of marriage #-o . Other animals don't get married to , we shouldn't have to either. You can't honestly think that we are just smart animals. Things like marriage set us aprt, make us superior. Besides, marriage is a good thing. It has been proven that children who are raised with a mother and father are more likely to be mentaly healthy, crime-free, and be good parents themselves. Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of kids with single parents who are great.
  4. I don't do anything in particular. I mean turning off a lightbulb or recycling you daily newspaper isn't going to do a whole lot. It's large corperations not individuals that are responsible for most of the problem.
  5. Yea I pretty much examine everything new that I see in rs.
  6. djo0


    Yea the white knights armour is a pretty good thing to wear. If you prayer is good, then go with the highest prayer bonus that you can get.
  7. djo0


    I didin't study at all, and I got a 1956 or somthing around there. You can get these practice tests, and I suppose that helps a bit. It really comes down to whether or not you can think logically. Studying doesn't make a huge difference in my opinion.
  8. djo0


    I'm disagreeing with the majority here and say that I don't think aliens exist. :twisted: Especially all the stories about little green guys in flying saucers. Most of the pictures taken of alien spaceships are are false, and most of the people who are "kidnapped" just want attention. Also, stuff like crop circles have logical explenations. A group of guys in England figured out how they were made. Anyways, if aliens come to earth as often as people say they do, why is there no solid proof? I guess what I'm really saying is that if "intelligent life" does exist out there somwhere, it has never been to earth.
  9. As somone said, the Wheel of Time series is very good. I'm waiting for the last book to come out...Hopfully Robert Jordan doesn't die before he completes it. Some good fantasy books are the Dune series. I am reading them now. I think that the author was Frank Herbert or somthing like that.
  10. LOLOL!!!!!! :XD: I'm sure plenty of people have made that mistake :D . Anyways, I like Obama better for the Dems. He is a much more charismatic and likable person than Hilary(in my opinion). I really don't like any of the democtrats or republicans policies this year personally. I'm thinking I will vote a third party canidate.
  11. I doubt that America will ever fully ban smoking. After all, its a huge industry here. The government can tax tobacco companys heavily, and no one cares because pretty much everyone dislikes smokers. Personally I think that the laws in my area, which make people smoke outside or in their own homes are fine.
  12. Interesting, because all of the plane hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, including the supposed planner bin Laden (who himself applauded the attacks but said he didn't directly plan it himself), and % ists" are local armed with mostly poor weapons and homemade rockets. But I'm sure if your country gets invaded tomorrow, you'll just obediently sit inside your house and let them take your stuff. (Wouldn't be a surprise for a western society really) And don't be surprised if the other country's media calls you a % ist" if you dare fight back against the occupiers. Comparing the troops in Iraq to ists is wrong. The ists in Iraq are destroying not only US troops but thousands of their own people. They are the ists, not the US soldiers. Its not like we are going to stay in Iraq forever, so you can't exactly call us the enemy. I personaly am against the Iraq war, but I at least respect out troops and the work they try to do in there.
  13. djo0


    Kil|ing rats and mice is ok. They are pests, who will chew through stuff, and eat food that could be used for humans. It's not too much different than ki|ling a bug. Don't get me wrong I'm not for just kil|ing stuff for the heck or it, but if an animal interfereres with the well-being of a human it should be removed.
  14. I play basketball or tennis pretty much every day for about 1-2 hours. Also, I lift weights about 2 or 3 times each week.
  15. Thats what you said about Vietnamn. We could have won in Vietnam too. After the Tet Offensive, the North Vietnamese army was crushed. But, the American media portrayed it as a defeat for us. Years later, the North Vietnamese general Jaip actually thanked the US media. he said that without them he would have lost the war. Also, we lost because of restrictions by our government. We were not allowed to cross into North Vietnam, we were not allowed to key harbors where equipment came in, we were not alloud to the capital and were were not allowed to dikes that would cut flood the North Vienamese food supply. BTW I have the Green Day symbol in my sig because I like their music, not because I agree with every single thing that they say.
  16. Are you still playing tennis? I get asked this months after the season is ended. Also: How tall are you?!? (6'3)
  17. I started playing rs seriously after it came onto miniclip. I can;t say that miniclip has done anything bad to runescape.
  18. I think that we could win this war. We are the most powerful country in the world. Let the military run this war the way a war should be run. Will people get ki11ed? yea. But this is war, and it's not going to be perfect. I was against going into Iraq in the first place, but now that we are in we can't just abandon the place to civil war.
  19. You probibally just look at it at the same time every day, because it has become a subconscious thing that you do without realizing it.
  20. I'm really good at crosswords. Yea I know its random.
  21. A 1997 Ford Taurus. I know you all want it :twisted: .
  22. djo0

    Worst Fear

    I've had drawn/put in me at least 50-75 times the past year :P Thats like my idea of hell.
  23. djo0

    Worst Fear

    Yes it is. I have had blo0d taken twice in the past 2 years. I blacked out both times. The first time, they took quite a bit. The second time, they just stuck my finger and I went out after they took only a couple drops. THey had to push me in a wheelchair for a few minites, because I was so weak. It was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life lol. I felt like a total loser :uhh: .
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