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Everything posted by andylax38

  1. Couple days back me and 2 of my friends went on an armydal trip. Mid way through the first boss one of my friends dies (first time at boss) so of course his gravestone appears and we are left duo the boss. We kill the boss, I bless the gravestone and then we kill 2 more bosses before we tele. In no way did the gravestone ruin our trip at all, although we would have had a few more kills if he hadn't have died. He even got back within the hour time limit to collect his stuff and tele out. I really don't see any problems with gravestones at GWD, if anything I quite enjoy having them protecting my items in case I die.
  2. Well I've been working towards both of these goals for quite sometime now and finally accomplished both of them today. Here's some screenies along the way and the completion of both goals: Getting 85 slayer about a week back My first whip drop 1 week, 1k abbys, and 2 whips later... Me doing str emote :P Finally my invent before the drop party i had in world 99 earlier today So there it is rate/hate or whatever :P
  3. You do realize that this topic is for POSITIVE things about the update NOT negative? Go to one of the other useless idiotic rants to vent your anger please. I'm not venting anger... hell I'm not even angry anymore, I've accepted that these updates are going to happen and that I will have to adjust. All my post above does is state why the updates do not actually get rid of autoers and other aspects of the game that are greatly affected by the changes that were not discussed in the OP post. I have the right to give my opinion just as much as you and I'm sorry that my points actually have validity and quash most of the positive aspects of the updates pepople have stated...
  4. You do realize that these updates did nothing to stop autoers... All it stops them doing is selling there gold irl for money. People will still auto like they always have but now they will either do it just to be rich in the game or just sell accts irl instead of there gold. In my opinion there is still too many loopholes around it and more then monster hunting got killed in the update. Drop parties are gone, loaning items to friends, and really almost any team based aspect of the game. 0/10
  5. Is RWT really that big of a problem? I understand that it is unfair to people who actually work for there items and gold that people can just buy these things for cash irl. I also understand that farmers are driving down the prices on goods and only in it for the real world money gained. I'm as much against RWT as then next person but I just don't think it's a big enough of a problem to change such major aspects of the game Such as these. Most boss monster hunting is destroyed because loot share doesn't split drops. Pking is destroyed and bounty hunter doesn't seem to be a reasonable substitute. Stakings been gone for a few weeks now but still was a big part of the game and the list goes on... I also don't understand how this can be good to Jagex from a business aspect, if anything they're losing a lot of members and I don't know if the lure of summoning will keep people playing because of these updates.
  6. yea 80 mage and 75+ defence would be helpful for maging. I wouldn't consider hybrid until 75 range and 75 def and better melee stats.
  7. dharoks would be good at monkey spot, get your heal down and constant prayer recharging when nescessary. edit: didn't see no Dha :P
  8. mith plate is most likely yours best bet till 72 then you can make addy bolts and sell for a pretty nice profit and get good exp.
  9. 18 all from MTK I think getting close to being able to plant :P
  10. I would suggest switching the zammy setup to sara book and zammy chaps because of the better mage def on sara book and the prayer bonus is the same. Other then that very good guide 8/10.
  11. don't have torso and the v diary plate was just kinda for looks. Thought the outfit was pretty nice.
  12. I guess 250 kills is about average I'm not really sure myself I know it felt like a long time before I got the drop. Onfinite is a hosting site like photobucket I don't know why i still use it but yea same kind of thing.
  13. Here's a couple good things that have happened to me in the past couple days, rate or just comment doesn't matter to me. :P Zammy Hilt after killing over 250 98 Strength only one more level to go My aweosme setup with god sword *normally I would have quest cape on but a new quest just came out
  14. Dang you have way to many goals man :P Gl on 99 fishing at your rate you'll have it in like 3 days.
  15. I'm pretty sure its 10 minutes at least thats what I've been told from everyone I've gone with but I've never actually timed it.
  16. No problem I actually soloed 3 and got d boots during kc when I tried out the holy water so it was worth it.
  17. holy water does not work on boss tried it on my last solo trip hit 5 zeros on him.
  18. Its an armydal pendant from the temple of ikov quest. I use it to keep the aviantese and other armydal creatures from attacking me. As far as recomended levels I would say at least 100 cbt with 75 + range and def. Range is only necessary for armydal.
  19. Andylax38's section Drops - D boots - 1 Z spears - 0 Steam staff - 0 Hilt - 0 Shards - 1 Boss Drops - 1. Lant seeds 2. Coins 3. Lant seeds 4. 297 addy P++ arrows 5. Coins 6. Bloods Current Stats - Zammy Setup - Random Screenies - Team killing zammy from a while back God Shard 3 D boots
  20. Me and my friends Metoo1000 (lvl 124) and Beserking1 (lvl 115) have been god waring basically since it came out. So far we've teamed over 150 zammy's and close to 100 armydals with beserking1 getting the only drops of 2 armydal helms. So we decided to make a little competition out of it... We are each going to solo the zammy boss until one of us gets a hilt. Rules - 1. Must have the drop screenied on the ground not in inventory. 2. Must post all drops on your section of the blog. 3. No teaming of any kind all kills must be solo. Competitors - 1. Beserking1 2. Andylax38 3. Metoo1000 Hilt Screenie - NA
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