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Everything posted by Orpheus

  1. I am perfectly okay with this. Bonus points for being into anime expos.
  2. No. 360s are the stupidest [bleep]ing thing I've seen. There's no point. Really. It's annoying and it doesn't work against good players; they'll just kill you before you finish. It's a stupid fad that needs to fade.
  3. Admittedly though, there is some really high-level computer-based stuff that electrical engineering doesn't quite touch on. While I do admit you guys could do the work of a CS major, you won't be doing, say, PhD-level stuff. Not often, if at all.
  4. Yeah it did. Close match, so gg. Was not prepared for that damn thing at all.
  5. And all of them are [bleep]ing terrible and I'd end up ragebanning half the [bleep]wits for general stupidity. Really, they're all stupid.
  6. All this talk of peaceful negotiation might be nice, or taking the peaceful route is a noble idea, but ultimately one that isn't viable in some cases. Do you think there was honestly any sort of reasoning with al-Qaeda/Osama? Some people just cannot be reasoned with. He was responsible for the deaths of 3000 civilians, and many more at the absolute least. He had to go. There is no argument that could possibly hold water against this? What, are you going to try to "rehabilitate" him? Do you even think such a thing is possible? al-Quaeda is utterly evil at it's core, to where the only way to absolve it is to dismantle it. They are chaotic evil, seeking destruction no matter the cost towards an entity they don't agree with. tl;dr Seeking a nonviolent solution is the best idea in most cases, but in some, it just isn't an option.
  7. Orpheus


    Most things we ingest contain toxins of some amount. That's a really unfortunate thing, how does that affect you with caffeine? I have it lucky in that I seem to be highly resistant to addictions. Caffeine and alcohol tend to crystallize, so I have to use that stuff sparingly. It'll clear itself out, but only at a worse time scale (One drink is supposed to take an hour to go through? For me, it takes about... 10.) Hell, doctors thought I was joking about the pain this crystallization causes until they actually went and took a sample.
  8. That's the exact problem. So if someone was hated by millions, it doesn't necessarily mean they deserved death. You really have to push yourself over a threshold to earn that mark.
  9. ROFL at 8.5% - 9.2% unemployment since January of 2009, a real inflation rate of about 10%, the dollar losing 24% of its value to the looney and 15% of its value to the euro since 2009, 2.3% of all US homes receiving foreclosure notices in 2010, $4.00+ gas before summer, and a predicted $5-6 / gallon gasoline, a $14.3 trillion dollar debt with a projected $1.5 trillion dollar deficit this year, Troops still in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now fighting a non-war in Libya. But don't worry, he killed Osama Bin Laden. Your boy Obama is winning achievements with tiger blood. :twss: :thumbup: To be fair, gas is fluctuating at this point, and the unemployment rate was higher before Obama came into office. Still, governments are all about who will [bleep] up the least amount of things. And all of the economy problems are because some nobody bothered to check these entities that got too much power.
  10. I don't believe in the death penalty, ever, it's a horrible mentality. A person's actions should not brand them with the death stamp no matter how shocking. Remember that human actions are never without reason and that we're all essentially blank slates at the moment we're born (albeit slates of varied quality, but blank nonetheless) those in power have to take responsibility for what they and their predecessors have indirectly influenced; instead of shooting all their mistakes in the face without doing a damn thing to prevent more problems in the future, and if anything, the exact opposite is achieved. The only time someone should kill is if their own life is directly threatened within the here and now, not out of spite, not out of revenge. but hey, believe what you want, I'm simply expressing my own view-point, I can't sway somebody if they embrace 'justice' without question, it's essentially the same as arguing with a thiest. I'd also like to note that it has been proven many times over that positive reinforcement works astoundingly better than punishment as a means of encouraging certain behaviours. Then why do we use punishment? Easy answer, that's because it's cheaper and requires much less effort. Nice way to sell out humanity. DONT YOU EVER PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH OR PUT YOUR OPINION IN A WAY MAKING IT SEEM THAT I'M IN THE WRONG. I'M A PARAGON OF JUSTICE, WITH VENGEANCE BURNING THROUGH MY VEINS. And positive reinforcement wouldn't work on a mass murderer. You should know this. Some people are irredeemable no matter what can be done, that's all there is to it. If there was any glimmer of light or reason for him, maybe. But we're far beyond that point now. I don't agree with killing anyone. But for this, I'd gladly make an exception. With that being said, al-Quaeda is so corrupt, so... evil, that it as a whole is unsalvageable, to where the only option is to destroy the faction outright. Okay, what reasons would Osama have to murder thousands? And where DO WE EVEN START TO FIX THE PROBLEM AND STOPPER THE SOURCE OF THIS ENTIRE MESS? DO YOU HAVE THE SHEER FORTITUDE, KNOWLEDGE, OR REASON TO ANSWER THAT?!
  11. Yeah, looks like it's from the 60s.
  12. Well, in a sense this is a pyrrhic victory, seeing how thousands was lost to kill this dude. @Cacmypants: That guy was not open to reasoning, thus he had to be stopped, DEAD OR ALIVE. And even if there is a difference between self defense and retribution, he wouldn't have been open to any sort of reason. Added with the thousands he is responsible for dying, it's only fitting that he dies for that. When someone you know died because of that bastard's actions, it's nice to have some closure on the matter.
  13. Orpheus


    Notably though, even if they're fine in moderation, a lot of them are still toxins, or at least agreed as toxic by some scientific communities. I might try weed once, but that's about it. My body is weird about these things in that it crystallizes everything that goes into the bloodstream, meaning it usually has worse effects than it should and it never leaves until I get dialysis done.
  14. Sucks, but there was nothing that you really could do. Hope everything for you gets better.
  15. Cave Johnson = Johnathan Coulton? Oh dear. Look at how the first letters of each part of their names are in reverse. Johnathan Coulton had to orchestrate the events of the Portal games. Dammit.
  16. I find it all the more funny that no matter whether you like or dislike [cabbage] pop musicians, it's still helping them get cash. Case in point: Rebecca Black. To everyone who [bleep]ed about her for days, thanks, you're the reason why she's in the process of making another album. If there's one thing boysloveme15 taught me, it's that negative attention is still attention. Which she/he got from Lady Gaga. Who in turn said Rebecca Black was a genius... Rambling over, let this thread not go off topic. As the saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity. I'd be fine with the likes of Bieber and Miley Cyrus staying within their own niche.
  17. Can I cite the flagrant abuse of auto-tune from both of them? All auto-tune has done is allowed unskilled schmucks to perform, using it as a gap for those who really lack skill. When autotune is used in a good way, it's awesome. But if you're using it to fix your [cabbage]ty voice, then you have no purpose putting out pop music in the first place.
  18. Sounds racist as hell lol More stereotypical than anything else. I think they were probably doing it for fun and probably without any malicious intent, so it's all good in most cases.
  19. Except Twilight was terrible of it's own merits, popularity being irrelevant. And Dane Cook's humor is low-brow and almost aimed at the lowest common denominator in most cases.
  20. Orpheus


    Both my sister and the runner up dux of my high school last year voted 1. I was dissapointed. Not enough brackets period, even with pemdas/bodmas/what have you. Seriously, take it from a math minor, there's not enough brackets to give a definitive answer. Then again, after doing some higher level math stuff, you tend to overthink things anyway.
  21. Just finished up with Macross Frontier. It's basically one giant AMV with added awesome. Seriously, the final episode can be summed up as a sing/dance-off between pop stars to stop a war that's going on in space. It's that awesome.
  22. Orpheus


    I'd think something like that is designed for being really damn fast, turning be damned.
  23. Well, that's what we call an expy. Kinda like how that alien from American Dad is an expy of the dog from Family Guy.
  24. Orpheus


    Recently invested in a walking stick with a weighted brass head due to recent events. Long story short, some [wagon] totalled my car by not stopping at a stoplight and hitting at 45mph. Now walking is somewhat more difficult and I'm on painkillers/muscle relaxants. It also doubles as a form of self-defense, as I'm not sure anyone likes getting clobbered by a weighted brass ball on a stick.
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