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Everything posted by Orpheus

  1. Well, you gave it a last chance. And with that, just forget she ever existed. Seriously, you're probably a cool guy irl, you can find another girl in no time. Yeah she's an idiot.
  2. Watched Gundam 00 seasons 1 and 2. What to watch next, VOTOMS, Code Geass, or Zeta Gundam... Also Aiko, you gotta watch Gurren Lagann. It's amazing, and the hype surrounding it is fully deserved.
  3. As soon as I can get in contact with him.
  4. Orpheus


    I'm in the Catering Buisness. After my 19 hour shift, I went home, slept for 8 hours, came back to work for a 12 hours shift, now I'm home again, going back to work in 6 hours for another 12. Good thing I'm an insomniac. Shame that they use that to their scheduling advantage :/ Is it even legal to have someone working that much? I think so, but working that much is just not recommended. I know some jobs require longer than that for obvious reasons (doctors, especially medics as an example). I don't know what kind of catering job requires 19 hours though.
  5. I'd say give it a try. You... might be friend zoned though. It entirely depends on how things turn out. There's not much of a guarantee she's that interested in you. That said, give it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised.
  6. That'd be how to do it. Be assertive and confident, but don't go beyond that, it'll make you come across as an arrogant [puncture]. Just remember there's a thin line between the two and you'll be fine. Also, just be aware she might use you again. If she does, end it right then and there.
  7. Republicans. Socialists Communists Libertarians Fascists Objectivists Independants The Green Party The Tea Party The Green Tea Party The Nazi Party The Pot Party Leftists Rightists Centrists Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, startists. Did I miss any? :mrgreen: How about the Anarchists? Also, troll detected from the first post in this quote chain. All cannons ready and firing.
  8. Confession: I like Taylor Swift. Sue/Shoot/whatever if you want.
  9. Except this is waste for the sake of waste. Least they could do is move people into these towns.
  10. With their barbaric population control schema and gratuitous waste of materials for the sake of looking like they've got a growing economy, they'll fall under their own weight. They won't last like this.
  11. Ok, this I can agree with. I'd be fine with them getting something like community service or whatever. They need to be held accountable. They knew fully well what they were doing.
  12. I'd argue there's two culprits as to why the world's ultimately doomed if they don't change: China, as evidenced here, and the spending of the U.S. military. http://gizmodo.com/5219598/how-long-will-our-world-last-yes-we-are-screwed It's also a fault of our own consumption, but the U.S. military has the highest budget in the world I think. If they were to shut down a few non-essential bases and stop intervening in everything, tons of issues could be resolved, like efforts to save the environment. It's only wishful thinking I hope. That said, these things are ultimately why I felt like switching to another major: I want to save this planet. I've seen the future: It's not a pretty one at this rate. Saying it's similar to the Fallout universe would be accurate.
  13. She'll probably use you again. You know it to be true. If she's willing to talk in person, give it a chance, but make it clear you won't put up with [cabbage] again. She's done this twice from what I've gathered, what makes you think she'll be different this time?
  14. Unfortunate, but expected. Osama had a #2 lined up for a while. It's of no surprise this happened.
  15. This is exactly in line with what I was thinking. Surely someone this young can receive help rather than be charged for the rest of their lives as being sex offenders. And someone on the thread said they should be EXECUTED? For flips sake, is that ever an over reaction. Why shouldn't they be charged? If it were boys doing that to a girl, they'd be facing multiple charges and be marked as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. Which means what they and I are saying is NOBODY should be charged with child porn anything, regardless of gender. That's what my sinking to their level remark was about. There still needs to be justice done here. Granted, not "sex offender registry" extreme, but they need to be punished for their actions in some way. I don't care who does it, whether it be the police or parents, but someone needs to invoke justice.
  16. Because half of an episode is enough to make a judgment call on a show, right? And besides, it gets better.
  17. From what I've played of it, it plays somewhat similarly in that it uses a cover system for everything, like cover, stealth and sneaking around. Notably, this game is also non-linear. There are many different ways to complete an objective. Lets say you need to break into a building. You could go in guns-a-blazin' straight through the front door, or you could try to find another hidden entrance, like a ventilation duct. And they've apparently put some effort into balancing weaponry and augments from the first game, so no one playstyle overpowers the others. Also, even then, you don't have to kill anyone during the game. The developers promised that a pacifist run is entirely and completely possible, without the use of glitches from Deus Ex. Yes, you could potentially not have to shoot a pistol once during the entire game. The first part of the game isn't too non-linear, but once you can hit the city, there's many things to do.
  18. Hydreigon is a danger to your team. The stallbreaker variant easily walks all over our wobbly friend as well. You can play him down somewhat, but you're potentially going to lose a mon depending on the variant. Choice variants can be trapped, while the LO Mix variant has no issues breaking him.
  19. Well, it's been a while since I last made this thread, and some interesting news came forth: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/110548-Leaked-Deus-Ex-Preview-Build-Impresses-Fans Apparently it's been pushed back to Fall, and a preview build was leaked. And apparently it's amazing so far. O_o
  20. Too bad that Thundurus might get banned Demoli. And Wobba's dead meat in most cases. It's setup bait against my team almost.
  21. There are lots of things behind me in that picture. Not sure what you're referring to. It's probably that tractor they're referring to.
  22. Well, it's led me to conclude this page as such: Nice guys never get laid. Yup, against all laws of evolution and such (which should have weeded this gene out), general "bad boys" so to speak get laid more often, if at all. And most of those are generally arrogant [puncture]s, generally being the key word. I guess I'll be dark and sarcastic from now on, maybe it'll help. That and women seem to only want to use you and then throw you away.
  23. Orpheus


    And for my birthday I got an ipad as a gift. I should be thankful, but... why am I not happy? Why? I just don't get it. Why do I have to be happy with it? I'm just not... why?
  24. Only one magazine.. That's probably more ammunition than a standard British policeman/woman gets to deal with in their whole career. Get it right you two. Those are magazines, not clips. The most I'd do for a prank is the classic #1,2,4 pig trick, except change 1 to 3.
  25. Pushed myself a bit much today. http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml I've started with this, since I've heard good things about it. I'm personally just looking to lose weight, so we'll see how things go. This isn't too hard to follow, and it feels kinda nice actually.
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