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Everything posted by Orpheus

  1. Finished reading House of Leaves. What in the actual [bleep]ing christ did I just read? It's kinda like what you'd get if you took The Blair Witch Project, made it into a book instead, had it written by HP Lovecraft at the top of his writing career, edited by Stephen King at his most cerebral, and typeset by some avant-garde writers who are insane. Calling it a book about a film about a book about a book about a house that is larger on the inside and may or may not be a maze would be kinda accurate.
  2. In the end it's still going to come down to what you're attracted to at the end of the day. For example, I'm just not attracted to black women, yet I am to just about any other. As for interracial relationships, eh, this is still a problem in 2011?
  3. I'm going to shift this topic a smidge, seeing how all I really see happening is semantics being argued. I'm not going to even jump in on this because I can barely tell where we're even at. In any case, it seems that you guys are arguing about the definition of human life from a natural point of view, when the civil definition (which isn't even set in stone) is the one that's determining laws on whether or not abortion should be legal. I'm not sure where to begin adding in arguments otherwise.
  4. Downloading now just to give it a shot. Probably won't be able to get it for a few months seeing how I bought Dark Souls lately, so...
  5. Oh damn. I had a suspicion this is why he resigned, but yeah that kinda sucks. I certainly don't agree with Apple's policies, especially in regards to open source stuff, but I won't ignore the innovation put forth by him. RIP.
  6. Err, is the function actually better written as f(x) = (3(-2x-5)2) - 3? If so, yes, both are correct. Just note we're not necessarily gonna help with homework. And for things like these, add parentheses in more spots, because of the following: 3(-2x-5)^2-3 Is that interpreted as 3(-2x-5)-1 or what I stated earlier? Parentheses make an important difference.
  7. Orpheus


    No, it's not fifth grade. It's my extreme cynicism in legal bodies not getting anything done in a remotely timely fashion, when it's already too late. Yes he could just beat the kid. Although more subtle methods are more satisfying. And some people just don't get it unless there's physical consequences to their actions, that's just how it is. From my experience authorities are useless and the only thing you can do is handle the issue yourself. I could easily list at least two posts' worth of examples of this regarding me alone.
  8. Orpheus


    Eggs, I'm sure you could do something to the kid. Whether it's legal or not is another matter entirely. The easiest thing to do would be to provoke him into fighting and using excessive force to defend yourself. Although it might not be a good idea in any case...
  9. Orpheus


    Yeah, you're supposed to just taste it, not inhale. I do like the occasional cigar, but those are for occasions, nothing more.
  10. Orpheus


    I had a toenail rippped off in the worst way possible, by a door, so I know how it feels. (It sucks.) In other news I donated blood today, it's rather draining when it takes them three tries to get it right and actually draw blood. From now on if I donate again I'm telling them to try the left arm first, no one succeeds with my right. In any case, I'm on a warpath which can be described by one song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiXaT_1I-vw
  11. As it stands I'm currently on the warpath. Managed to claw my way into Platinum and have no intention of stopping my path of destruction. Fun fact: 3 reapers one-shot worker units, marines, zerglings, and with some kiting can pop small groups of zealots (Takes ~5 seconds to pop a zealot with focus fire), making for a very effective early rush that, should it fail, you can probably tech to siege easily. Granted I don't see Zerg players often but any early economic damage against them is pretty much necessary to not get out-based.
  12. This isn't a fair fight. For one we don't know the setting. If it's at a construction site, Jackie Chan wins. If not, I'd give it to Chuck Norris. I guess.
  13. Orpheus


    How much do those generally cost? Because I'm nearly broke right now, I've got like $10. That's probably enough, or go to a hospital if you think you can get it for free. At worst they'll run you a few bucks for the pill.
  14. Orpheus


    This. Eggs, better do it asap, like right now drop everything and go. The last thing you need right now is a kid. You were at least being somewhat responsible, at least I can give you that much credit.
  15. I see your katana and bo staff and raise you my walking cane. Good for the fact I have issues walking perfectly, and for clubbing someone in a pinch, seeing how the ball at the end is weighted brass and can shatter bone. I can at least justify carrying it around. A cane sword, no, and they suck.
  16. Strange weapons basically have a kill counter attached to them, and if you get a kill, it adds to the counter. It also changes it's name as you get more kills. http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/List_of_Strange_weapon_ranks#Ranks
  17. Recently in an obs game I beat a diamond Protoss as a Terran. And I'm currently silver. I opened with a 3rax stim pressure build, and I'm not sure what he opened with, but it was long positions on Metalopolis. By the 8 minute mark when my first push hit, he had sentries force fielding the ramp, so I decided to leave a few marines, marauders, and an SCV to bunker his natural and outside his view range while everyone else headed back for defense purposes. During this time I fast teched to a reactored Starport, and pushed out two medivacs. From here I had my ground forces head to his natural, while the medivacs full of units set up near the opposite side of his base over an area where ground units couldn't go. From here I started a pincer attack, having the ground forces assault his ramp and deal with the few forces he had in his base, which was strange, while the medivacs dropped in his mineral line. Turns out literally less than two seconds later, he apparently hid a warp prism inside the vent area and warped his entire force inside my base. End result: we base traded, killing off both of our bases, although I took the time to quickly move my expo and a few SCVs away while he was busy killing my main. Weird thing being, I didn't see a stargate in his base, so I was wondering for a minute why he didn't lose. Turns out he set up a proxy stargate on a close spawn and he moved his entire force to protect it in some last stand. From here, I had my expo moved as far away from his force as possible. From here I rebuilt some supply depots, a few raxes, built a large force of marines and marauders, and just rolled in and won, seeing how a force of zealots, stalkers, and immortals are not stopping a huge force of marines and marauders.
  18. Which makes me wonder as to why it's centered. I know there's some technical reason it was centered in the original Quake, but not sure why. And where's that avatar from anyway?
  19. ah yeah thanks dudes, haven't been around in a while.

  20. Orpheus


    MMM, skittles... Anyway, just working on some programs and eating some pizza.
  21. Just go with the flow. And don't forget to [cabbage] just a smidge.
  22. Orpheus


    Just spent the better part of two hours making a Creeper from Minecraft entirely out of cardboard, spraypaint, some tape, and the blood of 108 sacrificed infants.
  23. [spoiler=Deus Ex mission 1] Yeah you could save them if you didn't screw around at Sarif for 20 minutes or so. As for the gas bomb, you can either find a code, hack it, or take a third option and just shoot the containers.
  24. Orpheus


    How did you take a picture of my trash can? 'cept mine is filled with resturant cups and Jack in the Box bags. :mellow: Mine is full of a mix of Subway and chili bowls. Making a pot of chili and freezing bowls of the stuff can last you a while. I do throw some sandwich stuff/grape roots into the mix.
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