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Everything posted by pitabread189

  1. I've only ever been scammed once. I had been playing for about a year and chopped willows for a week to save up for a rune scim. I bought a rune scim from a guy, and then i looked in my inventory and saw a iron one. I was pissed, but after a while, I realized it wasn't that bad. On another note, a few days ago someone was standing in Rogue's Den begging for more than 5 hours asking for 100k and said he lost his bank of 50m. I'm pretty sure he could have made way more than 100k doing something productive, and also trained some of his skills, enabling him to make more money in the long run. So when things don't go your way, remember that bad things happen to everyone, and being upset won't help. However, learning from the experience and looking to prevent it from happening in the future will help.
  2. This happens a lot less than it used to. Before wilderness was removed, I got killed in 5 minutes almost every time I went there.
  3. Playing pest control is probably better. But I'm not sure.
  4. Hey, add me (pitabread189) to your friends list. When are you going to get members?
  5. Haha that would take a really long time. I have a few plans for after 200m cooking, and I'll most likely be getting 99 fishing, but not much more.
  6. The cow poem was pwn pwn pwn. Pwnem.
  7. Everything here is like that... I really enjoyed reading this poem :)
  8. It's better to cook sharks instead of monkfish, it's faster xp and money. Good luck and have fun with 99 cooking :)
  9. I am insane. I'm cooking manta rays, sea turtles, rocktails, cavefish and sharks. What I cook depends on the prices.
  10. Thank you very much, and good luck on your goals too. A big reason that I am cooking fish is because it takes very little focus, since I like to do other things while I am playing.
  11. I make all my money from my kingdom and cooking, so I see my bank increase by about a million gp a week. Thanks for the luck, and I wish you luck, success and most importantly, fun with your goals too. :)
  12. I like how you have lots of pictures here. Good job on 99 firemaking, and gl+hf on all your other goals.
  13. Nice, your wc training is going pretty fast. gl+hf with all your goals!
  14. Nice blog, it's pretty cool to see one of a low level. I wish I could be getting 50 levels a day. Are you going to be sticking with this account then?
  15. Thanks Matt! What I cook and when I buy and sell depends on prices, so there's really no point for me to post how many I have. I remember when you were getting 200m a few years ago and buying millions of fish and logs. I thought it was so cool but never imagined myself doing the same thing. I have no planks at the moment, and that's because I have almost no money. :( How did you make the money to buy all your supplies?
  16. Just got 33,333,333 xp! 1/6 of the way done! Edit: I just noticed that my target xp was set 1000 off, and that my current target xp is set 10000 off. This is going to turn into about 100m xp from level 113 to 114...
  17. Just ignore them, and be nice. Then maybe they will change their views on members, or at least just of you.
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