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Everything posted by kido14

  1. I found out about runescape through neopets.. Everyone was quitting neopets to play this new game called runescape.. Anyways, I had a couple million, I was pretty good.. Until this one guy sent me a link to help him out with a 'top 50 pets' site, so I went. Couple days later I was hacked, only to find out the hacker sent the same sight to others, one of which also went to the site.. Anyways, I was safe for a couple weeks but then later I ended up getting banned =\. So thats when I decided to just play RS.
  2. Nothing is wrong with being a male cheerleader, and it doesn't mean you are g4y. I don't mind g4y people.. What I hate is, well for example, the silence day.. Some immature kids make shirts that say "loud and proud" and some even have *straight line* > *squigly line*. Thats just lame. Oh, and all those guys who say that don't dislike guys because that just let's there be more girls available for them is lame too.. Same goes for the guys that just want to be cheerleaders to be with good looking girls.
  3. Wow, I cant believe I saw someone else who likes interpol.. I almost saw them live but my stupid mom found out I wouldn't get back till 130 on a shcool night, so she said I couldn't go.. But that evil music video kinda freaks me out lol, though they are awesome.. Reptillia by The Strokes is pretty cool..
  4. Coldplay is awesome. Whoever said they are too poppy\depressing\whiney has no clue what they are talking about.. They aren't pop, they have good lyrics, and actually play MUSIC. What do you listen to? Just abunch of angry freaks screaming about the devil?
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