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Everything posted by kido14

  1. If you havn't got anything that doesn't intimidate me then don't type at all.... So people should only type if they are going to intimidate you? Rofl double negative idiots... No way are you serious?
  2. Feel free to add me :) . I'm in a very similar boat. I had some great friends pre, and a bit into, RS2, until they quit. We all played RSC, but with no friends left on RSC I decided to move onto RS2, and haven't made a *good* friend yet. I've made some good friends, but we don't seem to click as much as I used to be able to do with my old friends. RS2 FTL. Btw my RSN is "I_Am_Level31" even though I'm pure. My main was banned but that's a story for another time. A little background information: I'm a 16 year old boy, and I've been playing RS a little more than 3 years I think, off and on.
  3. I know this topic is old but.. You could just not be as immature as the one who insults you, and ignore it.
  4. Am I missing something? You're making a thread because you broke a CD in half. Is it supposed to be funny or what? :?
  5. If you havn't got anything that doesn't intimidate me then don't type at all.... So people should only type if they are going to intimidate you?
  6. Yeah I noticed it and laughed for a bit. But that ad about the smiley faces that make noise and the one that goes "OH MY GOSHHH" or something really annoying like that gets on my nerves.
  7. :shock: Woah! Nice find fitz! It kind of looks kind of like a flag Trapical-- You should bring a sleeping bag and some blankets outside and lay outside and watch, I'm sure you wouldn't get too cold. Does anyone know if it can be predicted when the lights are going to be visible?
  8. Better question: Why would you care?
  9. Ahh, my first day of members. What a happy young boy I was, at 13. I believe it was April 2003 or 2002 when I became a member. I think I played on f2p for a few months, and I was probably about 50 combat. The thing I had my eyes set on since I saw a man was thieving, a p2p only skill. First thing I was going to do when I got on a members world was going to be thieve like a madman. But before I could do that, something else caught my eye. All of these high levels with rune were using bronze longs and battle axes! I remember this perfectly. I was at fally square, and I remember asking people why they were using bronze weapons to train with on guards (my initial thought was these members are crazy), but then someone showed me a dragon long in a trade, and I was stunned! I never knew an item like that had even existed in runescape. Those of you who played RSC and have owned a dragon long should know what I mean :) . After that though, I pick pocketed, and found myself with a few herbs which I couldn't identify. I got frustrated with that so I gave up on trying to get up my herblaw, and I had a higher level escort me across White Wolf Mountain so I could access the new members areas. Ty for bringing back these fond memories of mine :D .
  10. Same problem. Went from 70-73 range with no clue on greater demons. Before I even hit 71 range, I saw a guy get 3 clues. He got one, came back, 10 minutes later, got another, came back and the first one he killed dropped another :lol: .
  11. kido14


    Yeah that's true, but isn't the purpose of going to the prom with a date to dance with them and have a good time lol? What's there to do though if you go by yourself? Just the dinner beforehand and afterparty?
  12. kido14


    I never really thought of that. I'm trying to think of an excuse to not go by myself, but I can't think of any. You got me :oops: . The prom is in a couple weeks though but I might consider that next year if I don't have a date.
  13. kido14


    You might be right, but even if I did want to go, finding a girl that I would actually want to go with would be another story. Anyways I still have another year in high school. :(
  14. :shock: You could see them from Kansas? Did they fill the sky, or could you just kind of see them off from the distance, and was it cool? Something like that ;) Weird stuff too.
  15. kido14


    I honestly don't want to go :shock: . I'm old enough to go.. I just don't want to. First of all I don't know anyone that I would want to go with; I don't like many girls at my school. If I did know someone who I would like to take I would consider going though. Second of all the only reason I would go unless I liked a girl would be to go just so I can say "Yeah I'm going to prom," and not feel like a stereotypical nerd who didn't go to prom in highschool. But I decided I don't care. Third of all, from what I have gathered from other people: -You spend 30 minutes to hours taking pictures, but I guess it depends on how girly the girl is, or how annoying the parents are :D -You have to spend a ton of money, which isn't too big of a deal, but worth noting. -The dancing. I heard at our prom, mostly there are ©rap songs and people dirty dancing most of the time, with the occasional slow dance song, which usually sucks since it might be sung by some crappy artist that teens today love. It just doesn't sound like any fun to me. If I liked someone I would much rather just have a nice evening with just the 2 of us, maybe at a nice restaurant or something like that. That's just my view on prom :?
  16. **Goodness gracious! This is my fourth time trying to post this thread, due to my stupid back button on the mouse that I keep accidently pressing! RAERHRGH. Okay I'm ready to try again, sorry** What are the Northern Lights? According to http://www.northern-lights.no/ :
  17. kido14


    Well I don't know what to say about the stomach pains and such, but here is some advice that helps me get through things like speaking in front of class without a sweat. Just think about things of that nature like this: A few minutes(in the case of a speech usually), days, weeks, months, or even years, when you think back about the problem you usually completely forget about it. What I mean is if I had a speech that I thought sucked, I figure a few days from now I'll forget all about it, and I will probably even laugh at myself for even being worried about it. In the case of something say, a noticeable defect(like a pimple or something), I think about it in the same way. First of all, not many people will even notice; when I have a problem with myself like this, I usually overexaggerate how bad it is. Second of all, no one, not even yourself, will remember that you had this problem once it goes away. Basically don't sweat the small things. In the future, it won't even matter, so there is no need to sweat about it in the present. I hope my advice helped you even a little bit. If you want another person just to talk to or someone to listen to your problems, feel free to talk to me. I'm a good listener. I try to give advice whenever possible, but if I can't, I'm always here to listen. Feel free to PM/add me to AIM or MSN (Aaronm1420 on AIM and [email protected]) or even email me. I'll be at the beach until Wednesday though. I'm 16 and I'm male, if you want someone near your age and of the opposite sex to talk to. Like I said, I'll try to be as helpful as possible. I hope your ability to handle your anxiety improves :P
  18. Hopefully she can since you can't :roll: You fail at making yourself look smart by making that moron look stupid. =\
  19. Is it just me or did you waste 2 minutes of my time to find out: "I am going to see how much loot I can get from chickens before my guthan's degrades?" I gave up reading halfway through because I couldn't understand the language in which you were speaking, so maybe I just misunderstood. You have too much time on your hands, but you do have a TON of patience. Sorry about the flame-like tone of my post, but I couldn't think of how to say it in any other way :? FTW = for the win
  20. The kind of message that I got from it, at least from reading your inital post, was basically to join together so that we can make changes in RS. Like you said, one person making a suggestion isn't going to affect what happens, but this video that you posted might be so huge that we could get enough people for Jagex to notice, and we might be able to make a change. Btw, what was the change you guys wanted in thieving when RS2 came out? Thieving used to be my favorite skill on RSC, and now that every other skill got easier, it's one of my least favorites. As for the message I got from the video, I just saw it as comparing parts of RSC to RS2, but I know that's only on the literal level. I think that we aren't a very "visually literate" culture. The movies and T.V shows that are currently out are mostly abunch of crap when it comes down to it. Also, in school at least with my experiences, we don't learn to interpret things we see in videos. The only time we actually do this is in the advanced english classes, but it is only helping our "literature literacy" not really the visual. Great job on the video though, it was amazingly put together. I know you didn't just want it to be a video that was well put together, and the message we got from it was more important, so I'm sorry I didn't quite get the message. I enjoy reading your threads/posts as I have been doing so for a couple of years. It's always nice to read posts of a fellow "RSC-product."
  21. Honestly, all you really need is 43 pray and magic for the brothers. Un-noting at mort'ton would be advisable, since you would consume a lot of food and potions every trip. Also, just wanted to say hello =). I remember you from one of those "does God exist?" topics in offtopic, and you were pretty cool, and I respect you.
  22. Yea, pking has gone downhill. But they aren't trying to make it better, for pkers at least. They are making it better for the sissies that go into the wild, die, and then cry about the wild being too dangerous. And on rsc, you can teleport any time during the fight, though you can't eat. You should edit your thread, because it sounds kind of stupid you showing yourself being a RSC product, yet you have your facts mixed up :oops: . Maybe you just worded it wrong? The reason it didn't seem like anyone teleported was this: -Pures didn't teleport because if you got magic it got several uneeded combat levels. So no pures, other than mages, teleported. -Even impures didn't teleport very often because they used to pk in high level areas only, when you can't teleport anyways. You didn't see impures pking in low level wild. The main reason so many people teleport now is because Jagex made it so you can have melee, range, and mage and stay the same combat level, where on RSC you can only have melee and range.
  23. Um I don't think typing "at about 160wpm" doesn't really coun't when you don't capitalize or you make four letter words two(your --> ur). I guess bragging about how many words per minute you can type is cool though :roll: As for the things that scream, I can usually tell it's one of those things so I close it out before it screams. When I hear the those scream I get a bit startled, but more than anything I get ticked off because it's disgusting and not very funny IMO. Especially when the image of some old lady with black eyes and other gross features, and the image is burned onto your mind for about 30 minutes.
  24. No, no one knows what to do. If their customer support can't help, more than likely no one here will be able to help. It's a lot harder to help someone when you can't physically see the problem.
  25. Why would you bother saying that Bush is a goof-ball if you aren't going to say why? That's stupid. I guess it depends on the culture you are brought in. I have been brought up American so I guess I would value freedom more than safety. However he is right about their opinion, and it isn't irrelevant. He is debating your point about safety being more important than freedom. I'm not quite sure what you are saying here. Who says you can't have freedom AND safety? Americans do. Bush's intentions were that by getting rid of Sadam, the lives of the people he dictated over would be safer, AND they would have freedom. Whether that worked or not, I can't say; I have little knowledge on the life of a citizen before and after Sadam's reign, and the knowledge I do have is only American media, which contains mostly good outcomes of the war in Iraq. I never said Bush only made one mistake. Besides how is making a mistake one thing but several different? Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. No one makes one mistake and that's it, so I don't know how you can say that. No president is perfect, it just so happens that during Bush's presidency terrorism has become a bigger problem than it has before(to my knowledge).
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