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Everything posted by da_guru_123

  1. This is not the mightiest tree in the forest. Ni! (Monty Python, by the way) ^^Use previous post (just wanted to say monty python)^^
  2. Banned for criticising my sig. Meh, it was done in Paint, and the snow will be gone in January!
  3. Yes, you can do whatever event you like, no matter how much of an acheivement, as long as it abides with the forum rules. Anyway, I haven't got a skill beyond 43!
  4. "Mods stands for monkeys on drugs" Can't remember who, it was a chatbox pic in somebody's sig. I'm like :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Just to clear things up, I believd this guy was a Martyr, because he risked getting banned (maybe ip) for his cause, until he said it wasn't his account.
  6. For those who don't know, martyrs are people who want to get a certain mesage across and don't mind dying for their cause. Okay, we've all heard of the people who spoil the fun of RuneScape; lurers, scammers, autoers, hackers, and any other rulebreaker. Here is a new one that I discovered during my current noob_guy event... (This happened in Varrock east bank, world 81, about 7pm GMT yesterday [4th]) Martyr: Go to [website avoiding filter system] for free items! Martyr: Go to [website avoiding filter system] for free items! Martyr: Go to [website avoiding filter system] for free items! Martyr: Go to [website avoiding filter system] for free items! Martyr: Go to [website avoiding filter system] for free items! Everyone else: Shut up! Everyone else: Reported! Martyr is a lvl 59, BTW. Me (PM): Why are you doing that? About 20 people have reported you. Martyr: So? I drop-traded everything onto my main. Me: They might IP ban you. {Note: not sure if this is possible...} Martyr: I don't care, I have 100's of other accounts. Me: But you trained your character up to level 59... Martyr: No, i stole someone else's account, so they will be banned. Me: Wow, you broke loads of rules... Martyr: Shut the [bleep] up you [bleep]! Big mistake, he just admitted that he has just broken 4 rules... :uhh: I was shocked and appalled by this. Is this what RuneScape has come to, breaking about 4 rules just to advertise a website? If you read, please reply, especially if you were at the bank at that time.
  7. This cracked me up when I was walking past Lumbridge. It was a conversation between a noob and a P-mod. Noob: Can I have a mime random event please? P-mod: No, I don't control random events. Noob: Can you ask the person who does for a mime for me? P-mod: No! Nobody controls them, that's why they are called random. Noob: Oh please! I'll do anything! P-mod (who was getting pretty annoyed): NO!!!!!! Noob: I can give you 10gp?!?!?!?1!!11!1!! I was like :XD: :XD:, =D> noob just :wall:, okay? :uhh: :uhh: Alas, why P-mods shouldn't go to Lumbridge...
  8. it isn't a clan. its a cult! looks like u aren't as loyal as you thought At last! Somebody understands! im not in OoC but i think they're pretty cool No, we were talking about noob_guys being a cult, not a clan.
  9. Banned for not replying to my PM. ~~Blaziken Banned for jumping ahead of me...how dare you...~~Steve
  10. Banned because the power of Guthix likes to eat square sandwiches.
  11. Banned because you haven't replyed to my new suggestion. For the last time, da_guru_123 does not have 1 attack! noob_guy_000 (and all the other noob_guys come to think of it) have 1 attack! Anyway, if people were banned for having 1 attack, there would be no new players...
  12. He ripped marshmallows (:-s) for lunch.
  13. There is a sticky for jokes, here. This is to reduce clutter on the forum. guru
  14. 7/10, confusing. BTW, gratz on getting the 1K post!
  15. Exactly what I was thinking :D Although they do have pineapple pizzas :XD: Read any description of RuneScape. "An online fantasy MMORPG." There you go, easy to read. Not once does it say it is medieval. And if it was, did medieval times have banks or people respawning if they die? :notalk: :notalk: I support. The more decent suggestions put in the game, the better!
  16. Banned because you haven't seen my new suggestion yet.
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