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Everything posted by da_guru_123

  1. Last Updated: 21st January I am having a race with arrowbld to get to level 99 attack. I might have a 10 level headstart, but we are only doing this for fun and we are cheering each other on. I am training on giant rats in Lumbridge. The numbers show how many more giant rats I need to kill. Please feel free to add me, hyt me or cheer me on. I have now broken up my side of the race. The first milestone is 50 attack. Currently: Level 48 Level 49: 199 Level 50: 680 Level 60: 9300 Level 73: 45258 Level 99: 647334 Click here for arrowbld's side of the race.
  2. Is this the blog you were talking about? Or is there another one you made for attack?
  3. Banned for thinking there is a Saint Edit. There is only a Saint Report!
  4. I felt this event was a tad on the disappointing side. The antlers look nice, and I hope that you can claim the tree when you become a member after the event. One thing that disappointed me was that when I read something about snowballs, I thought "Oh great! Snowball fights!" and then I realise you can only throw them at the goblinch (or whatever it is). Also, what really takes the biscuit is that only the first few got to keep the snowballs. A question to the people who got to keep the snowballs: What can you do with them? Can you throw tham at other people?
  5. Write down anything I say. I am the biggest noob you have ever come across.
  6. Here is my first attempt. I know it is nowhere near some people's pixels, but I would like your rating out of ten and tips to improve.
  7. When using HyperCam, do you have to pay? And also, when it says "download free demo", is this the older version which you do not have to pay for?
  8. A "Point and laugh" emote and a "Hokey Kokey" emote. The first will be designed for use against noobs.
  9. Everyone to read rules and guidelines. A revival of party hats one holiday drop. (Hah! That would ruin the economy! MUAUHAHA! :twisted: ) {cough}
  10. No. The new guidelines announcement shows that you do not need 5 days notice. Do not post any events in the general forums.
  11. Banned because I have no idea what the heck you are on about.
  12. Banned for being jealous of my ability to control the page starters!
  13. Banned for making me read 12 pages of bans to find my last post. EDIT: Yes Blaziken, you did not get to page 401. I did! MUAHAHAHAHA! :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
  14. Banned for not using this :shame: emote recently.
  15. Banned for pointing out what he hoped you would say. :shame:
  16. This sounds quite good, however, it would turn the economy upside down. People would pay more for new armour and the old armour would get rejected, as people will want their armour to be as new as possible. Also, this would take a lot of programming for tb@jt.
  17. Here is a link to a picture for making all sorts of fakes, including stat pics. http://s6.exoload.com/506/1149097188.png I don't need cookies thanks....
  18. @Blaziken: A dragon kiteshield. I'll repeat my one... A very "fowl" piece of writing.
  19. I would pretend to be more noobish than the person following me. Wait, I don't need to pretend!
  20. Yes, mine was a bronze hatchet, but I originally thought it was a fishing net.... #-o A very "fowl" piece of writing.
  21. I've stumped everyone! The answer (drum roll please): Money! So obvious... This item is the first item you get from Tutorial Island. Much easier (I hope :uhh: :uhh: )...
  22. Umm...read my previous post...I have never done a pixel before.
  23. Umm...you have never posted on my thread, are you talking about the noob_guys or the noobs that will be at this event?
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