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Everything posted by da_guru_123

  1. Remove all of your tastebuds. How to get a reply to my post without finishi
  2. Also, are grain, cabbage and potatoes the only free items in a patch/field (for F2P)
  3. As you all [should] know, I am the leader of the cult, not clan, noob_guys. So I was wondering, what are all the free items available? I'm talking about mainly respawns. Freebies for my cult could make a new event... Thanks....
  4. it isn't a clan. its a cult! looks like u aren't as loyal as you thought At last! Somebody understands!
  5. So...you're saying how can you get hunting up quickly, when you already have 40 hunting the day it has come out???
  6. How many stackables are there in F2P? Also, will all items be stacked in a bank?
  7. You are right about this. I don't see "hunting" as a viable skill, either. Too much like slayer. However, his idea for re-arranging the view without using scrollbars is good, which is the primary gist of this suggestion. - Sligo Lol! Reading this after hunting came out made my day! (I had an incredibly bad one...) Lesson: Never make assumptions. I'm assuming that you haven't heard that before. *hits head against desk* Umm...I din't say that last sentence... :-$ I think this is a good idea. Try sending it off to Jagex. If they say they will probably change it, then good. If they say that they do not want to change it yet, *leaked rs3?*
  8. Please state that this event has now finished. Hopefully your brother enjoyed it, did he?
  9. I would like to come, but i have combat 46. Hopefully I can come anyway....pweez?
  10. Umm...I pm'd you ingame and said it had already started and you can go and enjoy yourself...
  11. Guys, please make a new account following the guidelines. This adds to the impact of our events. Any other username including noob won't have the same impact. At the last event, people were amazed when there were three of us in one place. Imagine that happening with about 20 people... ANyway, if you think tutorial island is boring, i've done it 5 times...and can get it done in about 10 mins if you whizz through...
  12. Good luck mate :thumbsup: :thumbsup: . I haven't even done all the F2P quests...too busy with my noob_guy events..........( :-w no subliminal messages here, eh? #-o )
  13. I think that you should be able to write a short description of that character when you add them, so when you hover the cursor over it it shows you your description of them. Then I would remember...
  14. Close, but i think it means more sort of this... You try England 2. It lags. You try another England 2. It doesn't lag. If a world lags, when you are in the world select page again, choose a world in the same country with the smae number. This should help.
  15. Cool...there will be a new thread "noob_guy II and a half: Christmas party!" and I will incorporate a time that will suit as many as possible. BTW: World 15 might be the official noob_guy world soon (unless there is another one that doesnt have many people and not much lag)...watch this space...
  16. Current noob_guys participating: Bold=Attending Normal=Not attending (yet). 28 noob_guys! Woot, everyone, woot! noob_guy_000 noob_guy_001 noob_guy_002 noob_guy_003 noob_guy_007 noob_guy_009 noob_guy_010 noob_guy_013 noob_guy_016 noob_guy_023 noob_guy_092 noob_guy_100 noob_guy_111 noob_guy_123 noob_guy_222 noob_guy_234 noob_guy_333 noob_guy_420 noob_guy_427 noob_guy_444 noob_guy_505 noob_guy_512 noob_guy_555 noob_guy_657 noob_guy_666 noob_guy_888 noob_guy_989 noob_guy_999
  17. This event is over. Click my green underbanner (the second one) for the next one. New: Here is the code for the noob_guy sigs. They are only underbanners so you will still be able to have quite a large sig. If you were wondering, the noob_guy sigs are the two underbanners in my sig.[/size] [url=http://z11.invisionfree.com/rsnoobguy/index.php][img=http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/4071/bannernoob2kx9.jpg][/url] [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=3879424#3879424][img=http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/5149/bannernoobverdeye1.jpg][/url] You will have to change the bottom left link to the next event thread when this has finished. Apart from that, there is no need to change them. Important Notice:For the noob_guy events, you will need to create a new account. The basis of the account name is noob_guy_xxx, where xxx is a 3 digit number that you can choose. When you make your character, keep the username and password handy as there will be several events! Also, please do not level combat skills. I cannot stress this enough as it would spoil the atmosphere having a lvl 4+ attending! By all means feel free to level non-combat skills (Cooking, Woodcutting, Fishing, Firemaking, Crafting, Smithing, Mining, Runecrafting) as this will not affect your noobish combat level. I am noob_guy_000, so you can distinguish who the leader is. Please, when you have created your character, go through Tutorial Island as quickly as possible well before the next event and do not level combat-related skills. Leave all items in the bank beforehand, with nothing in your inventory/worn inventory; this makes it look more authentic. When we are waiting at the beginning of the events, please do not spam the public chat as it will be hard to read what I say. Oh, and by the way, if you see one another on your travels, shout "hyn" (hey you noob). This is only meant in the joking way of seeing another participant of the event, not to insult people. Description: We will give away loads of stuff to random people during December. I mean worthwhile gifts, for example full bronze that you made yourself, not a potato. Make an effort, after all, Christmas is the time for giving, is it not? The reason for such a generalisation of times for this event, is so that everone can enjoy the evnt as a whole, and i do not have to worry about fitting a suitable time for everyone. Date: Throughout December Time: Whenever! World: 81 Location: Varrock RSN: noob_guy_000 Contact info: Post here for any qustions. Okay, who wants an avvy like mine? Just reply saying which word best sums up your noob_guy, like mine is leader, and ill make it for you and pm the code!
  18. Thanks to all 3 of you who came, plus oreo who was on for about5 mins... What happened, all of you? There are 12 noob)guys on the list of definites! Oh well...I came to these conclusions during the event... Jakster9343 is a lurer. Un Plus2 liked us because there were three of us in the same place. Look out for noob_guy II: Christmas Giveaway! on this forum, it will be up shortly.
  19. Read the post. It says HAVE NOTHING EQUIPPED! Why do people forget about second underscore in their noob_guy? There are two underscores in every noob_guy...eg noob_guy_000 (me!)
  20. Okay, oreo_cookie can stay. I wonder if Mirrorforced will ever reply to one of my events... :-k :-k
  21. What? Levels can go beyond 2? :oops: :oops: I think you deserve a very big......=D> ...............................................=D>......=D> .....................................................=D> (round of applause!!!)
  22. Here is what I think the map will look like when Hunting is released: Note: I drew this in Paint and is not meant to be a work of art, just showing the new areas.
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