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Everything posted by 7772atled

  1. Because he was too interested watching Dora The Explorer that he forgot. :lol:
  2. The day after hes destroyed from RS memory. When will they make an RS17? (They already made RSC, and RS2)
  3. good one gryphon618 Why does everyone hate me!?! is it because I bumped this thread so much that I almost made their heads explode!?! Bump
  4. If i had a nickel for each person who posted, id have 816 dollars
  5. Because they feel like it, and theyre not as smart as us reta... humans... humans... Why did the maker of this thread make this thread?
  6. Banned for 2 reasons 1. You had bad grammer in thaT SECOND LINE 2.Banned for not making the pic
  7. Banned for making it look like a black full helmet
  8. Banned for having a sig with a guy wearing a helmet thats worse than mith
  9. yo swazman, what the heck wit dat? yo name crazy i tought it waz mi cat's! wat the dilly, you tinks dat yo so phat? well lemme give yah sometin new so chew on this dude. WORD :notalk:
  10. Banned for pretty much banning urself for not having an avvy
  11. Yo mamas so fat she went to hell cuz god couldnt lift her soul.
  12. 7.5/10... pretty good, i lke the animation of the toy soldiers.
  13. 4/10 cuz its a cross and im part jewish and its a cross... Uh-oh I dont have an Avvy :XD: what do i do!?! *Sighs* I dunno just do sumtin
  14. I take it from you, you start crying. your tears make a river, a get a boat, and start sailing away. Then I sail to the wildy, enter the KBD cave, and make friends with the KBD by giving him a breathmint. The KBD swears to protect me forever... Then i dip the black P-Hat into a pool of nitrogen and it turns blue.
  15. Just so you know this is my first real topic posted... Anyway, the aim of this game is to make up a funny reason why everyone hates you and wants to kill you. Example:Why does everyone hate me?!? Is it because I blew up your home planet? Example:Why does everyone hate me?!? Is it because I stole their winning lottery tickets? OK... Begin Posting!!
  16. kills you... haha! the 1 gp from the p-hat is mine! You never finished alching it! (gets time reversing machine and uses it on the 1 gp) Hey, it turned back into an X-Mas cracker! Wow, this time machine thingey thing works betetr than I expected! (I forget what I'm doing) Kool! A cracker! I'm starved! *eats cracker* yummy :D
  17. Banned for not realizing i used P.S. (with periods and capitol latters)
  18. banned for posting on a forum that u said u banned ( i no u didnt )(haha im always right) P.S. if u ban me for saying hahaha too many times ur banned too
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