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Everything posted by everfreefire

  1. Best way to get Exp in DragonFable, but I don't see this idea working too well in Runescape, for some reason.
  2. I see half the level 3s in Lumbridge being muted/ temp banned because of this. It could work, to a point, but it'd be rather easy to abuse and hard to decide what constitutes harassment,
  3. This was a fairly short one, but I still wonder about people sometimes...and with the exception of the last few comments, I wouldn't even put this here. Whenever I am bored, I tend to stand in F2P lumbridge in whatever clothing I feel like...For this, it was my Ghostly Robes. 'Noob' (30s, I believe):Nice Shade Robes Me: These are Ghost robes, not shade robes. 'Noob': You noob, I can tell what shade robes are! Me: :-k These aren't shade robes 'Noob': Trade me to show me. Me: It's members-only and non-tradeable The rest is him basically calling me a noob again, and then I leave to train some more.
  4. I get money...mostly for construction and collecting dust...I refuse to buy supplies!
  5. Mine would have to be when I finally figured out the pattern that the ghost in the Haunted Mines followed so that I could finally kill him after the third try. I was so glad when I could finish that.
  6. I agree on the fact that this should be an achievement cape, but having a quest cape doesn't automatically get you into every guild...The highest fishing level you need for a quest is 62, while that guild requirement is 68. Along those lines, you only need 50 strength and 1 attack to finish every quest, well below the 130 combined requirement for the Warrior's guild.
  7. There are 2 quests you need to do to have 99 everything though, unless the lamps override that: Rune Mysteries and Druidic Ritual.
  8. [ ] Full Mime Set [ ] Full Forester/Lederhosen Set [X] Full Frog Set [ ] Full Camouflage Set [X] Full Shade Set [X] Full Zombie Set Technically if you count the frog head, I don't have that one, but i have a few frog tokens banked
  9. It's a really good idea, but I see one problem offhand...The Guthix dagger looks too much like the poisoned daggers.
  10. It seems that no matter where I look, people say that oak larders are the best way to get exp, but I haven't seen why yet. Seems to me that a workbench would be better... Other than that, it is a good guide for training without spending as much money as I did to get to a decent level.
  11. Wouldn't that depend on what you are fighting? I'm pretty sure the Salve amulet is better against undead creatures.
  12. The current one triggers quite a bit from the edge of the wilderness, moving the sign would be helpful, especially since it stops the sign from triggering whenever I try to get to the Fairy Rings from Edgeville.
  13. It's a good idea, but there's one problem with it: what happens when a member becomes a non-member again, without ever training a member stat? Which list would said person fall into?
  14. I'd train where there's less people, so there's less of a challenge in actually getting the kill, drops, and exp.
  15. Ah, well, just one more incentive to get me to actually do the quest, I suppose. Unless someone else has a different answer... :-k
  16. I know how the portals worked, I was just wondering if anyone knew whether or not you had to finish Desert Treasure to make the portal for Canafis.
  17. Look here for some of what you are seeking: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=591439
  18. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't suggestions like this on the black-list?
  19. :P Seems I have better grammar in German than I do in English... :
  20. I think I can honestly say, "Du kannst nicht auf Deutsch sprechen." You're grammar was terrible, and i barely speak the language anymore since I haven't studied in so long.
  21. This normally wouldn't be much of a problem, except that I cannot finish Swan Song right now. Ah, well, as long as this ends up being all he needs.
  22. I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but the search didn't show me much. Anyway, I'm trying to do the Sir Amik Varse part of Recipe for Disaster, which requires a conversation with the Wise Old Man. However, I have also started Swan Song, and the Wise Old Man wants his runes instead of the normal choices we get for situations like these. :evil: The question is, do I have to get the runes now, or is there some way around this small problem?
  23. Okay, now I see your point, but I have no idea why you brought it up... Mostly because of the Holier-than-thou attitude that showed up throughout the first 51 pages of this. Had to put something down before I read the other 10 pages. And I am terribly sorry if this is spam, and will gladly allow it to be deleted if necessary.
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