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Everything posted by kingmickez25

  1. There is Also snape grass near the crafting guild which is closer to bank Yea But that's the best way to get herbs Abbernt spectors drop good high lvl herbs quite often if u have the slayer level for them
  2. This Guild Got me 99 Attack along with Pest control Its worth a look http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=721130
  3. This should give u an idea on what to bring http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=772934
  4. He said woodcutting Brown and red arnt exactly... :shame:
  5. Also The Hp Level on The lvl 200 is 260 Its Max hit is 20
  6. Lvl 200 Half a key Tooth Earth Staff Mith mace Addy Mace Mith ore Silver Ore Diamond Cut Dust Runes (50) Steel mace Bronze Bar I add more as i kill more
  7. I Wanna Spend it on skills Please dont suggest Cooking Fletching or Firemaking Thanks Stats are in siggy P.S was thinking about 80 prayer i have a G alter
  8. Hi I have a open Gilded Alter That i shall keep open while i am on runescape I get on alot so if u need it check on and off on this thread to see if its open or not Donations are always welcome But i will keep the burners lit as long as i don't run out of herbs If u do donate please note the herbs Thank you Status of Alter: close World: 28 Location: Yanill You can Also check my clan chat if u dont wanna look at this thread
  9. So im doing oak larders in my house and that one random were if u steal or theive something enough times he takes u to a cage pops up whats up with that
  10. Can someone explain to me the whole unote thing with oak planks to make oak larders and all that i know something about it but id rather just here the whole method I know i need Coins and noted Oak planks + nails duh Anyone that can explain thanks
  11. I noticed u guys updated the picture for the Leprechaun Storage But you guys missed a very important thing If u use your harvested herbs and allotment on the leprechaun he will note it for u This actully helps lower or eliminate bank trips. Heres some proof
  12. Oh right u guys only take .png Do u want me to change them or no?
  13. Hi i think its a pixel not sure im not Art gifted so bare with me :o I Kinda wanted Something Like this But I dont wanna rip off N odie So i was wondering if u could make Me a signature Let me try my best to explain this and i add pictures This is Basically what i want it to look like I would like One chair like a kings thrown in the middle of the siggy with me sitting in it (lol) Then two White knights One left of the chair and one right of the chair kneeing with a 2h white sword and maybe a quest cape or like a family crest or something on the back wall and my name in the corner or something For the character Can it be Kingmickey like the guy from disney heres a picture http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd321/Kyocerax/200px-Mickey.jpg Sorry if its alot or to hard but i wanted to be original if u cant do it its okay thanks for Taking the time to read my request
  14. I Kinda wanted Something Like this But I dont wanna rip off N odie So i was wondering if u could make Me a signature Let me try my best to explain this and i add pictures This is Basically what i want it to look like I would like One chair like a kings thrown in the middle of the siggy with me sitting in it (lol) Then two White knights One left of the chair and one right of the chair kneeing with a 2h white sword and maybe a quest cape or like a family crest or something on the back wall and my name in the corner or something For the character Can it be Kingmickey like the guy from disney heres a picture http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd321/Kyocerax/200px-Mickey.jpg Sorry if its alot or to hard but i wanted to be original if u cant do it its okay thanks for Taking the time to read my request
  15. i gave up on my avator Tip it was drinking that hator raid
  16. Since i guess i gave u the idea I explain it The star find mini game is supposed to distract u from playing runescape reguerly ironic huh cuz of the name anyways IF u get Sc pickaxe + the xp u get for mining a star + (being the first one to identify it) = very rewarding Seeing as it can have anywhere form 1-9 layers it is a good way for this to happen You can however only cash in once a day at 200 stardust but that doesnt mean u can stop mining the star u just wont get star dust This is really up to u if u dont mind staying in a place for a while and mining same rocks over and over then stick to reguler iron mining with kyatt If u want some diversion then do star find Optionally u can stay in the clan chat Star find and when u see stars dropping u can take a break and run to them with sc pickaxe mine and then cont reguler mining till next storm
  17. Its from the Digsite Quest U drop it and it blows up causing u damage You can learn more about it by reading the digsite quest guild
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