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Everything posted by kingmickez25

  1. I'd go with selling Them Other then the oak planks u can probably use those for oak laders if u really dont plan on 70+ con then dont bother using them Edit gratz =D>
  2. Did my first a couple of days ago This guild helped me alot viewtopic.php?f=180&t=747696&hilit=WATERFIENDS Bring Magic defense amour So like Karils or if your cheap black dhide Bring a crush weapon Zammy spear is the cheapest it goes for 1.2m you will need some prayer pots about 8 If u have a bunyip or higher summoing bring two bunyip pouches and about 50 swallow hole scrolls Finally pray range when fighting them Refer to the guild for more intel stuff
  3. Depends what type of lend If u lend it till u log out they keep it as long as your logged in Once u logout they lose If u specify a time they keep it until that time regardless if u log in and out how many times
  4. Any other way to get them other then mith dragons Need like 100% confirmation Thanks
  5. I'd Go with Zammy Bandos is low class godsword Zgs u can use for alot of things espically good for sara gwd if u do that as well Id suggest u get it asap its growing B
  6. You could sell them as well People use them for sara godswars
  7. [hide=] Team speak? Doesn't the PS3 and Xbox360 both have microphone capabilities for like every game? [/hide] Yea i meant mircrophone and stuff Just called it team speak for a reason
  8. That would crash farming and Herb (more then it already is) I think jagex made a oppise instead of when u pick the flower it was supposed to when u harvest your alloment but i could be wrong
  9. That was kinda lame. Ive seen that story line in a movie of course with some editing \
  10. Teamwork and score board Its nice to have other people help u to get a job done like trouble brewing As a counter point You should get a team score and a individual points In case your team fails but u still get rewarded for your handwork
  11. Well we know his total level, he's a member and his highest skills are woodcutting and firemaking... Yes that total is on highscore Olly Here is the shocker does he pay for membership like the rest of us Nuff said :shame:
  12. Well lets see how it goes first appearances are deceiving but i give him the benefit of the doubt. 90 Qp gtfo if he needs help he knows who to ask :geek:
  13. Gratz You can go to ardy zoo with greegree and get it in a cage with lamp The fairy ring code to penguin island off misc kingdom That one weird place were u get the star flower
  14. Basically Every team wins half of the alters So its a tie and u keep doing this over and over For a 50/50 world try world 99
  15. So it seems people Posted on the rof earlier But beacuse of some flaw they moved over here.
  16. Its funny how the inexperienced person with the grand exchange thinks that he is the only one wanting an AGS for min price and that with the GE if you put an offer for min and someone has a higher offer (say medium) your sword will go to the person with the offer in medium... :thumbsup: Whats even funnier is at those people Beacuse i put at least 500gp more then med Good fight them \
  17. [hide=] [/hide] I used to kinda still do help people on the Quest forum and invited them into my clan chat for quest help probable y its so high But jagex made a section for everything on the forums now and it's less applying to me so i help people here on help and advice :D
  18. Which one of your post counts is higher Your runescape forum count or Your Tip it post count My tip it count is : 441 My rs forums count is : This user has made 6421 posts
  19. If i know your current xp in Fishing i could give u a more exact anwser but heres what i got u need 4,885 from 298000 xp (lvl 60) Calc 4,885 x current price of lobsters = Id go to the fishing Guild if u can get in Catherby is a longer walk from bank
  20. i dont think u get what i mean when u click fire blast your screen says use fireblast ..> then u pick w/e which u are right that is two click but using my example 1. Right click fireblast 2. Choose what to attack 3. Click Which is the same thing... no need for right click
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