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Everything posted by kingmickez25

  1. cowmaster187- Thanks Cptbaker08 - Thats correct Thank you i add that.
  2. You could always just borrow one test out how many logs you cut per hour against a rune axe and decided if you wanna buy it or not
  3. Whats worse is that they dont count it as a achievement cape no it has its only little section called quest cape might as well group it with the musical emote
  4. Lies I think its one of the bozo brothers random events That note your items if you ignore him for too long
  5. Not very good at reading Ruby rings are in populer demanded id suggest that
  6. What are some of the best things to alch I'm doing air battle staffs atm Someone suggested ruby rings someone else suggested pouches if so which ones? any help is welcome thanks
  7. Just connect using a differnt server Im using Lunar atm and its working fine
  8. Not many left \ Y should i buy coke lime when i an buy a reguler coke and squeeze my own lime into it
  9. Beacuse he screams worse then my sister Why are people amazed by flashing lights
  10. An excuse to make up a new word How can You can wake up dead if your asleep?
  11. if there mac's :ugeek: How come pizza places charge more per each topping?
  12. Its not easter yet so he has been reborn yet How come docters always tell u to open widE?
  13. Hey, So i wanna raise my magic level i dont know How Far Yet But Just up there I have some money to toss around and Play with. Im currently Alching air battle staffs Some Things im thinking about Alching Super heating Bursting Lobs Stun If u can shead some light on these subjects it be great
  14. So after looking at a admins avatar i noticed that theres a symbol that says rune tips. (Yea Yea noob whats your point) So were did they get tip it from? Shouldnt the symbol be realting to what the sites called (i know not always but in most times) Anyone got some Insight. or is this just a dumb question
  15. Take a look at these http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=780464 http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=113&t=78987 http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=787059
  16. You wont make a profit as much You could gain the money or wasting the money doing something else
  17. Buy lock picks at the rogues den bring many lockpicks when opening the chest. Waterskins for desert travels Teleports for going in and out If you have a house with portols or a hung glory those work well
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