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Everything posted by ps2man0

  1. When i won robin set or fury or 2 whips on my staker Lol Very nice :P The adrenline rush is 10 times better than drugs Trust me :o :D
  2. hey i just tried this guide and i get a message saying this bow looks pretty powerful your not sure either to use it or not and my character dosent equip it? =\ ive done zogre flesh eaters as well
  3. good guide im no 85 f2p miner but i can see why this helps 9/10 swordies should be used
  4. very nice guide 10/10 keep it up :XD: :thumbsup: \ :pray: =D> :D
  5. nice guide im sure to use this!
  6. i like you its nice! *borat voice* sorry for the terrible impression great vid!!! man i wub initate pures netx vids please keep it up :D =D> :thumbsup:
  7. cmon its his first post aleats hes bothered to right something give him a break but i have to admit i'd go insane if i did this :P
  8. very nice guide as these crabs arent crowded ill probs use them btw you said you'd add me for some reason lol add ps2man0 for a chat :)
  9. very nice :shock: im shell shocked shared i tbed? :D nah joking ncie man keep it up i just won 2.4m off my 55 combat dds staker :uhh:
  10. hi im dming anyone f2p 44-49 anyone interested? Rules: no runners we both have to be skulled no tele tubbie no safing (eat 15-25hp sounds fair?) thx
  11. I like it i'll use some time :) more pics please
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