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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. Yeah I have to click a button on my address bar for them to show up
  2. New Slowdive out in a couple days. Their first album in 22 years. Definitely check out Souvlaki if you haven't heard it yet. Easily my favorite shoegaze. A couple of my favorites from Souvlaki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2INLBsRYVBs
  3. Hedgehog


    You gotta be pretty picky about the communities you get involved in on Reddit. For example /r/breadit is pretty cool but /r/pizza is complete cancer. /r/cocktails vs /r/alcohol is another one. /r/beekeeping is a great community
  4. Hedgehog


    If you lost 2 lbs in over a month, you're probably still maintaining. If you're worried about it, just eat a banana after your ride and it'll get you close enough. A lot of people budget their calories across a whole week since it's usually easier and makes it easier to budget in nights where you go out to eat or drink, so it's perfectly fine. Maybe it's less healthy, but not noticeably so. Seriously though don't stress about your calories from exercise too much when you're only doing like 150 calories a day. Worst case scenario you gain like 5 pounds over the course of a year, but you know how to fix that problem
  5. Hedgehog


    Neopets was my first programming experience too. I tried to make neopoints by making custom profile pages but no one ever paid me because I was like 10 and they looked like shit.
  6. Hedgehog


    Btw if anyone else wants a free tshirt: https://jobs.toggl.com
  7. Hedgehog


    Umm, it is not prevalent in every country. We are actually having a dire lack of working people. There are seriously more job offers than unemployed people. The issue is so bad that it is hindering economic growth. Stores are getting automatic checkout counters not necessarily to spare costs, but because there simply aren't enough people to do the job of a cashier. Having the most shopping area per capita in EU is not helping in that either though... I have not been unemployed for a single day. My first days of unemployment in my life (meaning when I am not a student or a child) start this autumn, when I am gonna have a month-long vacation in North and Central America and when I am going to New Zealand. In here I didn't even have to apply for a job, I left my CV on some portal when I was a student to do some part-time work and I got a call within a few days. And immigration is not really an option here, considering how xenophobic we are. Something like 70 refugees were sent here by the EU quota system and about 50 of them have already left. Some even back to Iraq or Syria, it really is that bad for them here. Or well, not bad per se, but people do not look good on you. You guys ain't seen anti-migrant sentiment or violence. I got turned down by an Estonian company. Their application was literally a quiz and I got like a 6/8 on it. They sent me a tshirt though. Very weird company
  8. No I haven't heard that lol. Definitely recommend The Joshua Tree though. Not a weak song on the album:
  9. Hedgehog


    Sounds good as long as you made a minigolf hole with him Though if you just want a form, I'd nix the networking stuff and just ask them to send it to you. Also I usually try to say something like "Could you please send it to me or put me in contact with someone who can?", i.e. prompting them to help you rather than hinting at it
  10. I realize that they're literally like the most popular rock band in the world but I still feel like people constantly overlook how solid The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby are
  11. Hedgehog


    What are you doing the control panel in? MoonScript seems more like a web backend kind of thing, unless you're compiling it to js too
  12. Hedgehog


    A good normal diet probably isn't worse than a good vegan diet, but the argument against veganism always pits good normal diets against bad vegan diets. If you want to make fun of the sorority girl who only eats pasta and oreos, you should also recognize that her diet wouldn't be any healthier if she started eating non-vegan food.
  13. Hedgehog


    It just doesn't make sense to argue about how unhealthy a diet is. If veganism is unhealthy, then a "normal' diet is even worse, what with all the cases of heart disease and diabetes. The reality is that some people don't take their nutrition seriously and they develop unhealthy eating habits as a result, but the diet itself isn't fundamentally flawed. There are plenty of people who are perfectly healthy on a vegan diet, including a number of athletes. But attacking a casual vegan for being unhealthy is just as bad as making fun of fat people for eating like shit. And honestly they probably are right about not eating meat. The more you know about the meat industry, the worse it seems. It's not an industry you can support in good conscience. I just care more about eating chicken than feeling good about myself.
  14. Hedgehog


    Idk that just seems kinda rude
  15. Hedgehog


    Gonna need a recipe for the coffee chocolate bread
  16. Kendrick set the bar so high with King Kunta
  17. Hedgehog


    Well someone else has my runescape username now
  18. Hedgehog


    What's nice about cold weather is that it really isn't a big deal if you can dress properly for it, but I don't own gloves or warm socks so those few days a year where it drops into the 30s kill me. I'd rather have hot weather instead of cold cuz there's nothing nicer than sipping a cool drink by the pool on a hot day
  19. Hedgehog


    Honestly though developing on Windows is kind of wonky unless you're specifically targeting Windows Or you could learn how to use vim and edit directly on your server lol But really though there's a reason why nobody develops on windows
  20. Hedgehog


    I wish alcohol didn't have so many calories
  21. Hedgehog


    Also from now on, don't reply to the post I made. Let Orpheus do it
  22. Hedgehog


    Anyone who likes breath of the wild is incapable of logic
  23. AOE2 HD is a good game. True not worth buying if you have the original already since voobly provides an online service for it still. But if your getting the expansions for HD its pretty fun I visited my parents this weekend and my mom found my AoE 2 case, but the disk wasn't in it
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