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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. Hedgehog


    The problem with Dijkstra (and A* and other pathfinding algorithms) is that we're finding (in graph theory terms) a walk, not a path. That is, we can repeat rooms and room connections. That means running a random walk algorithm or cheating by stitching multiple paths together. I propose the cheating method, since random walks can get out of hand pretty easily. Though I guess you're right that you could use a pathfinding algorithm to find the longest path and select the endpoints as the start and end, and then select 2 more paths in order to cheat. Then you could shuffle start, a, and b so that you don't always start at a deadend, but you do have to visit one.
  2. Hedgehog


    What's a good algorithm to select start and boss rooms? My initial thought was to select a random dead end to be the boss room and a random room with a manhattan distance between 8 and 16 away from the boss to be the start room. I tnink that algorithm would work really well (I'd have to run another algorithm to determine the critical path though), but I don't think it's true to the rules of real dungeoneering, where I'm pretty sure I've seen a boss room only a couple of tiles away from the start room. Or I could select a random dead end to be the boss room and then walk a random path until I've touched 19-23 unique rooms, which I think is closer to what Jagex does, but I think it's a pretty ugly algorithm and there's no guarantee that you don't get stuck in a loop. If I chose the first algorithm, I could select 2 more random rooms (again with a restriction on Manhattan distance from the boss room (or one with a restriction on the M distance from the start and the other from the boss)), call them a and b, and then trace a path from start to a to b to boss, and then call that the critical path. That provides a guarantee on the run time of the algorithm, but an inconsistent guarantee on the length of the critical path (between 8 and 40 rooms, by my count, instead of 19-23). Maybe you can tweak the M distance restriction to get a good path length, but I don't want to do that math right now.
  3. Hedgehog


    Maybe it's just me, but calling someone a sexual seems weird
  4. Hedgehog


    I wrote up a script to generate dungeons according to the new algorithm, which took like an hour because the algorithm is so much simpler. & it can be really fast too because you don't have to generate a new dungeon every time. You just have to shuffle an existing one. I don't make that optimization here, but I would if I were generating them for actual use in a game. Maybe generate like 1000 dungeons without pruning, then pick one randomly, shuffle it 10 times, then prune it and it'd be hella fast. http://imgur.com/a/1WxoG
  5. Hedgehog


    Then you end up with every dungeon having n^2 rooms and you'd have to prune them anyway
  6. Hedgehog


    Yeah that's similar to the original algorithm (except the queue was implicit). The problem is that there's a non-zero probability that an early vertex has no children, which limits the size of the dungeon and therefore gives you bad dungeons occasionally. There are a couple of ways to counteract this, but they're either probabilistic (i.e. weighting your RNG against the size of the dungeon) or obtuse (i.e. forcing the dungeon to continue adding children until it reaches a minimum size). I'd much rather go with the solution that provably creates a good dungeon every time. The implementation is much nicer too.
  7. Hedgehog


    I figured out how to generate dungeons So dungeons are trees, right? Which means that a dungeon on 64 vertices has exactly 63 edges. So then you just have to generate an arbitrary tree (either hard code one or generate one by drawing each horizontal edge and 1 vertical edge per row). Then you can take any 1-vertex, disconnect its edge, then reconnect it to another adjacent vertex. This is legal because, by the definition of a tree, the 1-vertex is connected to at least a 2-vertex, so removing the vertex and edge leaves you with a n-1 graph with n-2 edges, which is still a tree. Reconnecting that vertex to another vertex adds 1 vertex and 1 edge, so it's still a tree. Repeat a bunch of times on random 1-vertices and you get a nice looking dungeon. Then you can prune 1-vertices as much as you want. Much nicer than that other approach. I'm worried that it won't randomize much near the center of the dungeon though
  8. Hedgehog


    I had a copy of AoE 2 when I was little and I could never figure out how to play it. I gotta look for it the next time I visit my parents. I'm pretty sure they still have it
  9. Hedgehog


    Doesn't playstation run on freeBSD?
  10. Hedgehog


    I always had to binge study. I can't just study for an hour at a time. I have to do like 8 hours in 1 day and stay up to like 3 am to get anything done
  11. Hedgehog


    1. Make a post on craigslist or whatever the equivalent in your country is to find developers/designers 2. Don't be cryptic about your app idea; marketing and quality of product are infinitely more important than ingenuity 3. Expect to pay about $50 an hour for development, and probably closer to $30 an hour for design work if you decide to hire a designer too. You can negotiate lower rates for larger projects if you can guarantee some level of job security 4. If you can't pay for the app's development, talk to a bank or a VC and get the money that way. Nobody's going to want equity in your app if professional investors don't want it Or just make it yourself
  12. Hedgehog


    My strategy now is to do ls ~/dir, make sure it works, then go back and change it to rm -rf
  13. Hedgehog


    Was having problems opening Atom, so I had to run rm -rf ~/.atom/storage. I can't handle that kind of pressure
  14. Hedgehog


    On the subject of transgender people being such a small minority: that's why it's so important the rest of us to help them as much as we can. One percent of the population is never going being represented in a democracy without a lot of help from the 99%. Also, schizophrenia patients make up about 1% of the population as well and they're in a situation that's just as dire. As a country, we desperately need to advocate for the mentally ill a lot more than we currently do. A mental illness shouldn't have a 10-15% mortality rate from suicide alone.
  15. Hedgehog


    That's literally what disrespect means though
  16. Hedgehog


    Also if people judge you for being disrespectful towards trans women, maybe you should listen to them
  17. Hedgehog


    I'll set the O/U at 1.5 years Idk if anyone thinks he sympathizes with the little guy. He just hates the same people they hate.
  18. Hedgehog


    It's not about Trump as much as it's about who he's nominating for the Supreme Court. He already released his short list and we're screwed for the next 40 years if he gets more than 1 justice in.
  19. Hedgehog


    It's not at all irrational. Transgender people (and gay people too) already had reasons to fear for their safety, and now that a president has been elected largely because of his bigoted subtext, it's not going to get better. And in the long term, a republican president, Congress, and Supreme Court is going to undo a lot of the progress we achieved in the last 8 years. Trump has been more supportive of LGBT people than any Republican nominee in history. Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Bush, Reagan, etc. were all far more anti-LGBT than Trump. And all the Trump supporters I've interacted with online don't care about orientation at all, as long as you aren't pushing for laws to ban free speech they're completely OK with anyone of any gender, orientation or race. Trump winning is an extremely positive thing for LGBT tolerance amongst the right side of American politics. As for Pence, he's a VP. He won't have any significant influence on policy. If that's what you think supporting LGBT means, then that's incredibly disappointing.
  20. Hedgehog


    It's not at all irrational. Transgender people (and gay people too) already had reasons to fear for their safety, and now that a president has been elected largely because of his bigoted subtext, it's not going to get better. And in the long term, a republican president, Congress, and Supreme Court is going to undo a lot of the progress we achieved in the last 8 years.
  21. Hedgehog


    This is going to be really bad for a lot of people
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