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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. Hedgehog


    Yeah but Estonia literally doesn't have any good universities, so there's that
  2. Hedgehog


    But really though, don't
  3. Hedgehog


    I wouldn't [bleep] around with tetanus
  4. I've just been trying to keep my venosaur competitive (it's 1070 right now, which means it can take on 1300ish jolteons and vaporeons), and those bulbasaur candies I'm raking in from 2km eggs are really helping, so yeah eggs help a ton. I'd probably kill for a dratini though (but not really)
  5. No but really please kill the subforums
  6. That's another thing. Hatching eggs is so important cuz it's the only thing in the game (that I know of) with a good stardust/xp ratio (something like 4:1?). So now I'm gonna make it a point to walk/run like 10km a day lol
  7. Another problem: It's virtually impossible to hold more than 1 gym at a time because they're so far apart. If I put a poke in the work gym right as I leave, it probably won't be there by the time I put one in my home gym, so I can only get the daily stardust from 1 gym
  8. The biggest problem I'm running into is that there aren't any pokestops by my apartment or workplace, so I can only refuel on pokeballs and potions on my way to/from work, which means I can't farm pidgeys 24/7 :/. I had to pass up on a level 600 parasect today cuz I was out of pokeballs. I'm also super low on stardust and that sucks
  9. Hedgehog


    Nice & a little update to my post: servers went back up and I snagged a tauros 8-)
  10. Hedgehog


    All I wanted to do all day was go out and grab some pokes during lunch and then the servers crashed again
  11. Hedgehog


    Ugh. I couldn't watch Alone tonight (gonna watch it when it re-airs at 1 though) and had it spoiled for me on Reddit. I am not in a good mood
  12. Hedgehog


    Isn't that basically what Estonia is, except Estonia has a lot less water & no volcanos
  13. Hedgehog


    All students at my school were required to have access to a Windows laptop, so keep that in mind. I definitely recommend getting a mediocre laptop and dual booting Ubuntu and Windows, especially if you're a CS student. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you need a shit ton of processing power and RAM to get through college. I have shit running on a Pi that's a million times more CPU intensive than anything you'll do in school. It's absolutely worth it to sacrifice power for portability. Just don't download a ton of adware and you won't have any problems. If you absolutely need a powerful computer (e.g. games), I would recommend getting something like a Lenovo Ideapad (about $160 and 2lbs, but still powerful enough for taking notes and running whatever shitty Windows software your school partnered with) and putting some money into a decent desktop. If your budget is $800, then that gives you $640 to spend on a desktop, which is more than enough to get you a good starter PC, and you can upgrade it as you go.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spxyrxWG_LQ This band is pretty cheesy & overly dramatic but I like it
  15. Hedgehog


    Very good episode tonight
  16. It takes 200 hours to get 1b gp at 5m gp/hour. So your first option is to just put in the hours. Or you could get 100m (20 hours), and then flip items to earn 10% a day and you'll have 1b in 90 days (maybe 1 hour a day, so 110 hours in total). The lower your income, the more advantageous it is to flip. Or you could buy bonds.
  17. Hedgehog


    If I were you I'd seek out some more reasonable news sources... I'm just going off the Twitters of some British musicians I listen to. If that's not a "reasonable news source", I don't know what is
  18. Hedgehog


    Yeah the whole situation seems messy. From what I've heard, they voted themselves into a recession because they're afraid of brown people
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