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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. Hedgehog


    The one with the sabotages Also I have to walk home from work during a tropical storm, so that should be fun
  2. Hedgehog


    Cutthroat kitchen is such a great show cuz most of the challenges are pretty easy and approachable for the average viewer. Like, I can make a poutine no problem. But the last round is always dessert stuff, and you know I couldn't make a good red velvet cupcake in 30 minutes. It's kinda a bummer
  3. Like maybe I don't hang out with enough waitresses but $27/hour would be pretty ridiculous
  4. Waitresses make triple what cashiers make in Estonia? Damn
  5. Hedgehog


    The most fun I ever had in runescape was when my membership lapsed for a month in like 2008, so I bought rune (g) and wrecked face in f2p clan wars
  6. I used it all the time and never got banned
  7. I wanted to grab some pics for the quaterfinal, but I didn't see it in my potato bowl
  8. Hedgehog


    Thanks guys It really isn't that bad at this point. Tylenol is enough to kill the pain as long as I don't try to touch my thumb or anything. I did take the day off work though, but mostly because I'm tired and had a good excuse
  9. Hedgehog


    Got a little careless while cutting a potato
  10. Hedgehog


    Idk how much I'm missing. They couldn't stitch it though cuz I cut it clean off. They just gave me a "special dressing" to stop the bleeding. I'm scared to go in my kitchen because my fingertip is in there somewhere
  11. Hedgehog


    So I cut off the tip of my thumb today
  12. Hedgehog


    Been watching a lot of Insane Pools
  13. Hedgehog


    Maybe I'm just a punk ass whippersnapper, but [bleep] her china
  14. Hedgehog


    How desperately do you need logarithmic indexing? Most of the time, a linked list works fine, especially when you have to insert more often than you need to search
  15. Hedgehog


  16. Hedgehog


    Oh man, that's rough. Sorry to hear that
  17. Damn you should send me some then cuz I'd have to pay like $30
  18. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/british-theatre-mastery-album-stream-a7005886.html Finally get to listen to the new BT album. Hell yeah.
  19. If you can get your hands on Zubrowka, apparently it tastes like apple pie when you mix it with Apple juice
  20. Hedgehog


    We go through a similar process for storing medical data at work. Just at a larger scale obviously
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