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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. Hedgehog


    I don't understand brandy Like I've only ever had one sip of hennessy but it just tastes like grapes and I'm not a purple kool aid kind of person
  2. mrw someone says post hardcore isn't a genre with legitimate artistic merit
  3. gotta get hyped for the tortoise show by listening to john mcentire bands also one of my favorite post hardcore bands
  4. Hedgehog


    Right? The graphics are a lot nicer now but it doesn't feel like runescape anymore. There's no nostalgia factor now
  5. Hedgehog


    I actually logged in to runescape last night cuz my username got taken away and I wanted to try to get it back I found the npc that they named after me though so that was cool Was 950 days without logging in. I'm not gonna log back in though
  6. I didn't know it's been 12 years since their last album. I kinda just assumed that they put out a bunch of mediocre albums that never charted like a bunch of bands from that era. Korn has 12 albums now lol
  7. Ulan Bator is pumping out albums now for some reason. They released one last year that was pretty good (low key one of the best albums of the year, if you can tolerate noisy french post-rock): The new album just sounds weird so I'm not really looking forward to it Also, Early Day Miners are apparently releasing an album this year (their first in 6 years). They were one of the best slowcore bands back in the early 2000s and then they made 2 pop albums and disappeared off the face of the earth. Now they're back, apparently. I do not expect this album to be any good, but it should be ok if they go back to slowcore. Nobody makes slowcore anymore It's a pretty weak year when that's all I really have to look forward to. I guess that's what happens when pretty much everyone released an album in 2016. Oh and Tortoise is coming to gainesville in march. I might go there and take a nap or something
  8. Hedgehog


    How about we stop completely subsidizing the corn industry so that we can stop stuffing everything with high fructose corn syrup and maybe 600,000 people won't die of heart disease every year
  9. Hedgehog


    Have you ever watched rugby though Everyone is so small and slow It's like watching high schoolers out there You must not have been watching high quality team then. Many rugby players would make some of the NFL players look scrawny. Many rugby players were decorated track athletes in high-school. They just appear much smaller because... well they don't have all that padding to make them look bigger. Granted, there are certain positions where being smaller is beneficial (like rugby's equivalent of a QB). But in general i'd say that for the most part there's not too much difference in terms of size. In terms of speed though, i'd wager that the average backline player in a rugby team would easily outrun most NFL players. If you've ever watched teams like South Africa, Australia, New Zealand (especially), even England and Ireland to an extend, you'd know just how absurd of a statement you just made. I mean, we watched Jarryd Hayne try to play in the NFL and he was physically outmatched at the easiest position to play The biggest rugby players are like 250
  10. Hedgehog


    Have you ever watched rugby though Everyone is so small and slow It's like watching high schoolers out there
  11. Hedgehog


    The hate for Nickelback is that they're so mediocre and have no personality. They're the saltines of bands. Like yeah saltines aren't bad but I'm gonna judge you if they're your favorite food
  12. Hedgehog


    Nice, you look really good now Also can we stop to appreciate how awesome this forum has been the last few days? I've actually been checking in multiple times a day instead of once a day now
  13. Hedgehog


    Yeah flat taxes are really bad. They might work well in a country like Estonia that's small and doesn't have huge problems with wealth distribution, but a flat tax is a burden on the poor and middle class. Remember that most Americans spend almost all of their income, and that a tax hike could be crippling. Any state funded project has to be funded almost entirely by the rich if we want to see any actual human development. We can relax on progressive taxes once our middle class is actually able to afford to retire, but not until then.
  14. When I was getting 99, I'd do a tree run when I first logged in that day, then I'd do an herb run when I needed a break from skilling. It's a chore though. I wouldn't have bothered with it if I didn't want all 99s.
  15. Hedgehog


    It's really hard for some people to want to subsidize others, especially when they're already living pay check to pay check. If you're in the working class and you can barely afford private health insurance, you probably aren't too eager to pay extra to cover your coworker's healthcare. Ideally, there wouldn't be a huge increase (or an increase at all) in taxes for people who can't afford it, but that's a problem that the millionaires in Washington don't want to solve.
  16. No you're right, it's a pretty boring skill. It's pretty easy though so you might as well stick with it if you want a cool cape. Herb runs are easy money too (and tbh kinda fun if you're into speed run stuff)
  17. Hedgehog


    You're right about a lot of this stuff, but you're kind of exaggerating how unstable and dangerous the country is. Like, it's definitely pretty safe to hitchhike in America. I mean, we literally have an app that allows us to pay to hitchhike and it's insanely popular. Regarding Chicago/Detroit: Conservatives have no interest in resolving gang violence and only want to make conditions worse for black Americans. You'd be completely safe from gang violence in either of those cities, but it's pathetic how our racist and classist government treats black people.
  18. Hedgehog


    Posted during server backup
  19. Hedgehog


    Trump asked Giuliani how to ban Muslims constitutionally, so I think it's safe to say he's behind this. It's going to be a long 4 years. Everyone do the best you can to keep him from normalizing hatred. It's not OK to treat other people like this and we can't become complacent.
  20. Yeah they made a ton. They could've spent another hundred million on setting up multiplayer infrastructure and still made a ton of money
  21. I feel like if they at least had dueling, the game would be a lot more popular. Match people based on level, ELO, and location, plus schedule some real-life local tournaments and I think you have a pretty cool end game. As long as you add a little more depth to combat, you'd have a solid fan base. I get that gyms are a lot easier to implement than an online tournament with matchmaking (especially since the game currently isn't really multiplayer and you'd have to spend a ton more on infrastructure just to get it to work), but I wouldn't release anything until I have that. I understand that's probably a funding issue, but Nintendo should have no problem forking over the money upfront. They'd easily make it back.
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