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Everything posted by scootlaboot

  1. Karma determines your rank in the caste system in your next life, it does not give you good luck for good deeds or bad luck for bad deeds. Today, the caste system is only used in small Hindu villages in India. My point: Cut it out with the Karma stuff because Karma won't get them back for this. On topic: I have no respect for the bullies, yet no sympathy for the girl. She made a mountain out of a molehill and she just quit when things got too hard. Then to put it in scientific form, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Also, they bragged about it on facebook, and guess what, employer's actually look at that stuff (for good jobs anyway) as it is public knowledge. So in a way they have already sealed their fate.
  2. There is this thing called karma, eventually they will get what they deserve. Most likely they will end up as crack [bleep] who get beat to death by their respective pimp. Either that or they will only have emo children who cut themselves. In any case karma will get the, for you see karma is also a [bleep].
  3. For the love of....mother......piece of.....nut jobs. Bright move idiots, banning a dictionary........It is official now, West Virginia is no longer the most [wagon] backwards state in America. (No offense to any West Virginians on the forums)
  4. To change the subject, I have got a question for all of you. Who is your server's most famous troll? (not the race if you were stupid enough to think that) On my server, Hellscream, the most notable troll is Jasst. He is everywhere on the forums, in the trade chat, etc. His logging on is immediately followed by him saying in trade chat that he is awesome. He spends all of his time on his mammoth standing on the mailbox by the bank in ironforge.
  5. Nappa: "I've had a helluva day Vagetta, I sunk their battleship...and their whales." Aquaman: "Noooooooooooo!" Seriously though, it is a cultural thing and, sort of like that tribe of Native Americans who have that treaty/contract with the U.S. government, we really can't do anything. @Lenin, I fully agree with the top part of your post.
  6. I got lucky today, someone was selling khorium ore in the ah cheap today, which allowed me to finish my new mount.
  7. Because the majority of people in OT still play rs. /sarcasm
  8. As they should, fat people have a natural stealth ability. Clowns, its not that they scare me, they just creep me out.
  9. WoW is a difficult choice. In all honesty I think it deserves a spot no matter what your feelings are about the game. I can't see any other MMO, after all, that would be able to fit in a top list unless you were just going to look at their prime time or something. Ultima Online made several bad decisions and it's a bad game now. Everquest was never a good game, it was just the only of its kind. Arishon's Call was a very good MMO (I never got a chance to play it though) but was also a very niche product in the scheme of things. Other than that no other modern MMO is really worthy of a top spot, the genre just has been making some poor decisions. WoW, at least, has made a very large impact on the industry and the only reason it can be viewed as a generic MMO is because every MMO tries to emulate it's success. There is enough different between WoW and Everquest that it is in no way an "EQ clone". I wasn't refering to mmo's when I said there were more deserving games. I understand why its there I just don't agree with it being on the list. What do you consider "this gen" ? My guess is that he's referring to 360 ps3 etc generation of games. He is most likely a console gamer because of the reference to generation, which explains the whole "MW2 is pure awesome" mentality. MW and MW2 are for the most part generic shooters with pretty graphics, which real gamers don't care about. Its ok story line wise, but its not my personal cup o' tea. So two answer part of the original question, not everyone likes your specific taste in games, life is tough wear a helmet.
  10. If you really want to make games, I suggest you got to college. Seriously, you can't just make a game out of nothing, and programing specifically requires a basic understanding of trigonometry.
  11. Personally i think that niether Modern Warfare 1 or 2 deserve to be anywhere near a best game list. They are ok shooters, but nowhere near legendary like the Doom or Half-Life series. Why they chose ms. pacman instead of the original is a mystery. Tetris should have been #1 imo. Also, why in the hell is WoW on there? I know it's popular, even I play currently, but its just a generic mmo. I'm not saying its a bad game, I just think there are more deserving games out there.
  12. The closest I have ever come to that is sleep paralysis, and that only lasts a minute at the most. And I can assure you for the brief moments a person experiences it, they experience true terror. Now imagine a person going though that for 23 years. If they came out of it sane I would be surprised.
  13. I have really earned a huge amount of disdain for bad tanks and healers. I'm probably going to look for a raiding guild to avoid the extreme fail that I had last night. There is no excuse for a group of people that are, for the most part, geared for things above nax 25 to wipe 5 times on the same boss. However I am glad that i wasn't a plate user, otherwise my repair bill would have been 16+ gold a whipe instead of the 7g I had to pay per wipe. Also, tring to find a gun has been a [bleep] and a half, i don't havethe mony for a nesingwarry 4000 and before I spend 1.2k on a gun I would like to get the 4.25k (Thank god for rep discounts) I need for epic flying, which is hard on Hellsream because undercutters have driven the price of saronite bars down to 26.5g a stack, and the vendor value is 25g. In other news I'm 75 Stone Keeper's shards from getting my mammoth and 2 pieces of gear away from being in all epics(Boots and Gun). Also I got For The Alliance about a week ago and have been enjoying my black warbear ever since.
  14. Read up to what's been released of Karakuridōji Ultimo. It's pretty good in my opinion. Hiroyuki Takei and Stan Lee did a good job on it.
  15. Super Mario Brothers (Got me into plat formers), Pokemon Blue, Runescape(Got Me ino MMO's), Halo CE (The first decent shooter I ever played)
  16. Because some nut jobs out there get worked up over nothing. Also, animals have only one right, and that is the right to be tasty.
  17. scootlaboot


    Slightly Damned, Emergency Exit, and 8 bit theater. BOATDOKEN!
  18. Ya really, kids these days. I had a generic $5 pair that I picked up years ago, around the early to mid 90's I believe, and i didn't need to replace them til 2 years ago when my room mate stepped on them.
  19. I would simply see what the lottery numbers for last night's drawing were then go back in time 1 day and give the numbers to myself.
  20. Hit 79 last night. My one friend is going to make me some epic bracers and leggings for when I hit 80, then he's going to help speed up my leveling so we canstart raiding together. Boulderash, lv 79 bm/mm Dwarf Hunter. Hellscream.
  21. Meh, Alliance and Horde have both their strong and weak points, The Alliance has civilized beautiful cities and dwarfs, while the horde has the better looking racial mounts. That's a valid excuse? Rofl. Alliance all the way! F.Y.I. I only roll alliance. Simply because dwarfs are awesome.
  22. Meh, Alliance and Horde have both their strong and weak points, The Alliance has civilized beautiful cities and dwarfs, while the horde has the better looking racial mounts.
  23. I was born in '88 in the country. The only music I heard was what was on the radio and I didn't watch much tv. I helped my grandparents on the farm for as long as I can remember, and I didn't have the internet until I was 17ish, but I know this much... I liking music simply because its from a certain genre or decade is [developmentally delayed]ed. I'm not saying that it's not ok to like your favorite band or a genre, but every genre/decade of music has had some pretty sucky bands and songs. That is all. P.S. I just wrote this out of boredom.
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