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Everything posted by scootlaboot

  1. Most people don't care what your class is as much as what your role is. For instance, most servers have a lack of healers and tanks. While at the same time, they have an overabundance of dps, damage classes. Pallies can do any of the 3 depending on the spec you choose. And yes, you will have problems with getting gear in end game raids because of the amount of pallies there are. In case you choose a new class, for dps go hunter, mage, druid, warlock, or rouge. For a tank, druid or warrior. For a healer, go shaman, priest or druid. Don't even ask about death knights, they aren't considered to be real people. F.Y.I. Range DPS is in higher demand than meele.
  2. Actually, if you get the battle chest and wrath you need between $70-$80 US. Then after you run through your free month from buying the base game its 15 a month or 30 every two months. Also, you won't need wrath for a long while. lv 55 before you can make a death knight and lv 68 before any other wrath content is available for that specific character. also make sure you get the battle chest its between 10-20 USD cheaper and unlike wrath, Burning Crusade actually has low level content. This includes two races blood elves for the horde and Draeni, space-goat tentacle face people, for the alliance.
  3. scootlaboot


    Happy Birthday. Just remember if you get the swine flu, give it to as many people as possible.
  4. End of the world huh..... in the ulikely event that i am alive to see the end of the world. I would go on a murderous rampage. If we're all gonna die any way, whats wrong with finally playing pedestrian bingo.
  5. I believe th old saying is "Let leeping dog's lie." Does there really need to be a discussion on 9/11. I mean it happened, lots of things happen. Sure it was a big deal for people in the United States, myself included, but it's been 8 years.
  6. The only thing that will happen on December 21, 2012, is a couple mass suicides. These will be people that believe that world is ending and don't want to suffer through an apocalypse, and the rest of us shall be grateful that these idiots are removed from the gene pool.
  7. scootlaboot


    The word no, yes. The phrase [bleep] You!, which I use to say no, not so much.
  8. scootlaboot


    I'm white with some English and Irish ancestry. Also, on a semi-random note, political correctness is the bane of society and must be eliminated. That is all.
  9. Try watching the movie with a friend who read the book who points out all of the differences. The movie was just so brutal, and so was the sequel.
  10. Also get the Glyph of Mend Pet as your minor. Pretty much eliminates the need for pet food.
  11. 1. A device that allows me to punch people over the internet. 2. A device that lets me send spiders through the telephone lines. 3. To be a master of the necromantic arts.
  12. Chop Suey - System of a Down
  13. Mount levels and prices lowered, new bear and cat druid skins, and a new battleground. Oh and Azeroth is going to blow up.
  14. Technically neither are roms or emulators are illeal.*points at the Wii* It just depends on how they are obtained.
  15. I'm 50/50 on this. Of course, I believe if there is an afterlife, no religion on the planet has the right version of it. Off topic. Valhalla, its the only after life I'd want after life. Although I am a firm believer in the staying on earth as a spirit just to [bleep] with people.
  16. I suggest people stop feeding the troll after this post, so a mod can kill it.
  17. And Suicune / Entei / Raikou of course. Gold/Silver is opened to Kanto. So maybe we get the birds and mewtwo/mew aswell? You couldn't get them in the original g/s/c. The only one I could see is Mewtwo, as the birds are available in platinum and Mew is EVENT ONLY.
  18. In Oakland, PA riots happen because Pittsburgh wins the Superbowl/Stanely cup.
  19. I find the lack of Boondock Saints to be disturbing.
  20. Wow, your random mentioning of them reminded me of them. God those things were good.
  21. At least you don't have to listen to mindless idiots on the freeways honking their car horns, because the Pens won.
  22. I just pre-order so I know its paid off, I'm horrible with money so it makes sure i can get the game on release day.
  23. That depends on the server too. It was a hell of a lot easier making money in Burning Blade than in Borean Tundra. Making money sucks on Hellscream. Of course that will change once i hit 80 and go through some heroics. That and once I can smelt titan steel. But when all the little kids start under cutting you to sell their goods. I actually don't even have the first tier of flight training as I prioritized dual speccing over it.
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