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Everything posted by unorclan

  1. unorclan

    Silly fears

    My bare feet and vacuum cleaners. Geez just go vacuum somewhere else until I leave or get shoes on.
  2. unorclan

    Silly fears

    Closed shower curtains. What if something is behind it??
  3. Very interesting quest, I'll check it out.
  4. Haha nice picture. I wonder how many people looked up and thought "Oh my god....I know who that is." Happy Birthday by the way!
  5. Or maybe you're just unable to comprehend the importance of the point, whereas you consider yourself above the need to learn from the lesson and therefore it is "lame"?
  6. This is what I was thinking. I've put it offers and then lagged out and when I come back on, the offer was never made and the stuff was in my inventory, even though I had already confirmed an offer before the lag. Of course, I've never had my offers "vanish". Report it to Jagex, and then move on because they certainly won't do anything for you.
  7. You obviously didn't "get" the analogy. It was never about going jobless or even about going with "stuff". It was about enjoying life (coffee) and not worrying about the much less meaninful things that are in your life (the cup). People in the story chose only the best cups, whereas they all just wanted the coffee so why did the cup matter? And to other people, quit over analyzing it and comparing it to a situation in real life. The goal of the analogy is to make a point; don't pick it a part and see if it works for everyone's ideas and values. It just has a simple point, and that is all.
  8. Eating a big meal....and then getting trapped inside a booth by someone sitting beside me. I'm sitting there, full of food, and dying to get out. I freak out if I can't eat a lot and then get up and walk around. Also, dirty carpet floors. I like to be able to sit or lay on the floor and not worry about dried soda stains or spilled chip dip.
  9. The idea is that we want a good life (coffee) and think that through meaningless things (fancy cups) life (coffee) will be better. We desire good coffee, and yet consider the cup more than we consider what we originally wanted (the coffee). Of course, this analogy isn't to be over analyzed, it's just to be taken as it's meant to be taken.
  10. But did Jagex even keep track of the Classic hours?
  11. I found this on the internet; I suggest you read it and remember it, for I will.
  12. How someone can handle being on a video game like RS for so long....I don't understand. I'd like to kill myself if I later realized how much of my life I'd wasted. (of course, I really wouldn't, I would just feel miserable and want to change it.) Of course, people say that this person could be "confined to a bed" and have "chronic sickness". Yes, maybe so....but there are better things in life that sick people can do rather than playing RuneScape.
  13. Congrats everyone, sigs look great. No surprise there Generaldesor haha
  14. Well, if the Clan Chronicle already does everything mentioned in the first post, then nothing will be new at the moment. But I bet we can come up with something new.... :thumbup:
  15. No, this is the first time the Seers' Journal has been re-opened. We actually got out 4 editions :thumbup: and all this happened just last summer. Maybe you viewed me as a bad leader, but when the summer ended and school started back for most of the staff, it became a struggling effort. And the only reason some one would join is would be to have fun and do what they enjoy - not to get something big out of it. Thanks Tyler, for this and all your help last time. Haha of course. Master_smither, I definitely remember you back in the Tribune. We're not nearly as up tight as back then. We realized this is volunteer work and it's all about doing something fun and interesting. Now, we don't want people commiting and then never sticking with us or doing what they said they would, but we're not as "rough" of you say we were last time. :smile:
  16. Uhm, last year the Gielinor Tribune went in and out but this year it is the first time the Journal is re-opening. I was joking :mellow:
  17. Uhm...no it's the first. :unsure: Oh of course, do you guys do something like this too? Haha better not steal my idea :shame: :mrgreen:
  18. The Seers' Journal isn't all about articles and "covering updates and its effect on the market" - because we agree, it's not all that productive and is not very interesting to everyone. This is why we have multiple opportunies like researching the latest community events and competitions, working with clans and the TWR, doing interviews, writing creative stories, ect. :thumbsup:
  19. Well, I hope I can find somebody sometime soon. :unsure:
  20. Want to help out? You don't have to be a writer to be a part of this team. You don't have to be able to write long articles and essays (though if you can, we want you too!). Many different opportunities are open for everybody in the Journal! If you can say yes to any of the following, please check out the Seers' Journal. Do you enjoy.... - Coming up with new ideas - Writing commentaries/critiques - Writing fantasy stories - Interviewing - TET events - Clan wars - Tip.it War Rankings - Making comics - Following blogs - Giving advice - Graphic Designing - Reading Guides - Making Guides - Being a part of the Community If you can say yes to one or more of these, then continue below! Positions at the Seers' Journal All positions are under construction. If you have a new idea for a different position or have a detail to add to an already existing position, then please, post or PM me (unorclan). [hide=Columnist]- Columnist Writes commentaries, critiques, stories, advice, ect. about Runescape. Requirements: Much experience in writing and research, excellent spelling and grammar, a good attitude, plenty of extra time, a large imagination, a strong opinion, a love for Runescape, and an active Runescape account.[/hide] [hide=Researcher]- Researcher Does research on the latest big thing that has happened (or will happen) in the community. But this isn't a commentary job - these are the informers and entertainers. They do lots of interviews, lots of research, and have to go to things (i.e. events) and record. Example: A new Multi-Site Steel War is planned and so we want some serious pre-war coverage. We also want our readers informed and interested in this upcoming event. There's got to be interviews, predictions, opinions, ideas, pictures, ect. This is all what the Researcher will do. [/hide] [hide=Graphics Designer]- Graphics Designer Needs plenty of time to work on graphics, needs to be able to work within a deadline (though you will have plenty of time) and needs lots of experience with graphic designing programs. Also, if you want to be a Comic Artist, this you just need some good graphics skills and a sense of humor.[/hide] [hide=Community Insight]- Community Insight Must have plenty of time to work, must be incredibly organized, and must love this kind of work. The basic idea for this position is that they track what is going on in the RS-fansite communities (mainly Tip.it forums). They will track TWR, make predictions on it, track TET events (works with the Researchers on this), checks out new guides, writes guide reviews, track popular blogger's progress, and basically records and reports ANYTHING interesting and fun happening in the community. (For more information on working with the TWR, go here.)[/hide] Remember: If you have any new ideas on a different job position or an idea that could go with a already existing position - post away! Interested? Then register on our Forums. Then Fill out and post an application. The Seers' Journal has been publishing works on Tip.it under this name and the name of Gielinor Tribune, since 2007. We've had our ups and down and as of late, we are currently trying to recover from a major down. In order to achieve this and become better than ever, I need smart, new, creative people full of good ideas that'll move us forward. No more ordinary article-interview-commentary newspaper. We need some fantastic ideas for every part of the Journal.
  21. Hey, I really hope this isn't a "problem topic" and that it's okay if I post it here. :mrgreen: The Seers' Journal (a Runescape newspaper publication posted here on Tip.it since 2007 and used to be named the Gielinor Tribune) is currently working to be redeveloped and to make a come back into the Tif community. The Journal hopes to be less article oriented, and more community oriented - have something everybody in the community will be interested in. This is where TWR comes in. The Journal wants one or two clan people who have a little addiction or just lots of interest with the TWR and help put in a little section concerning the TWR into each edition. This section will include The latest wars (upcoming and past), predictions on future wars, fantasy match-ups (Example: Pick two clans that haven't ever fought, write a summary of how the fight (if it happened) would work out and try to predict the final score.), maybe short interviews with Clan leaders about upcoming/past wars, ect. If you're interested, post here or PM me (unorclan) or join the Seers' Journal Forums. Thanks! P.S. Again, I really hope this isn't a problem being here; I couldn't figure out where else I could put it.
  22. Ditto. Oh wow I love cold wet sand on my bare feet when it's a hot day on the beach.
  23. Some vile horrible thing my father got me to try when I was younger. It was like some old old medicine type thing that was suppose to help you get your vitamins and stuff. My father, who can eat ANYTHING and always has been able to, gagged and nearly threw up after trying it. I did throw up.
  24. When people sit behind you and cough/sneeze and you feel the little droplets of whatever hitting your neck. Dry cotton balls on your teeth. Guys who go to the urinal right next to you even though there are 5 other opens ones. Guys who stand at a urinal and watch you when you go to wash your hands. People who are eating pizza or whatever and obviously have grease all over their hands, yet they want to touch you or shake your hand or pat you on the back. Disgusting.
  25. Wait, I do agree with what you've said. Just...I didn't see how what you said related to what I said. Now I kind of see it :-D Anyways, I think if the MSSW5 was toned down and didn't become such a giant deal (especially here on Tip.it) I think we could do it again and it would all work out. Sadly, if Tif doesn't make it a big deal then some other fansite will and it'll just all turn into people taking it to seriously again.
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