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Everything posted by pama2901

  1. "no-lifing is easier than i thought"
  2. we can't do that, thats the logical way!
  3. pama2901


    Burglary I still don't see how we can help...
  4. woah woah, sad you had to leave school for a bit? :-s what kind of person are you? :uhh: umm...the kind of person who gets sick enough to have to leave school and go back to my smoke free home? *gasp of horror* :ohnoes: im so evil
  5. all the smoke and ash made me leave sick from my school...kinda makes me annoyed
  6. why does everyone think jagex would lie about the ring of wealth? :?
  7. argh those are so annoying!
  8. noes i was too slow with the vampyre castle! oh well, here are my other morytania pics
  9. Erhm.. M-0--0-S-E is my name. I blocked his out. What are you talking about? sorry, should have clarified, but he just wanted to show his friends that he managed to kill you, and it would be a better pic if you had a whip
  10. i think he just wanted a screenie for ego purposes :roll:
  11. the place i'd rather not be: scarab dungeon in sophanem
  12. trees of runescape already regrow in seconds, why cant they defy the laws of gravity too?
  13. everyone knows that magic was invented in 1254...
  14. just a matter of time before they make barrows autoers then...metal dragon autoers then...kq autoers then...jad autoers!
  15. you wont like this... (first inventory space)
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