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Everything posted by White_Rain

  1. Nice, but why is there a picture of the bottom of your bank, then the few rows above it, then the bottom pic again? Nice bank though, seems as you prefer items over a lot of money :] which is shmexy 9/10
  2. I want 99 prayer. Bad. Hopefully taking a long enough break will make santas go to about... 60m? Rofl, I mainly bought the santa as an attempt to make an investment for 99 prayer. I could get 90 now if i sold it :wall: But I want 99 cause that cape is sexy :o
  3. There's a time in every 'Scaper's life where you say, that's enough. For me, I'm not quitting though. I will take a very nice long break from it. I have just had enough of all the nonsence in the game for a while. It's to much. I will sometimes log in to view the updates and stuff, and just to see what's goin on, or just to chat. So hyt me if you see me on! I will be active a lot on tif though! \ So rate me leaving pic. Spent most of my cash on it. I got like 2M if I sell everything else in my bank So here it is: Rate/hate/date/Mastur... lol :ohnoes:
  4. wow o.o If I had 60m, I would get 99 Prayer. No doubt. How did you make your money?
  5. Damn that's sexy :o Lol keep up the good work :thumbsup:
  6. Master: Lol I know, I need to get them up >.> I think I will get all 60 + soon. Herb to 50 only. God that skills expensive Happy: Thanks
  7. Well, to start off, if you are wondering why my Username on here is white_rain and not alexkintexas, it's because I envyed one of my friends who's name was that. White Rain15 to be exact. But now that I never see him anymore, (because he scammed a blue phat, then took everyone off his list, but he still plays.) I do miss the fella though. He was a good friend. So if anyone know's him, please, I beg of you, you take me to him I'll pay you. So, now off to the good stuff! Best of my Bank! And my stats! So rate, hate, date, mastur... lol Alex
  8. Lol your pm's are funny. "All that work for nothing! Horrible!" Very Funny! Keep up the awesome work, and share when you get 3rd age kite with me k? :ohnoes:
  9. BIG THANKS TO MINER GUMP FOR THE D LEGS AS A GIFT!!!!!!!! THANKS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Words can not express how thaknfull I am for that :) Anyway, here it is! And its funny, how eveyones text was blue at same time >.>
  10. I was 80 cook on wednesday. Getting 99 by next wed.
  11. Being the lazy man I am, I hate clues. lol. I will do it someday.
  12. Ye, I am planning on wasting some money on them, just spent 1.8M on 4.6k souls and fail-casted them for 82 mage. That was, 80-82 mage btw. :-X I want to get Herbalore up, Crafting, Construction, and Smithing. Just those 4 for now. Looking to spand about 1-1.5M on that. and it's all good.
  13. My RSN is alexkintexas. GOT DRAGON GLOVES!!!!\ Here are my stats: My bank: (ftw cropping skills) Mage Look: Meele Look: Rate/Hate
  14. 10/10 Just make sure you spend some time irl :thumbsup:
  15. Damn. Do you use Vista? Those are some nice graphics. They look so clear.
  16. quitted? Your grammar makes me vomit! "I quit" "we quit" "they quit" Not: I quitted They Quitted makes no since :S have fun irl!!!! O:)
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