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Everything posted by pureprayer

  1. pureprayer


    The universe has finite knowledge because knowledge is being lost as fast as its created.
  2. I'm almost 100% sure this has been pointed out before, but if it hasn't, "There's two kinds of people in the world, doc: those who have a plan prepared for when zombies take over the earth, and those who don't. We call those last people dinner." You quoted it incorrectly. :P "There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who know binary and those who don't." There are 3 kinds of people in this world, those who can count, and those who can't.
  3. I can't find the part where he asked anything about merchanting clans in his post. I'm telling him this so that he doesn't join one...
  4. thats a rumour Its considered price manipulation. Not a rumor.
  5. Yup, you get 3.99 compared to 4 per hit for normal. That is not much but if we get 10,000 million xp you will have wasted 100k xp. That times 3 is 300k xp compared to controlled. Not to mention that if you get 71/70/70 and then 71/71/70 and so on to 71/71/71 you will level faster then controlled from 70/70/70 to 71/71/71 because you get the boosts of 71 attack and str before you get 71/71/71.
  6. And its usually best for bosses
  7. This debate was here a while ago, it was ended by saying "who will max out total level anyway". Rc cape > slayer cape.
  8. Yeah, whip is the best. Controlled is as good as training it normally.
  9. 23/100 for the number in your siggy.
  10. or monks to 94 and sharks to 99
  11. Yes i have infact just completed it :) Were is the charter ship? Rimmington? Many places. One is catherby and its easy to get to.
  12. Please stop trying to pick fights. It gets really old really fast. He is asking about Oo'glog pools, Not which method is faster. Im only saying that the run pool is inefficient. Yup im a real fighter.
  13. Did you do regicide? You can take a charter ship.
  14. Do the math if you were to use the chaos tunnels.
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