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Everything posted by Death_Dude74

  1. I agree with the point previously made that clans are also working cooperatively, but I recognize the editor's point. For this reason, I'll not linger on this. I like the points made by the author, particularly how the editor distinguishes the two 'types' of gaming style with anecdotes. However, I would like to point out that towards the end of the editorial, the editor takes the particularly foolish stance that debate (argument) isn't for the best. The editor's contention that we should all just agree is false. The premise of a forum is different thoughts and opinions, and that's particularly emphasized here at TIF. There is nothing wrong with contending that one game is better than the other for reason X, it only becomes a problem when it breaks down to 'Omg joo r nub PKing is b3tt3r'--unintelligent debate. That last paragraph was really shocking coming from the editor, and I would suggest that he or she should revise/clarify his or her editorial if what was heard was not what he or she intended.
  2. Grats on the farming level, and enjoy the belladonnas. Are you dking tomorrow?
  3. Actually, I can make super energies myself--my problem is getting the harralanders/avantoes :wall: Thanks nonetheless ~Fins
  4. How long have you been gone? I've been Dking since June :XD: Thanks guys, working on 94, though I'm out of energy potions, so I'll have do some walking.
  5. There's nothing wrong with realism, and I think the author misses that point. The point I think he or she should shoot for is that realism isn't essential in all games/aspects of games. His current standing is rather extremist (All good games aren't realistic).
  6. Two pics for Ant Ant and I did 2 Kq trips before doing a little fishing (where Ant later got 95) And here's the 90 mage pic with the messages that you missed :XD:
  7. Silly fmer :XD: Dking changed to 8 o clock this night. So sorry for the change, Ant needs to go at 10. I'll try to get him on board the ship next time -.-
  8. I think he meant that A)he didn't read them or perhaps B)whatever you decide to do in the future. What have you been up to lately Lit?
  9. I think I'm taking on Jad this weekend. Saturday is DKing. Died to Jad Friday night. I think I might take him on again soon.
  10. Thanks, I think I'll trim it with Fm =o Nah, get something different. Magic maybe? Or agility.
  11. Yellow. Having 92 agility as my highest skill (and only above 77, in fact), plus it being my favorite makes it my color. Still, I wouldn't group them as Jagex does.
  12. 'Just helm and spear' --and the helm was gotten tonight :P Congrats on the helm Ant! I look forward to DKing with you this Saturday.
  13. 7 days since posts :( We're Dking this Saturday at 10 eastern (9 central). Information is on Zp forums. Would you like to come? You're almost 99 :P
  14. 71 str and 91 combat. Dh helm sold for 800k. I need to spend some money on sharks and super restores. Went KQing, died, but Ant, etc. got my stuff. Was fun. I hope to do it again.
  15. Back to agility. I expect to get 92 this week, marking the official 'half-way' mark. I'd like to keep agility levels at 1 per week while I'm at school until I get my level up higher. Hybriding was very fun--much more so than maging. I hope to get another trip set up this weekend. 200k from 92 agility. 100k from 92 agility. I should get it tomorrow evening. Warrior gave me 500k (much to my protest) so I could buy V helm--I completed full v. Got Dh helm. Got 92 agility. Veraced tonight.
  16. Congratulations on 80 farming Ant! Thanks for posting the pic on my blog. Btw, wouldn't penance gloves/spottier cape be preferable for your rcing setup?
  17. Congrats on 98 and 70 crafting Beer!! And I'm pleased to see that both you and Warrior joined Zp. Now post your application! Warrior already has, so he's excused. Url: z11.invisionfree.com/zp_mh
  18. The author comes across as very set in his or her ways. It's foolish to think that RS 'must be played such and such way.' I prefer to let people do what they want. You can try to convince them that they should approach something a certain way, but saying that their way is 'wrong' is foolish and unpersuasive.
  19. That's good news? :-k You probably won't train on ape atoll until 68-71.
  20. Actually, I very much enjoy myself when I train agility. It's not at all boring. Dking is probably more fun, but agility has the advantage of being relaxing/safe. In terms of length, it won't take *that* long. It will take time, but I enjoy that time, so the length is essentially irrelevant.
  21. I'm sure I speak for Warrior, Beer, and I when I say that it was also a pleasure to Dk with you.
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