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Everything posted by Death_Dude74

  1. I'm considering requesting an avatar from you after you return on Dec 18.
  2. I'm liking the trimmed skill cape! (prayer bonus ) Couple things: Why do you use Vannaka? Chaeldar would be much better for your level in my experience. Also, might I suggest MTK for raising farming? The tree seeds you get from maples (5 workers=4 nests/day, 10 workers=8 nests/day) can greatly help farming, and you can have the other five working on something else. Very efficient if you ask me.
  3. I'll put in a good word with Ant about you. Do you know him at all? That might help, but you're pretty nub so I'm not sure if he'll let you in. Thanks for your support guys, and I've added Zaid's blog.
  4. I've decided to make a list of goals not so much for me, but to let others know a bit more about me. A bit about me: I'm Death_Dude74, but I go by Max or Fins. I've played RS since classic in 2001/2002, with some long breaks in between. I got 99 Agility a few months ago, and had fun doing it. I've met some great people while I've played, and my thanks extends to them. When I play, I enjoy training skills that I enjoy (Farming, Agility), and I like talking with friends. Even better is boss hunting with friends, which is exciting and challenging. I'm a parrothead-my iPod is filled with Jimmy Buffett. I also enjoy Joni Mitchell, who just released a new album in December. I like learning about History, and I read a good deal. I'm a Vice-President of the Speech team at my school, and I do most of my work with LD Debate (Value debate (We should use capital punishment because it ensures safety, OR We shouldn't use capital punishment because it violates life.)) My goals are various, and I'll list them here. Note that I don't use goal bars, because I don't like them, nor do I think they are accurate reflections of what one has done and what one has yet to accomplish. Combat Goals All for better Boss hunting 85 Attack 85 Strength 85 Defence 90 Hitpoints 80 Prayer 85 Ranged 82 Magic 83 Slayer-For Sara GWD KC 40/52/67 Summoning-Ant, Terrorbird, and War Tortoise respectively Skill Goals 99 Farming--This isn't impossible, and I've had a lot of fun and success training it so far. I farm a variety of herbs generally (I treat my herbs like a stock portfolio--diversify them and enhance stability). I grow yews and papayas, and use my skilling and monster hunting to fund my farming. 72/79/81 Herblore--Range Potions, Antidote++, and Saradomin brews respectively. 73 Smithing--An easy goal. I'd like to be able to make Adamant bolts.--Done A higher construction level--I want a nice house 65/75 Rcing-For Deaths/Giant pouch, respectively Monster Hunting Goals -Get a unique drop from Zilyana -Get a unique drop from Kree Item Goals Saradomin Godsword--a big goal, but it will be worth it DFS-Useful for GWD and DKing A piece of Armadyl armor (for Kree) A cannon--for powering through Slayer Tasks and eventually aiding summoning House Goals Not sure how I will do it, but I'm making my house over sometime or other. Zeitphasm I'm a member of the Events Team at Zeitphasm, and I enjoy playing with them. Most of my 'Boss' trips are with ZP members, and it's great to be able to have a clan where I have people to do it, and at the same time have a good community. Learn more at out forums at z11.invisionfree.com/zp_mh
  5. Well, many people often have different definitions. You need to agree on definitions to debate an issue. Because 'better' is inherently ambiguous (better for who?), you really aren't arguing anything there. Look at it this way: different people often want the same thing, but believe in different ways in going about achieving it. An excellent example is Republicans and Democrats in U.S. politics--they both want what's best for America, but simply believe in different ways to get it, or even what 'better' is.
  6. Will do Lit. ~Glad to see you're back :P My wise words: (atleast, I think they're wise)
  7. Well, that's not really accurate because trip times vary so much. Also, mage trips last different times than when I hybrid.
  8. How much time does an antidote++ give per dose? If you know it, I'd also appreciate a number for antidote+ (I believe it is 10 minutes/dose). Thanks! Relevance: I'm trying to save spots when DKing.
  9. Personally, I'd like to see Jagex discuss the pros and cons of adding an update. Sure, we can tax junk food because we think it would help stop obesity, but whether or not it works and if the expenses are too much for the benefits, maybe we shouldn't do it. Anyway, what I'm really getting down to is that I'd like to hear Jagex talk to this with the RS members, and tell us what advantages and disadvantages they anticipate from the update.
  10. While the editor made some excellent points, the fact that criticism is often necessary to target and solve a problem holds. There's a distinct difference between: "Macroers are a problem. What can Jagex do to prevent/target them?" and, "Jagex I hate macroers. Stop them you idiots!" One of them is taking a shot, the other works for a solution. I'll let you guys decide which is which.
  11. I'm just checking up on you Lit. How are things?
  12. Your best bests are: yew/magic longs, battlestaves, crafted d hide, and steel/mithril/addy plates. The key to the plates is using blast furnace, but you can do it without. D hide is expensive to buy, but good crafting experience. Staves are slower, but still an excellent profit of 2.3k per stave. Bows are easily traded, so they're good as well. Can you tell us more about what you want to get out of the alching?
  13. So what have you been up to recently Lit? PostScript: The merchanting going well?
  14. Finally they got your membership : Congrats on 72 slayer! Have fun at abbies and enjoy your task ~Fins
  15. Talk about a cruel mistress (figuratively), but atleast you let him off 3 levels. I don't even want to consider the implications of that last statement I look forward to your return -Death
  16. Enjoying your break Lit? Have fun merchanting :P
  17. I'm not a big fan of conventional 'rate this' critiques, but I'll say this: you have excellent stats as it is. You have some weaknesses (Rcing, prayer, slayer, for example), and your strengths (thieving, fishing, cooking). The important thing is that you enjoy yourself, and I think you do at that.
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