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Everything posted by Bomba_Boy

  1. I'd take the mickey out of someone with a runescape ringtone :roll:
  2. Well all you did was lyke, put a vector add a render, put some color in horizontal text. Done. Why not try brushes?
  3. if you want i sig to change colour then you use gradiant map. i use adobe photoshop 9 cs2 its the latest version why do you ask ? but i create the sigs myself using the same program They look plain
  4. What do you use for these sigs? You seem to just press ''Colour Change''
  5. 90-99 On magics. Cya in the graveyard. You best stick to willows
  6. Get it rendered and i'll do it
  7. I'VE SEEN: I Mahatma I I mahatma I I mahat i I mahatr I !!
  8. I already have the logs, i usually make goals for myself and quit cause i dont have the stuff, but now i DO! (plus i dont have any melee stuff anymore) No doubt you have the logs, but can you click 208,000 times of clicking? :P
  9. Personally, i suggest staying out of edgville. It will be warm until the dust settles
  10. there whips don't look bendy enough. Look in game at a whip and see the flex? Now look at yours, imagine holding some rope 180 degrees in the air, would it stay that hard? It would bend. And maybe not use Jokerman font, it doesn't work well with the background
  11. Bomba_Boy

    Eeps, a ghost!

    I am neither scared or affected by Ghosts. Yes i partly scared, but it is only natural. I have had many ocassions. Coming in from school, and my bedroom light not working, next day it works. Other: I was kissing my girlfriend, we were at a friends house, he lives close to a church. And we looked out of the window after we heard a siren, we could both see some white material (or ectoplasm) it looked around at us (Or what we thought was a face) and we freaked, jumping own on the floor. Shutting the curtains. I was always told that dogs could see ghosts, so i was round my friends sleeping. We were playing games and stuff, when the dog jumped at the door, scratching, we opened the door and felt a cold air go through us (Note; it was a very hot day and it was almost too warm to go outside) we all looked at each other. When we all dismissed this as it was just a gush of wind.
  12. BTW, Tanks are 99 defence, 99 range. VERY HIGH RANGE AND DEFENCE, not 40 defence and 70 range. So maybe get 70 range, 70 defence? :D
  13. Yeah but look: [b]Farming Achievments[/b] [url=http://(PUT LEVEL 50 OR SOMETHING HERE)]Level 50 Farming[/url] [url=http://(PUT LEVEL 51 OR SOMETHING HERE)]Level 51 farming[/url]
  14. Maybe make your blog cleaner, e.g. Farming achievments; attack achievments; Defence achievments; put them in bold, then hyperlink the other ones. I'm a perfectionist :)
  15. Alot... Well 30 minutes. It was hard getting the helm.
  16. He's in initiate and gonna hold a whip and a defender. Need tips on shading. I am dreadful at it Step 1:
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