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    I love pking. Unfortunaately, that is currently a non-existant hobby.

RuneScape Information

  1. Well, as far as limiting the accounts by post count, I have posted in a few hundred threads... but they were in the market place, and thus don't count... so limiting by how long they have been members, and how active they are makes more sense.
  2. The day the bank robbery was revealed I tried this to see if Jagex overlooked telegrab and I actually tried it. :oops: But a couple of years later? lol? :roll: Me to (for the day it was released).... :oops: lol. Its funny, the other day I was on my strength less rune pure, (level 19 so far) (rsn: Knightshaid) and I turned into an egg. (2006 Easter event item: Easter ring) so there were a few people like "What the heck? A level 19 with Easter ring???" and they would just leave... So them a few more people took out there rings, and we were just chilling in Draynor. Then a level 56 comes and he's like "wow! reported h4x0rz!"... It's funny how so much changes in a few months...
  3. Runescape Username: Amlord1 Combat Level:89 (woot, almost 90! :lol: ) F2P, P2P:P2P
  4. Below Is A Signature Anyone Can Use To Advertise The Thread. [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=762822][img=http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u94/amlord1/DMR-Sign-Up.png][/url] Woot! hyper-linked it.. took me forever to figure that out.. :thumbsup:
  5. hehe, you sound lazy. there are no get rich quick schemes on runescape. scammings out (thats a good thing!) lol. so if you want to play runescape, work a little. it takes money to make money. to make money, you need to work.
  6. guess what? you dont have to worry about pkers anymore... sadly... poor wildy...=( now you haver to worry about level 90's-126's that hit 30's.....
  7. i hope this isnt the wrong place to post this, but i wanted to see if anyone else is interested in trying to kill them. im level 73, and currently in world 17. if your within 5 levels of me,and interested on coming along, just pm me in game. i have a feeling tht they are impossible to solo...atleast without a lot of food... its like all 3 types of pures in 1, and they got defence...
  8. dude, this is nearly identical to something i suggested on rsof. of coarse i support. many of my in-game friends share our beliefs. i even got a mods support...=P
  9. this is the first runescape movie i have made, so please dont be too critical. (im trying to embed it here, but if it doeant work, heres a youtube link:
  10. i can resize it... thats not to much of an issue... it just makes the numbers hard (or impossible) to read. and i already changed the file type... still didnt work. i got to were i was 10 kb away...
  11. by the way, merchanters can kill the economy as well as help it. the less more merchanters there are buying things for low prices, the greater the prices fall... the problem is, that so called "merchants" are not willing to take time to sell items. they just "dont have the time", so they sell them for an outrageously low price, and then, every1 else drops to match... whether they can afford it or not. thats how the economy is crashing... if no one else has noticed it, macroers and the lazy merchants, are messing up the economy. macroers are cutting all day and night, and since they have so many of whatever item, they can afford to sell for less than everyone else. this makes merchanting nearly impossible, due to the fact that no one can out-price a macroer. they sell hundreds of thousands of theyre item... making it impossible to get somethings value out of it. then they trade there new "found" wealth, to there mains. then, they buy other items, and sell those items for cheap, because they can.
  12. no complaints on most things, but i make sigs (signatures), and i cant put almost any of them on here, because of the lack of space allowed. i could attach a picture with every post... but thats just plain annoying. if its possible, i would appreciate it. (for you gramer geeks, sorry i didnt take the time to type this out "correctly"... im in kind of a rush) and i dont think the word "geek" is an insult. i am one, just not for grammer.
  13. Well said! i know there are alot of problems in the game, but jagex is doing a very good job. just from the small website i maintain (sometimes) i know how frustrating simple website upkeep can be. jagex has a multi million dollar game to run! and then there are all the rule breakers, message spammers and macroers to deal with. they make new quests, mini games and all sorts of things. and being into 3d modeling my self, i know how hard it is to make 1 simple model! let alone animating and texturing. it takes hours per item. so, give jagex some slack!
  14. uhhhh... someone isnt thinking... and they cant spell... p (short 4 party) hat, not pee (yuck!) hat --- and cracker... --- oh, and what on earth is a hawaween mask!?!?
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