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Everything posted by Nytestryke24

  1. nachalo I like this idea. Sure, it'd upset a couple people, but not too much, as they'd have their party hats, and they'd have their money. If they really had their party hats because they liked wearing them.. then it shouldn't bother them. If they didn't like wearing them? Then they just had it as an investment, and they've got their money. All is alright.. Okay, they won't make any more money out of it, but... it was never meant to make money, as previously stated. I also like the idea of giving us newer players (October 2006 ftw ;)) Scythes, Bunny Ears, and I assume Yo-Yo's, Christmas Hats & Scarves, Marionettes and whatever else we missed. Sure, some people would get annoyed because they feel they should be 'honoured' in some way due to their having played longer- but there are those who were there, but didn't log on because they were on holiday etc. etc. Good idea. Contact JaGeX nao pl0x! Sincerely Nytestryke24 konets
  2. 114 here on the uber TIF! :) ;) 2296 posts on the RSOF. I lead a clan and we're based on the RSOF, so... :P
  3. I'm afraid I can't answer that question accurately. I do have xp/chin rates for 90 + rates, but for 85 and under, it's just guesswork. But let's see... 77-85 is around 1.5M xp. At 90 ranged, the xp per grey chin is around 200. We'll make an estimate it's around 150 for your lvl. This way, you will need 10k chins, and it will cost you around 3.5M in chins. The pray pot cost is around 14 pray pots (4) per 1.3K chins. I'm too lazy to count that out too, but I'm sure you can. Many thanks. It comes out at 870k on pray pots. Does that sound about right? :)
  4. Well, it seems like a good guide- just your pics are broken. I haven't completed Rocking Out and Thieving is not my forte, so it doesn't really help me. Still, looks like a well thought out guide. :)
  5. Nice guide! 10/10 :) How many chins would I need from 77-85 Ranged? (I know you recommend not to chin until 85.. but.. :P)
  6. Hmm. Cool that it's a lightsource. didn't know that :P Btw: Why are we talking about the Seer's milk & cheese? They don't even have cows! :P (sorry, I found it irresistable- seer's DAIRY rewards)
  7. So I want 75 Agility, and I'm training at the Ape Atoll course. How long will it take me approximately? *I'm 63 Agility at the moment* Many thanks Nytestryke24
  8. Thanks- however, I don't have 68 summoning *sniffle* Shall I just take cakes? :P
  9. Thanks all I just tried on a pvp world... some nerds come and attack me.. what is their motivation, seriously? -.- Thanks anyway
  10. Well, as the title states I'm looking for a setup for the Wilderness Agility Course. Inventory too please :) Many thanks Nytestryke24 (I'm looking to get to 75 there, at which point I shall revisit the w48aaat, should it still exist)
  11. Attack :) I don't personally like Strength much :P
  12. Hmm- it has worked :D I went to a screen with rats (the prison) and it worked! :) THANKS :D
  13. So, what d'you suggest? Just keep trying, or get in touch with Jagex? :s
  14. SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED :) Well, I've reached the final step on ratcatchers, selected all the right notes, and no cutscene..? -.- And before you ask, yes I did click the wind icon where it was needed. Please help! Thanks! :)
  15. I agree with your point. Surely the title of the thread should be changed, as torso is better than addy FACT. Shouldn't it be more like 'BA'ing when you dont find it fun is pointless' Actually, BA'ing for a torso because you think it will help you in training is pointless is more to the point :P
  16. From where I stand, alot of people saying it's all about perception don't seem to be understanding what the author of the thread is trying to get across: that if you get torso because you think it will help your training, you have wasted time. He is not saying that if you enjoy BA you shouldn't get Torso, as clearly the game is about fun. He is also not saying that your opinion is rubbish [as some of you seem to be interpreting], merely pointing out that mathematically it is pointless. Notice mathematically.
  17. There's someone on these forums called A Real Fool :D I also like Oink the Egg though : My pure's name Twin Bladist ftw
  18. The more HP, the better! Think about the advantage you have... You should get 70 range just for the HP (and the Black Dragonhide, of course ;))
  19. Thanks all- but Slayer Helm is also really great for PvP ;) lol Besides, I find points are better spent on Cancelling/Blocking tasks :)
  20. Well, I was just wondering what decent alternatives there are to a Neitiznot helmet. (I do have a neitiznot, just interested to know what else there is, as I'm a lil' bored of it ;))
  21. Lol, that's fine :D So, are you gonna make it or not? You didn't make that clear ;)
  22. Hey wow. That's kinda cool. :D :thumbsup: Good find :thumbsup:
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