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Everything posted by lcchs

  1. its next to the chaos dwarf and the 4 white stones at lv33 wild, i think its probably spirit of summer 2 because i see the grave of jennica, if i remember correctly thats the name of the mother. anyways 1 more safespot in the wild to telepot from
  2. i messed up my house so badly that i deleted all the rooms except the costume room. Im looking for a tool that will help me make my house, i need to know where the doors are located for each room. I know runehq has a house planner but i dont have flash and cant install one because im using a public computer
  3. i never tried it myself but wouldnt you be too heavy with your oak logs to use the balloon method. i mean i tried to make a load of beavers with the balloon method to taverly, and i was too heavy with my willow logs even though i had boot of lightness, spottier cape and penance gloves.
  4. i dont recall having to go into a cave at lv33 wild during that quest
  5. does anyone know what it is for, i dont remember it being there b4, its a huge cave with several rooms, one of which has a functional but decrepit saradomin altar and several graves.
  6. i play in rs in resizable screen because u can have the full screen and still check the other websites, unlike the real fullscreen where it will shrink tothe low detail size scrren if u try to go to another window.
  7. i would quit when rs is finished, removed or otherwise. its a good game to waste time while multi tasking
  8. apparently ice trolls are good to cannon but i dont know if it was nerf or not
  9. just read the post above about what happened to lightning chat
  10. in short private parties dont exist anymore, if u want to give stuff to friends u have to drop items worth less 3k or so on the ground
  11. lcchs


    its better if u continue to train ur att, def, and str, ur 99hp will come by quickly anyways, which zammy mage are u talking about?
  12. but it shouldnt be a problem if ur already making those junk items as a byproduct of ur training
  13. thats right, good guess and theres a quest guide for it now. and u have to get ur familiar on the disk, and u dont have to stand between them, just dismiss the familair as the monster steps onto the disk, have ur monster on the far side of the disk
  14. dont worry its a half a million well spent, over time it will save u money, most places can be reached in the 5 minutes it takes for ur grave to collapse. this is assuming u have most if not all the teleportation options
  15. if u look into the bestiary page it a bit more it will tell u. essentially its the monster combat lv divided by hp, the ratio estimates how good the monster is to train on. remmeber its a estimate that doesnt take into account the monster`s weaknesses
  16. i think that any item above 3k that u drop wont appear, as that is the basic trade limit for everyone. even if ur trade limit and that of others increase because u have more quest points does not matter.
  17. zamorak if u can afford it, useful if u want to use with ur prayer boasting gear. thats the only use the prayer book has. if u are going to use protect form prayer u wont need any def bonuse from sara or guthix book.
  18. i have a question, dont both players have to have a certain amount of qp if they want to lend a godsword in return for 30k gp, like over 200qp. plus as stated previously its quite hard to get ur hands on a gs if ur a bot. if theyre so worry that a bot will get their hands on a gs then dont allow players to buy them unless they have the lv to wield one, this will pretty much eliminate the bots chance in rwt. of course this wont stop some players who have reach the lvs to try rwt but its at their own risks
  19. i dont remember what comb lv i was b4 i got my first million, all i did was collecting coins and alching my drops from lessers and ice giants. took me a long time since f2p is so slow
  20. willows takes ~220mins to grow according to tip.it farming guide super compost affect the chances of ur crop of being affected by a desease, if u have a gardener watching over ur plants and u sup composted ur trees, they will have less chance of getting desease and therefore finish gowing in the ~220mins. if u didnt sup composted ur trees they could end up being desease many times and the gardener will cure it each time, u wont see it getting deseased by the tree will take a lot longer to grow.
  21. i tried looking for it near the 2 places in the quest by i cant see it, plus u cant go into the other world after the quest
  22. how do i get it back i lost it after i was killed by revenants
  23. no it dropped quite a bit because og the grande exchange and memebers can now dump their rune drops into the market
  24. well the quest is probably next month as some1 has mention the two season thing, so we probably find out what the 3 other portal contain as a reward next month in spirit of autumn or whatever the quest is going to be called
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