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Everything posted by lcchs

  1. even if its quest related it may not be necessarily low lv. theyre making a grand master quest, they might release one with the phoenix as the reward
  2. read the update properly and you will see that it is not out yet
  3. Pure ess is Cheaper than Nats. obviously its cheaper but they still cost 160gp so u will lose 27gp per bow, so its still a lost
  4. but if u made ur own nats dont u have to buy ur pure ess, unless u want to mine it...
  5. the holiday event was fun but the quest not that great
  6. maybe the guy that was talking about guy faulks actually meant guy fawkes. Not that it has anything to do with thanksgiving besides the fact it is celebrated on the november 5 edit: omg they censor his name, maybe that's why the person misspelled it
  7. i was referring to this guide viewtopic.php?f=180&t=762675
  8. theyre calling it a master quest, chances are the requirements will be monstrously high
  9. its 30 free low alchs and that willl be done in no time
  10. he can only cast low alch, its a waste of a nat
  11. if you are a member try camelot teleport, its better xp per law rune
  12. i used the word apparently because i have not tried it myself, i read it on a player made guide in aow that teak is fastest wc xp
  13. apparently teak is faster then willow
  14. maybe this grandmaster quest can result in you becoming a god but i really hope this quest is not as annoying as me2
  15. Nah, smelting's only at the edgeville furnace, sorry. It's close to a bank though, so it's pretty convenient. its convenient except when there are many people using it, u have to wait for the door to close b4 u can open it
  16. whip on control will get u 99 att def and str faster then whip for att and def+d scimmy for str
  17. looks like smelting only works at egdeville, i reread the tip.it smithing guide
  18. does the chance of the armor to smelt 2 bars only work at the edgeville furnace?
  19. theres also pyramid plunder mini game thats good thieving xp
  20. randoms that teleport you somewhere else, you are training on a monster that auto atts u, after 20min they stop then boom random teles u and when u come back they are aggressive again
  21. ectofungus takes forever, its faster with guilded altar but if he is burying bones and big bones, its not worth the time to use ectofungus or guilded altar
  22. if u read the development diaries u know it takes time to form an idea and then to program it. they did promised us a phoenix and that would be cool so it will likely come with the 150th quest.
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