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Everything posted by lcchs

  1. really, where did u hear about this. what happened to the people who finished it with assist?
  2. revs are ennoying as hell, in the old wild i used to go clue hunting and i was never attacked once during that time. now i have to bring food and some dragonhide armor. whats worst is that they sometimes poison and teleblock you. if u have food the poison is no big deal. but the teleblock delays you to your next destination for 5mins.
  3. u can also use a familiar to boast up ur farming lv
  4. seems like normal drops to me, nothing to indicate good luck or such
  5. its a f2p quest so i dont expect anything from it, much like the halloween quest
  6. F2p doesnt have gods? what game have you been playing?. i was not clear in my statement, what i meant to say is i dont remember gods being involved in any of the f2p quests
  7. the thing on the banner looks like an ape. i bet the quest would be disappointing since its going to be f2p for a short time. the quest being f2p which lead me to think it would not have anything to do with icyenes or gods.
  8. there isnt anything that can carry hold more sweetcorn, same thing for watermelons. u can always use a bob for more inventory space
  9. im not asking if its tradeable but rather if you can lend it oops misread what u wrote
  10. can u even lend out rockshell, spined or skeletal? if its the yak armor u can always make it uself for like 10gp
  11. what are u talking about, fremmy diary gives u boots so no armor. And u cant lend those items as theyre non tradeable
  12. i did the event, got the cornucoppia, died and lost it and dont want towaste my time killing a million birds to get
  13. read the holiday item guide, im not sure about the emote but it says u can get cornucoppia
  14. apparently u can still do it but with normal birds
  15. How do i retieve the cornucoppia, i know the item database said to go to diango. I went and asked for holiday items but its not there. I lost mines wheni died, do i have to go kill birds to find one?
  16. i will just have to alch it and buy another cape for lost of 60k, but like u said 99k is nothing thanks anyways
  17. is it possible to get back the hood of my defence cape? i shot it out when i got it and i need it to hang on my cape rack.
  18. If you take her purse, of course it's illegal if she is connected to the internet. What does that have to do with anything? :D From I think you're saying, you mean the wireless connection from in the park? First, I'd say that would probably be a public access point anyway, something the city put there for convenience. That's totally legal. If you mean it's a private network, that is unprotected, then yes, I would frown on that. But like you said, there are gray areas for many laws; this would definitely fall in that area. If she's in the park, she may not realize that she's connecting to a private network. where did u get the idea he talking about snatching purses, read his post carefully
  19. i use ie for runescape and firefox for the rest
  20. really? u can get to the 4-8 spots and kill the wizard and sometimes solve the puzzle box in 15mins on opposite sides of the runescape map
  21. :pray: if its a tele i hope it ends up on lunar island Two words: Astral tablets. i know but i dont like that minigame, its just that free teles to lunar island would be nice.(99.9%chance it wont happen)
  22. :pray: if its a tele i hope it ends up on lunar island
  23. it is illegal and u can get arrested if ur caught, which is really rare. theres has been cases where suspicious people are seen sitting in their cars using laptops, the police were called and found the person accessing someone else internet. But it is true its ur fault if u dont secure ur wireless internet who knows whats they use u internet and its ip for.
  24. we already have a calculator like that on tip.it
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