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Everything posted by baileydafrog

  1. The idea is that Jagex is adding official support for the existing community varient of DIY; they're just renaming it "Ironman." They aren't creating a new hard game-mode from scratch. The widely-accepted DIY rules say nothing about MTK or fiddling with monster drops; it'd actually be impossible to obtain most high-end equipment if you couldn't get it from monster drops and also couldn't buy it from players! And MTK is an excellent source of resources for DIY players that doesn't involve interacting with other players, so there's no reason to exclude that for DIY players. I see no reason to alter the drops Ironman characters get from monsters or to bar MTK. With MTK: That is an Easy way to get resources though. DIY means: Get the resources yourself. You want Herbs? Farm. You want Logs: Cut Trees You want Coal: Mine it Monster drops: They shouldn't drop: Armor, Runes, Arrows, Gems, etc Resources. so they can never make a slayer helm, or get unique armours, or get the high end gear? resources i get, gear, i dont.
  2. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Dragonfire this states that they do not stack at all, just replaces, also only works on certain dragons
  3. i helped pretty much everyday till cap and picked bandos, i had dragon token but didn't buy any pieces
  4. nope, been doing solo kills but no luck at all, my poor costume room :(
  5. seems odd to get it from the kc outside about 1/80 but the thousands of kills inside to not get any at all, i've gotten all 3 abilities in this time and plenty of regular armour :S
  6. Is it actually possible to get this whilst bossing? I'm on nearly 900 kills with no pieces, thats just bosses so 4-5 minions extra per kill. during killcounts i've had 4, while sara and zammy i got very quickly. 1-2 trips. Is this extremely bad luck or is he just not dropping for some other reason? cheers :)
  7. and i cant even manage to max one! gratz! going for the 120 dung?
  8. with certain potions would 4>1>3 not actually profit whilst getting them? If 4 dose costs less than 3 dose odds are you ain't gonna be able to buy it to make profit from cause people ain't dumb they aren't gonna decant to 4 dose if 3 dose is worth more and equally they aren't going to sell 4 doses for so little when it obviously has more worth as 3 dose. you will have a greater number of them, ive had many times where had to decant to 3 dose because 4 dose wont sell med, then the 3 dose sells over
  9. I have hunter brawlers and plenty of bxp in the skill, do they stack to 8x xp or something like that? or all get nerfed when they sorted the agility brawlers/silverhawks out? with that in mind, for xp will black salamanders be best to use them on? if jadinkos still work out higher xp p/h i'll just end up doing skillchompas cheers :)
  10. with certain potions would 4>1>3 not actually profit whilst getting them?
  11. Hey all, I'm currently 106 Dungeoneering with Elite Tasks complete. I have the following items currently bound: Celestial Staff Saggi Short Primal Maul Primal Longs Primal Plate/Legs Celestial Top/Legs Saggi body/chaps Blood Necklace 125 Saggi Arrows All rings upgraded to tier 7 or above I'm usually either doing hardmode or helping lower levels, so i personally don't have much use in SSH, what should I be setting up like with current gear? Anything else worth getting to bind/ridding of? Is DW or 2H currently better in each style?
  12. although there are a few th items that can get you in there too, as well as i believe hoardstalker ring from doing sinkholes.
  13. leave the instance highly priced, more people do the slayer/boss slayer update to lower the price, then drop the price across the board to annoy the people who unlocked it
  14. do people do shades of mort'ton much anymore? found it impossible to make my own for it
  15. I have no idea. I just discovered they even exist BRB FULL NECRO & dat mudstaff<3 It might be cheaper now but full necro cost me 25-30m. cost me ~26m couple weeks ago, that was with a lot already owned from getting lumberjack and help from friends though would be nice to have the skull added to higher tier weapons, like arma staff or wands. actually look decent and be worth using during gameplay
  16. i thought buying all the rewards was enough of a pain! gonna fill chest when you complete it or sell? going for 3a too or just reg?
  17. i had that, the runescape launcher works though so i've had to start using that
  18. He's simply stating facts. He never once said he'd visit them with said gun.[/semantics] :P. English gun laws, even not having one he'd be in trouble for stating that
  19. in England definitely, if they, or anybody else reported him, they'd trump up some wasting police time or something to get him in trouble. But you read enough crap about people going crazy nowadays that you never know he's maxed except 105 dung, so very high chance he's used debit/credit/mobile at some point to pay members
  20. there is since erm . . last week? but you have to sacrifice your fire cape for it and do the kiln (which imo is far far easier than the caves anyway), but you kill them easy enough with the melee cape on
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