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Everything posted by baileydafrog

  1. not after the first one like i said, they weight at least a ton now i just have the vision of a 1 ton rhino running about a space ship. "for Christ's sake Dave, I told you we shoulda stuck to the cows!"
  2. I might've only done the questions just for the pet, but I have learnt a few random facts about them I never knew. Like, for instance, being abducted for aliens isn't actually a threat for them!
  3. it's degradable armour but you just repair with more shards, it's can also be very good combat xp getting the shards
  4. cannot state enough how much easier this armour makes the caves, you can take multiple hits for jad before death, 3 i think. Try and use abilities to heal until jad if you dont have ss, vampyrism aura can help with this if needs be. If you put the prayers on ability bar and use the keys to switch then just take you time concentrating on prayers till youre happy and have pulled the healers away, no need to rush and panic after spending all that time getting there.
  5. gives you good reason to go do it rather than just do twice in a row at reset
  6. when i'm personally watching tv i get much higher xp doing flatpacks, if paying attention regular are far better i know it doesnt always do it though, surely it should be one way or the other, unless there is some reason for it happening sometimes
  7. Hey all, i've been doing flatpacks for slightly afk cons training, but a high percentage of the time when i click to carry on making tables after butler brings planks, my guy stands up and have to wait to sit down again, is it something i'm doing or is it just a pain that i'll have to deal with? cheers :)
  8. How do you do that? I think you just talk to the guy and he takes it from your toolbelt? I'm not actually sure, as I haven't made an imcando myself. (Not being able to keep it on my toolbelt is a dealbreaker.) I agree that they probably should remove the dragon pickaxe requirement of the imcando. It's unnecessary. I'm not sure that we need the upgrade mechanic for the crystal versions, but I'm willing to let that slide (in no small part because I already own both dragon tools, so I'm not really losing anything from it.) I find their explanation of durations for the combined overload+antifire interesting... so you can just bring one combo pot and one overload and sip the overload when the overload portion of the combo runs out, yes? Still saves one inventory space, so it's not a bad idea. I'm not sure why it'd be that difficult to code "whenever you empty a crystal flask, it breaks, even if you're decanting and not drinking the contents", but... *shrug*. I vaguely recall weird restrictions on similar actions with regular potion flasks (I can't decant a 5-dose into two regular vials? WHY NOT?); I think it'd be easy to change that to the above, but that's just me. What's stupid about Dragon Hatchet/Pickaxe again? PvM method to obtain a non-PvM required item. Thats like pickpocketing would grant drygores. The skills should be intertwined. PvM providing everything for pvm gear is an issue I think they should work on. Smithing/Crafting was supposed to provide the supplies for combat originally. Bossing should just supply a piece of armour/weapons that needs to be combined with other supplies from skilling to make the gear. Like how you had to have high smithing, or pay an NPC, to combine the metal shards and make the dragon platebody? IIRC there's a smithing requirement on combining the Godsword pieces as well, but I could be wrong on that. I thought that was a really cool idea which didn't see enough use because the dragon platebody kinda sucked. there's also ports gear and the level 90 gear
  9. They will have workarounds probably. Im guessing stuns will just be "use a special". Provoke... well, get an eoc friend. no skilling allowed either, bash then earn mega monies only thanks. gotta be 2 hit kills but stable 50m p/h
  10. for me, newb is just newbie, a new person to something for me, noob is a state of mind, no level really changes it, just kind of mixture of naivety/ignorance/plain old clueless
  11. congrats! done with them forever or still gonna randomly kill every now and again? there's always def!
  12. i guess there was a little clue in the fc! so need to start doing warbands again, such effort since they changed the times!
  13. congrats! if you hate it so bad why you get it second?:o
  14. is there a place to find out what price to sell these at? also is there any chat/forum to sell these at other than rsof? my friend just got <_<
  15. that's a bit crappy :/ random death loot is always good after an hour
  16. isn't mage worst now due to damage restrictions from the spells so not level 99 damage, just 90 or w/e it caps at? on a side note, since dual wield in dung is sagi short better than primal knives? equal? or knives better? not ranged properly in a long time so don't know how the duals work in there or if knives are even equal to bows"Until 80s"Apparently I can't read! Appologies
  17. isn't mage worst now due to damage restrictions from the spells so not level 99 damage, just 90 or w/e it caps at? on a side note, since dual wield in dung is sagi short better than primal knives? equal? or knives better? not ranged properly in a long time so don't know how the duals work in there or if knives are even equal to bows
  18. If it is for the daily you can just buy uncharged off the ge and add a rune to each, presuming they haven't changed it
  19. at higher levels you save like 1.5 mil each time, with a wartortoise you have to bank 11 times for yours, which i believe is the largest. Even if you were as slow as possible and took a minute to bank each time you'd have to be on 8m p/h+ to make it not worth doing, but really you should be a lot faster than that with the banking
  20. at 83 you can use your daily banner boost for +2 for half an hour, it all helps towards overloads but no point starting later than you could if you have a problem with warbands
  21. i was getting 8x xp but only using 1 part bonus xp, got 99 with 1.2m bonus xp left
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