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Everything posted by Obtaurian

  1. Removing your hood is only really useful when running through rooms, but it depends on the room.
  2. The new guidelines are officially posted. Big changes are the "HOW THE [bleep] DO I JOIN DGS" section and the very heavily downsized rules section. The ranks section will be revised shortly pending discussion. Hopefully this makes everyone happy. If not, let me know.
  3. Read the entire first post, or wait a day and do significantly less reading when I put up the new guidelines. ;)
  4. Ah, I guess this explains why you're so confused. :) In other news (and I hope this post doesn't get buried by another 20+ Articultural posts!) the new guidelines will be up tomorrow most likely. They're being looked over by the keyers, etc.
  5. He's 70 Dungeoneering, do you honestly think he'll get floors in 148 or 28? 148, yes. But what's your point? Does this pertain to you in any way, shape, or form? Are you a DGS administrator, moderator, keyer, member, enthusiast, or anything of the like? No? Then kindly [bleep] off. Thanks. It's 6am and I haven't had my Cheerios yet.
  6. Just read the first post. And speaking of the first post, I'm working on making them much MUCH easier to read and digest, which should be done this week.
  7. This is not how degrades work. Also, it's besides the point, but while actually bursting/barraging the lobsters, they are not attacking you. Yes, it is. Chaotics degrade faster if more than one monster is attacking you, and with 8 or 9 lobsters attacking as fast they do, that shield will degrade extremely fast.
  8. Tipisi (and others) are researching whether it would be worth it to do c6 smalls instead of larges for the best xp/h. I think it's just Tipsi.
  9. wat "A Final Name" donated a Hex to SUOMI. "A Final Name" had a picture of the donation to SUOMI, but "A Final Name" lost the picture when his computer crashed. Grimy is confused because that's not quite the truth, hence the 'wat'.
  10. Yeah, I just remember everything. The only time I ever get mixed up is when I have to do a solo puzzle that takes a long time, like colored ferrets. I tend to stop paying attention to the chat/skype during long puzzles, which is a really bad habit that I'll be working on when I start DGing again.
  11. Randoms don't do [cabbage] to stop bots. The only random event should be genies.
  12. Yeah, make a perm team of 99 slayers that already have hexes so that you're guaranteed the drop, and only do warped floors. To give you an idea of how rare they are, though, I'm 117 dungeoneering and I've seen around ~30 soulgazers, two hexhunters. First hexhunter was at 101 dungeoneering, second one at around 60m exp, and I almost always have at least two 99 slayers on my teams (I think about 1/3 of everyone in DGS has 99 slayer). My first gazer was in a warped floor, my second in a high occult. So basically, they're incredibly rare, and you shouldn't even think about getting one. You do not look for the hexhunter - the hexhunter looks for you.
  13. Basically as soon as I can afford a new computer I'll be DGing again, but I'm not sure when this'll be. Half of my paycheck goes to car insurance and the other half is usually spent on food and stuff that I have to buy for myself. I need a second job or more hours at Disneyland before I can seriously consider a new computer. I had a plan of depositing a certain amount from every paycheck into a savings account, no matter how small, but so far that hasn't happened due to IRL circumstances. I really hate money.
  14. Thought this was interesting. DGS's ranks on the clan high-scores for every skill: XP total: 4 Attack: 20 Defense: 31 Strength: 10 Constitution: 15 Ranged: 12 Prayer: 12 Magic: 27 Cooking: 64 Woodcutting: 23 Fletching: 10 Fishing: 9 Firemaking: 17 Crafting: 3 Smithing: 17 Mining: 3 Herblore: 19 Agility: 3 Thieving: 7 Slayer: 8 Farming: 7 Runecrafting: 6 Hunter: 6 Construction: 4 Summoning: 8 Dungeoneering: 4
  15. So I've basically been working and spending tons of time with Kelsie. I've decided that my computer is too slow to dungeoneer on anymore, so I haven't been 'scaping except to do DGS admin stuff (which I'm still 100% involved in, even though I'm not actively playing). Thought this was interesting. DGS's ranks on the clan high-scores for every skill: XP total: 4 Attack: 20 Defense: 31 Strength: 10 Constitution: 15 Ranged: 12 Prayer: 12 Magic: 27 Cooking: 64 Woodcutting: 23 Fletching: 10 Fishing: 9 Firemaking: 17 Crafting: 3 Smithing: 17 Mining: 3 Herblore: 19 Agility: 3 Thieving: 7 Slayer: 8 Farming: 7 Runecrafting: 6 Hunter: 6 Construction: 4 Summoning: 8 Dungeoneering: 4
  16. So Guardian's Wards are great for leechers who like to run around randomly. K.
  17. And why not take people who are lower combat? Being 120 and not taking anyone below 115 (within reason) is ridiculous. It's not like combat level has anything to do with dungeoneering skill. As long as you can wield a gorgonite 2h (or cast fire surge) you can be helpful to the team. We used to have this guy in DGS who was 97 combat and he was one of my favorite teammates because he was a better dungeoneer than most people.
  18. Oooooookay, about the whole speaking English during floors thing . . . Firstly, this is the first time I've heard of this happening in DGS. The only explanation I can think of for how this could even happen (and as Moon touched on) is that the four other players were friends, and most likely non-DGSers. This is a problem for two reasons: 1. Obviously non-DGSers in DGS floors is not good, and people need to advertise their floors as such (warped+2, 3bo; occult+2, non-dgs; etc). 2. It should be extremely obvious to everyone that you need to speak a language that everyone can understand. In the vast majority of cases, this means speaking English. Idle chat isn't necessarily a bad thing during floors, but it absolutely cannot be disruptive. Personally, I would tell my team to shut the [bleep] up, but that's me. So in conclusion - don't be an idiot and speak a language that some of your teammates can't understand, and definitely don't invite your non-DGS friends into DGS floors without telling the clan chat. That's incredibly disrespectful to both the chat and the players who join that floor. We're a very closed clan chat for a reason. If I find out which DGSer is responsible for this, I will be talking to him/her. - Obt
  19. quest had horrible controls and the puzzles were just annoying. dialogue and humor were great, though. i love how Kenny is a jedi. increased ammo bind is mostly useless. i want both csb/laws AND arrows, not just more arrows. oh well.
  20. This hasn't become a problem quite yet, but we've had a number of people ask about it, so we're clarifying our stance now: we do not allow leech floors in DGS. The whole practice is completely contradictory to our goals, so we'll be taking this very seriously. Furthermore, and as you all know by now, we have three (soon to be four) new chat mods. Andy mentioned this earlier in the thread, so I'll just reiterate: because the clan high-scores have been fixed, we've experienced an influx of players. These players see our clan page and rank on the high-scores and decide to use the clan chat despite the very blunt warnings on the clan page, so we saw additional moderators as a necessity. We now have mods in just about every timezone (though some mods don't seem to remember their own timezones and like to hang out in others [HI MICHAEL AND VEX]). Happy dungeoneering, Jimi / Obt
  21. Pink admin. What.

  22. -Obtain candy -Paint letter 'S' on it -Bribe Tripsis Profit! -Obtain candy -Paint letter 'S' on it -Bribe Tripsis Profit! -Obtain candy -Paint letter 'S' on it -Bribe Tripsis Profit! Subliminal messages.
  23. Well, 'snaping' is a little bit outdated nowadays. There should be more emphasis on exploring paths or procuring ragers than snaping. That said, lower tier worldbearers can be useful sometimes, but I would only recommend really pro dungeoneers try it, and only if that particular floor calls for it (to put this into perspective, I've only seen Nintendo and Matt Marche use lower tier worldbearers effectively).
  24. I think it could be viable when we get our second ammo bind, but a csb is much more useful IMO. Because of the huge change to DGS's bind policies, we'll be looking into pretty much every alternative third bind.
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