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Everything posted by monte

  1. I once predicted the amount of quality General Discussion topics on tip.it would increase dramatically.* Man, was I wrong! Current topic excluded of course. *Truthfulness of statement may not be 100% accurate
  2. Thats always been like that tbh. You forgot a word in your post, and you are also wrong. LOL...classic...change his quote and then tell him he is wrong. Actually you are wrong or atleast as you mentioned clueless. Whether the game game bombs out or go halfway thru before ending (leaving the winning team with 500 tokens) depends on *how* the opposing team quits. Going thru the portal won't end the game right away....using other means that I won't mention seems to. The game is still alittle glitchy at times, in particular since the updates last week, but is still less than 2 weeks old.
  3. Pretty much. It amuses me that people will complain that Jagex 'controls' prices and don't let the player supply and demand reflect prices.... ....and then complain when player controlled supply and demand drives the price of a traditional money maker down. Can I have my cake and eat it too?
  4. Sure...go post this on RSOF. It's so well delivered that I'm sure Jagex will jump right on it and deliver your requests stat :roll: Here's some constructive criticism though. This reads less like the 'truth' and 'realization' and a little more like 'bragging' and 'ranting'. There's probably a better way to deliver the 'Hey, what's the deal with ?' query. Just sayin'
  5. I see your overall point but I think you are off on the LOTR comparison. LOTR was definitely *not* a movie for young kids. Alot of parents were caught off guard and brought their children and had to leave the movie early. I saw this both times I saw the movie in the theater. It was a PG-13 movie and I'd say that's just about right. So, the article is pretty much on the mark. If you let your kid watch and he/she can handle LOTR then yeah, that kid is probably ready to handle RS. If you don't want your kid watching LOTR yet then hold off.
  6. Hey, I'm sure that the vast majority of muted people are just wonderful in real life. They probably eat all their vegetables, help old ladies cross the street and always show up at the time they say they will. Who friggin' cares? In RS, you use vulgar language and/or be a general pain to other people playing the game then you deserve to be muted. It's as simple as that and it's the price to be paid. The game isn't an an outlet to hide behind the relative anonymity of your character and act like a jerk. Maybe that doesn't necessarily speak of how a person is in real life but when you are playing this game, it is how you are viewed and you should be held accountable for your actions. So anything I said previously wasn't a personal attack. I don't care what the OP is like in real life. In RS, he sounds like he must have been jerk and quite honestly, he's probably lucky to still be able to play the game. The fact the qc worlds have come along and given him a way to communicate with others just like him is great for him which is the point he was making.
  7. I feel bad for the rs player named monte Caught in the crossfire I guess
  8. He can respond to me in game. Oh wait...no he can't. :lol:
  9. Meh, I'd hold in higher regard anyone who plays the game honestly and with civility over someone who takes away the enjoyment of others with vulgar language and other immature actions. But that's just me Monte - Your geeky, rude, mannerless but blackmarkless and not-muted rs player
  10. You forgot your sarcasm tag. ;) You forgot your manners :| Oh, so you were serious? When you said, 'You're no better than them by playing by the rules in a video game' I got a good laugh. I would have lost a lot of money betting on that being a joke. Guess we just look at it differently. If thinking someone is a jerk (not to mention stupid) for racking up 13 blackmarks and a permanent muting in 4 months *after* coming off a 3 year ban for similar offenses....well, I guess I am rude and lacking in manners. Color me inconsiderate. EDIT: I do give the kid credit though for atleast being honest about the situation. He didn't try to sugarcoat it or rail against Jagex....just a post about how the qc world works for him.
  11. Agreed. Can't look at the success the company has had and put those three words in the same sentence. If I was starting a browser-based MMORGP right now, Jagex's business plan is exactly the one I would try to emulate. To do otherwise would be a 'flaw' and 'immature'
  12. Classic :roll: If Gielinor was a perfect place, jerks like you would just be removed from the game permanently. I guess though you are now harmless over in World 160 where you can spend the rest of your rs career convincing yourself that quickchat is the greatest thing ever while the rest of us that can play civilly roam and chat as we please.
  13. You're right -- events of the last few weeks indicate that I really should have said "nearly all". Man, your smugness is just disgusting sometimes.
  14. Wrong. You've bought into the myth. Look at properly functioning stock markets. Prices do not usually go up and down rapidly *unless* there's a reason. The 5% price ranges are what cause people to fixate on the price being "stuck up" or "stuck down" day after day. They also *dramatically* reduce trade volume, which makes price fluctuations far worse. While I see your point, I still don't agree that removing price ranges make a difference. So unless I'm missing what you are saying the scenario could just as easily play out like this: A player looking to sell 10K of p ess throws out 500 at 130 and sees they sell quickly. Seeing a demand, he offers 500 more at 140 and once again they sell fast. He now looks toward 150 and higher. Other sellers sit back loving the fact prices are rising and wait for the time they too want to jump in. They quickly push the price of p ess up to near 170. Then, as you mention, prices reach a peak and they start to slide. Now, sellers are under-cutting each other even faster and potentially more dramatically then prices were rising. Seller A sells at 150, Seller B decides to undercut at 140 but Seller C can go as low as 100 because he's not 'restricted' and he needs money fast for his new dragon boots. The resulting price roller coaster sees the price of p ess go from 130 to 170 and back down to 130 in a matter of a day. How is that better or at the least, less confusing for sellers and buyers alike? The problem we are facing with p ess right now as I mentioned and other have as well is that noone knows what the price should be yet. The recent changes have made it difficult to predict. RCing is generally considered one of the better remaining money-makers in the game and yet the recent updates have crippled the resources for that skill. It looks like the price for p ess will settle somewhere between 120 and 170 since that's where it has been trading for the last few weeks. Eventually it will find its price. I just don't see how unrestricted price limits would have made finding that price any easier and I certainly wouldn't buy the argument that it would have gotten there less chaotically.
  15. The price limits do not cause this situation. The story you tell could just as easily be retold without price limits with the only difference being that the price rises and drops would be much more dramatic and frequent. The prices rises would be steeper followed by more intense price under cutting. You'd be creating a situation where on day p ess going for 170, 130 the next and back to 160 the day after that. The 'panic' buying and selling is a contributing factor but not as much of one as I think you'd have us believe. The 5% price limits allow for trends to develop and some people are taking advantage of that. As usual, it's knowing when to buy and when to sell. You might say 'panic' but I think it's people playing the market. A new form of merchanting is emerging. Ess is a pretty bad example anyway. It's a market that has yet to find a price everyone can agree on. I don't think there is a good sense yet of how much of it is being produced versus where the rc market demand is in light of the recent changes. Once a price point is established, I think we'd be unlikely to see much fluctuation +/- with or without price limits in place
  16. The newest updates aren't even a day old and we get this? A little bit of a rush to judgment I think. This particular article is just a better written rant of a theme we've seen repeatedly over the last few weeks - I want the things fixed that affect me and I want them fixed NOW! Considering the updates that came out this week and the holiday week that preceded it, it shouldn't be that much of a shock that the GE 'fixes' aren't implemented yet. Anyone familiar with the software development lifecycle certainly isn't surprised. I know you like to get these articles out in a timely fashion but this one IMO could have waited.
  17. Another nice piece of work. While I haven't always agreed with your opinions, there's no denying the great effort you put into your writings and in this case, I think your final analysis of the areas you covered was right on. It's refreshing to spend 30 minutes or so reading the material and not feel like the time has been wasted. Thanks again
  18. Ummmm...thanks for stopping by? It's a public forum on an increasingly popular community site. As such, it will attract players of all intellects including the 'moron' type and 'intelligent' type. Particularly in the last month or so, all community forums have seen a [bleep]e in spammy, whiny type posts and tipit hasn't been immune. Still, the forum moderators here have been good about letting people saying what they want to say and locking/moving other threads as appropriate. In 'quieter' times, the discussion on the forums generally seems to be as it was. I haven't been posting for long but I was a long time lurker for several years and find the threads on tipit to be as interesting and insightful as I've seen. Much like Jagex's updates, you have to take the good with the bad and learn to adjust.
  19. You're not even in college yet...trust me, you'll have bigger regrets in life. Like the time you'll wake up in an unknown place with a raging hangover, a 300lb woman in bed with you and a broomstick stuck in your [wagon]. Sure you'll try to convince yourself you fell down while sweeping but the regret comes in when the pictures hit the internet. Everything in moderation....that's the key to life. Regardless, if you put half the effort into your future endeavors as you did runescape, you'll be fine and rs will become less of a regret and more just a stage you went through.
  20. Why are pkers immature idiots? :| Why couldnt they play the game because of a big part of Runescape, Player Killing? Just like you skill, they pked in the wilderniss and enjoyed the game just like you do. I didn't read it like that. I think he meant the PKers who were immature idiots left and I think that's probably accurate. The ones who lured and got a rush off killing RCers, treasure trailers and other wildy visiting non-PKers did leave in droves. Apparently, that's all that was fun to them The vast majority of 'mature' PKers are adjusting like the rest of us either doing other things or waiting for BH to be straightened out and become a viable option for true PKers I disagree with the exploring wildy in peace comment though....those revs are brutal :P
  21. ...and THAT opinion, class, is what Freud called the Id, the desire to furhter ones self NOW, not looking toward the future or what may happen from coices Having a goal-oriented approach is fine, but at no point should a GAME feel like WORK. Runescape does, sometimes, and this update is pushing it more in that direction by encouraging more skilling. Agreed. A Game should never feel like Work... unless it is your job to play said game... but then it's not a game; it's work. Sometimes my work feels like a game. I grind all day but at the end of the week my bank is deposited with geepees :) There isn't much in this game I don't do over the course of a week. I skill, I quest, and I have a nice rotation of mini-games that I like to play. I like the balance and it keeps things fresh for me. There is so much to do in this game to keep it feeling more like a game and less like work. I don't agree with the assessment that the game is turning into a grind-fest when so many alternatives exist. Once BH is tweaked and corrected, there won't be much you could do before the updates that you can't do now. The only difference is that you can't get as filthy rich as you could through the previous methods.
  22. Your overwhelming compassion is really touching. Being nice is all it takes to tug at your heartstrings. That's beautiful....it's a shame that's being taken away. :roll: C'mon man, fess up, it's just another reason to complain about the latest updates. Between here and RSOF, you'd think RS was being played by a bunch of Mother Theresas with some of the posts I've seen. Yeah, it sucks to not be able to help out friends from time to time but I think we'll all manage. They'll be other ways to help them and other ways to pull off trades
  23. Thanks for taking the time....I enjoyed seeing the numbers and it's a refreshing change of posts from what we've been getting lately. Wish more posts had interesting game facts and such to read and digest
  24. I think the one change we will almost surely see to bh will be the addition of a solo combat area. BH *should* be the answer for most PKers out there (even though most will still complain about the old wildy being gone) but the way it works now really isn't much fun or very fair. Its too easy to get chopped down by a clan of rogue hunters. I would be shocked if this wasn't the first tweaking of the new updates we see. I don't expect wholesale changes but if they can make bh more of a viable alternative for PKers, it'll probably stop the bleeding for a bit.
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