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Everything posted by Lacoste

  1. Nothing personal, but untrimmed hp is nowhere near rare. It goes like this: 120 trimmed Dungeoneering (obviously) Untrimmed Dungeoneering Untrimmed Slayer Untrimmed Runecrafting Untrimmed Herb Untrimmed HP. Thats just based on my personal observations, but I've seen quite a bit o them. Saru, i'm pretty sure he was laughing at the fact that the other guy said it was the second rarest cape, not that he thinks it is...
  2. I can tell you right now by looking at your stats moss giants are the better choice.
  3. Hi, I was wondering if permanent mutes were in fact permanent, because I had heard of people after 2 years re-obtaining their ability to speak again. If there isn't are there any other ways I can go about attempting to get jagex to review my account? It has been quite a few years since i've had the mute and am hoping for a solution :/
  4. Before you go training to 99, be sure to get them all atleast 90, or even 85 so when you do get to 99 you aren't left with significantly lower levels. As to which one, its all preference, but personally I would go for 99 defence.
  5. You cant do anything, you can only speak through quick chat in game.
  6. Either way the lender doesn't get his item back, and the person he lends it do does not get to keep it.
  7. I'm assuming when the lend time ends the item returns...
  8. Put that money into training summoning, herblore and prayer.
  9. Lacoste

    lost my cls

    hahahahah your name makes sense now!
  10. A high level.....with manners?! :shock: Seriously, just quit with this [cabbage]. Don't think we can't see that you're purposely trying to emphasise any little post that supports you even though your argument has been ripped apart hundreds of times, and the majority disagrees with your point completely. You're exactly right :thumbup: (no joke) But just because it's the majority doesn't make it right, like if the majority says abortion is wrong, I'll still argue because I believe in choice. If you enjoy debating so much, I suggest you join a local debate club/team. It's unfortunate now that you have made a name for yourself posting nonsense and have joined the ranks of sw0rd95 and battleboy haha.
  11. I'd like to point out that being 95 combat level in MEMBERS is not very high at all, not one bit. Now if you were ranting about being crashed in an ftp world, I may sympathize with you, juuuuust a little bit. Even then your conception of what a high level is very misleading, in no way is anyone under 130cb to be considered high level... atleast thats what I think :)
  12. Try posting in help and advice next time :)
  13. Lacoste

    Dragon Claws

    Someone didn't read any posts other than OP :roll: Oh I read it... still stand by what I said.
  14. I thought wallasalkis were for getting blue charms not crimsons..
  15. Really, your mage level is fine, I have been bursting since level 70 and now(86) have only been crashed a total of 3 times... Join the cc "burstinglobs" you can find someone to get into the dungeon with you, and even find an empty world.
  16. WRONG FORUM! :) Try the tipiter events forum...
  17. You're really over thinking everything your doing. :wall: Do what you feel like doing, jeeze, so what if slayer is going to take you longer, nbd, those bosses aren't going anywhere.
  18. Addy arrows should sell, hundo p. Slowly but surely.
  19. http://forum.tip.it/topic/266367-bandos-solo-with-overloads/ Scroll down a bit.
  20. I got a dungeoneering vibe from them... <_<
  21. I think you put them here http://forum.tip.it/forum/68-tipiters-runescape-events/ Anyways, good luck finding a team, and exactly how much welfare are we talking?
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