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Everything posted by Nash

  1. well all my warrior friends hate it, and i can beat warriors my own lvl. got my first lvl 20 character \ so lame yet so impressive for me
  2. warlocks and paladins are my favorite and ill tell you why: warlocks can use amazing pets that kick [wagon], they have healing spells, they can res themselves and others paladins can res themselves and others too i believe... and i know they can heal everyone for a fact, plus theyre powerful. the healing, high damage, pets, and res ability are all things everyone else envys. im only a warlock, been playing for 4 days now (according to WoW, more like 5-6) and im lvl 19 now, i love being a warlock i can pretty much go places nobody else can at my level because my pet can tank and take all the monsters at once while i mage from a distance. its all a preference but i have warrior friends who tell me when im there lvl im going to be way better then them because of how overpowered the warlocks are. idk im DEFINETLY not a pro, quite the opposite but from what ive learned so far paladins, priests, warlocks, hunters all pretty much kick butt. i wouldnt recomend warrior its boring and to me rather outdated
  3. if you're new to the game, 30 in a day probably isnt gonna be possible. Just keep going at your own pace and enjoy the game. If you tell us what level you're at now, we can tell you what area you should be in. You get a felsteed at level 30. For levelling up, I think demonology is the best talent tree to put points into. Monsters with a skull next to them are more than 10 levels higher than you are. As you level up, the skull will turn into a number. In addition to that, Monsters with a gold/silver dragon around their picture are "elite". They have more hp and hit harder than normal monsters of that level, and you shouldnt try to kill one without help from some other players. im lvl 14 (almost 15) warlock, alliance. :thumbsup: yay for teh noobiness?
  4. and the questions pour out: -what lvl is it for a felsteed (the glowing firey horse for warlocks) -what should i use my talent points on? -where do i train to get to "30 in a day"... cause although getting the next level seems easy getting to 30 in one day seems like madness. (i was in loch modan if thats where ur supposed to go then i feel plain stupid cause the things on the east side of the lake kicked my [wagon]) -any advice is GREATLY appreciated. heh ive been exploring and ive seen a tun of the skull lvl monsters, i assume that means theyre too strong to be called a lvl? and WoW has dinosaurs... :lol: :roll: you lost me at dinosaurs lol dragons are fine but really? anyways you guys might have sold me completely that WoW > Runescape by a million. its just more interesting then RS anyways thanks for all the help thus far. :thumbsup: :
  5. well the games finally starting to make sense :) although all the people high enough level to ride animals are still idiots and stuck on themselves. more questions though \ is anybody here a warlock? maybe i could just pm a warlock my questions :pray:
  6. alright day 2 of playing and heres my stuff: - im a gnome warlock - im lvl 10 - i cant find where to get my void walker summon (help PLEASE) - everyone over lvl 15 is a [puncture] and doesnt respond to me when i need help they just take off as soon as i say "hey can u answer a quick question" - its empty out there, and im on a recomended server... - can you guys tell me how to get my void walker i want it :/ and do u guys have any WoW fan sites like tipit where they give you help on everything about ingame?
  7. sounds fun heh. in the places lvl 30s train at, are most people into killing one another or only sometimes?
  8. ive played WoW before for only a month though, the world i was on was if you were horde and in a horde zone and an alliance guy was there you could kill him. is that pvp or just regular? i didnt mind it too much i kept in my zones, and which class do u reccomend? i was a shaman last time i tried and it seemed to kick some serious [wagon] but maybe it becomes underpowered in the higher levels?
  9. got hacked on rs, decided id give WoW a shot before i truly give up online games for good, id like to stay with the tipit community so i found this thread :thumbsup: what server do yall use that i could join? and which one horde or alliance? thanks :) should be fun ive been watching vids the graphics seem so much more fun to explore places on.
  10. im not letting this fall through :evil: i got hacked on rs so this is the only reason i go to tipit anymore... so lets go :thumbsup:
  11. so are you all still up for it? :pray: pleaaase
  12. well ive been grounded and my parents just gave back my computer and internet (they block all my websites so i cant just get on with a different computer) so im hoping you all wont mind pushing it to march 30 :) hoping that will help you guys too. if your all ready then just leave me out this month ;)
  13. What's that? Sorry, I couldn't hear over the sound of how awesome I am. :wall:
  14. the talking faces when u talk to an npc all changed EXCEPT dwarves, theyre all untouched its so weird.
  15. im going to kick bens [wagon] :twisted: physically if not artistically heh.
  16. This month the theme is: Freestyle That means you can make anything you want! Be creative and draw something you feel represents your style! Deadline: March 30 Rules: 1. 100 x 100 - as big as you want 2. Vote for 1st 2nd and 3rd 3. 1st= 3points, 2nd = 2points, 3rd= 1point 4. Can't vote for yourself 5. Voting ends on the last day of the month 6. You can enter at anytime as long as its before the deadline 7. If you miss the deadline you wont be counted, unless there is an extension/good excuse :P 8. Use .PNG or .GIF 9. The winner gets to decide what the next topic is Happy pixeling Contestants: C14 Unoalexi Hiimben Star In The Sky Skull Emblem Jopie Past Winners: 3-Jopie211 1-Dharockslayer 2-Destro3979 2-Cowboy14 1-Unoalexi
  17. im currently making fractals on mspaint :? kidding i use paint :thumbsup:
  18. i agree make the water lighter it seems too, all one colory atm looks amazing tho =P~
  19. it has a weird shading, theres no direct light source that i can find, and for a metal helm it seems very weak and flimsy (sp). do you have sketches working up to it to show us? we could help explain the problem from seeing past work. its like math u could have it all right until one part and ur whole outcome is thrown. EDIT: Damn jopie u beat me to it by seconds :ohnoes: :shock:
  20. 22M now, post pic later, im going for 50m then spending on 99 magic the combat way ancienting on lobs and skele monkeys. ill spend 20m on it that way and w/e i have left ill barrows/dk/alch
  21. i dont get the red factor but the dog itself is awesome :) the chin is a tad odd i think
  22. his rs is higher then yours and u give him 7.5 :wall: 10/10 for sure i cba to get 50 rc -.-
  23. ropey im confused on but the contrast makes sense. what about my finished version? the shadows give it some contrast right?
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