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Everything posted by Nash

  1. except i show them it non sampled if they pm me :P which you dont
  2. ima hack you and get that 98 range up to 99 just to be a jerk :thumbsup: not for self gain just to watch u trim ur slayer cape :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: which in itself is a gain. grats =P~ on the summoning lvl. thats crazy good i hated getting 53 but working on 68 :oops:
  3. ill take the sample off once the guy pays for it :
  4. im a jew :ohnoes: i hate myself pl0xz? -.- no Ben... just no...
  5. dif name back when kind of quit and then got perm banned on the rs account name that matched the tif name so figured id start fresh:P :P :P :P
  6. two-three years ago this was the blogscape in my opinion \
  7. shut it littleboy :twisted: i love how your name fits into that sentence. i dont hate tipit obviously if i have a rs2 blog and post often in this ghost town of a gallery :-#
  8. haha the lack of sleep finally got me :"what the hell face is he talking about?" anyways thanks :) glad you like it.
  9. Oh My GOD my eyes hurt from staring into the computer clicking dot by dot :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  10. who said i hate tipit :shame: i said i wanted you to come back and post something. and bumping your gallery isnt the same as posting new works but meh its a start :
  11. well after reading this through 4 times i think i understand what your saying, your right for how heavy to looks it prob wouldnt move that much :oops:
  12. living on a prayer, take my hand and we'll make it i sweaaaar" take my hand sithy :P :P :lol: :lol:
  13. Nash

    first pixel

    and furniture etc :oops:
  14. Nash

    first pixel

    i love the candle thing but not the dragon. is there anyway you would humor me and just do a sig of a banquet hall or a room with that candle thing instead of a dragon? anatomy on living things is always the hardest anyways so maybe work your way up to it.
  15. Nash

    first pixel

    yes its ok, dont overdo the linetools though is all im saying, because then your lose the realisticness
  16. Nash

    first pixel

    ive got to ask, for a first time doing pixels did [bleep]ing you expect us to go "ooooh its amazing i love it" because for peoples first pixel attempts that seldom happens for example: this is my first pixel.... as you can see its a PIECE OF [cabbage] LIKE EVERY OTHER FIRST PIXEL EVER PUT IN THE GALLERY but what did i do? i listened to the advice i got from people, little by little i got better and now im making sigs like the one i have as my sig right now. i cant say dont use line tools ever, everybody uses them so anybody who says use 100% pencil doesnt know what theyre talking about :roll: but only use them to make hard lines on buildings, windows etc. dont use a line tool to make a person is what i mean. as for gradient tools, just DONT GO THERE. it will look so [bleep]ed up that ill be sure never to give you 2 minutes of my time to give more advice theres plenty of guides on this forum as well as WWW.PIXELJOINT.COM, i bring this website up all the time for people because it is by far filled with some of the most tallented pixel artists ive ever seen. and btw your welcome about the reference advice
  17. Nash

    first pixel

    nothing in pixelart is shaded with a plain gradient tool -.- why are you wasting a 41 post thread filled with advice if your just going to go and do your own thing anyways
  18. What requirements? Because I think we all know Jagex would never dare making a proper "high" level content update such as Level 90 weapons. Jagex are so confused, they actually class "70" as "high"... its sure be nice if jagex made lvl 80 and 90 requirement items. that would make training to 99 more worth it imo. both rare armor and armor easier to get such as barrows.
  19. Nash

    first pixel

    i hope that sig your referring to was the one i made :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: umm i might get in trouble for saying this, but get pictures of real sunsets and just take the colors you like from it :-# for practice.
  20. add color later :) wow you respond fast :-# scary fast :? stalker pl0xz
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