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Everything posted by Nash

  1. somebody left an ad a few hours ago about a private rsc server, my questionsare: -jagex ban you, not like them for using these -can your password for regular runescape be stolen -any other thingsto be warned with thanks :) sorry if this doesnt belong in help and advice. :oops:
  2. your storys touching yada yada ya... k i said nice stuff now i get to the part where i rub [cabbage] in :thumbsup: IM SO FRICKING SMART YOU WONDER WHY I SELL THINGS EVERYNIGHT BEFORE THE GE UPDATES GO TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT THE GE IS DOING TO GWD ITEMS AND GUTHANS!!! \ \ whos one of the few who didnt lose like 500k a night? :thumbsup: :thumbsup: i am!
  3. haha good :thumbsup: i understand it clearly noa. whens ur story going to be done anyways?
  4. ... :roll: ... i dont speak kota, perhaps spell those words out? :lol:
  5. i did :P :lol: ok you keep it bumped cause your nicer then KOTA (he'll read this eventually)
  6. your a dork #-o oh well i guess its cool 8-) well this weekend is 3 days so ill work to almost finishing it alright? but do me a favor and dont turn this one into a stat siggy :P
  7. clever smoking art pencils XD hah and the sig is bueno as well. post a rl pic that was ur reference maybe to see how well you did?
  8. so im going to cheat and alch half way to 99 mage cause its how i want to roll. but yew longs dont sell so easily, any things that alch for decent moneyback and theres alot of sellers?
  9. gee, wonder who bumped this... ODIE -.- too bad you dont do that for my blog (hint hint) hah well if you guys didnt know, i go to a prep school so my freetime on weekdays (and weekends for that matter) are cut to a minimum, ill finished this before october i promise odie :) and prob sooner then that obviously 8-) yea the dmed is ugly if u see my progress (not posting until i have much more done) youll see i removed the stupid med :wall:
  10. Nash


    you always have weird stuff happen there lol its funny, typical jagex corniness tbh. like the void spinners telling you that they want to TICKLE i repeat... TICKLE you... :lol:
  11. glad to see you back bud 8-) . that doesnt look so hard... :roll: hah ok maybe just a little. well i cant C/C it because id look like an idiot who doesnt know what hes talking about, but it looks pretty badass. do i get to demo whatever it is your making and/or you teach me how to make my own pl0xz??! sexy/10
  12. pixel tutorial? \ i was going to make one anyways, why not enter it.
  13. you can totally use it, i dont remember what font it is though (u asked in the pm) ill check it later
  14. just to throw it out there, you should fool around with your photos with words, borders, burning and other cool effects, i spent 10 minutes slapping things on it and i got: just throwing it out there, goodluck :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  15. jesus christ is right, were working are donkeys off trying to make the gallery big again and you two start going at it :lol: some community that is. im half kidding dont drag me into this btw :roll: shiny i seem to remember all three of us being just as nooby when we first started at the gallery, its natural for us to like nice guy critisicm over not so nice guy. anyways on topic, the pics, are what are considered more of a snapshot then actual photography, dont worry its easy to fix, theres a good guide around here about what makes a photo "photography" check the database of guides in the sticky.
  16. I dont think im going to have judges but rather have the community vote for the team they like most. ummm well im following thrus idea so basically anybody i asked to join will make their own signature and then the voting works like this: people who vote will vote on each signature, and rate each one 1-10, 10 being hawtest thing theyve ever seen. then just add up all the points and that will decide which team gets the point, just look at thrus recent battle to see how it works i guess :wall: im a bad explainer
  17. oic sorry i just voted out of the ones that were done :? i fixed it
  18. heh sorry, hope i didnt drive you too crazy :mrgreen:
  19. oh wait pyro we did do something wrong :oops: i just realized you cant vote for a second and third place with a poll. so i guess this is the only way: have the entries on main post and have people just respond with the three votes sorry again :(
  20. yea there are tuns of people who pixel on these forums :D i wasnt sure if you did or not :oops: if you do im sorry
  21. I have hand-picked 9 people, and myself to be halved into two teams and make Pixel sigs, and see how things turnout. Those picked people, do not put text on your tags, I want to see how well the gallery community knows our style. (Thanks again, Thru for letting me use your idea ;) ) If some of the 9 people do not want to participate I will be accepting people to ASK to join by pming me. Thats all for now, wish us luck :D ~C14
  22. umm either a poll or just change the title to (vote now!) and have the entries on the main post? i like the main post one because i guess its fun identifying whos voting for you/others. its up to you though ;) and thanks for getting to it so fast :thumbsup:
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