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Everything posted by Nash

  1. Alright so i need help, im currently going for 99 mage :ohnoes: oh noes. So im wondering whats the most effective way to mage and break even/or profit from it :). so here goes my thoughts and you can tell me what you think is the best or if you have a new one youd like to share! 1) metals: everybody swears by it, but ive killed probably 1k and only ever gotten a dskirt :? 2) Green Dragons: I tried this one, its actually nice money but very slow seeing how jam packed it is! 3) avansies: Never tried maging these, ive ranged and it was ok but i think green dragons is better profit 3) barrows: Very slow!!! but perhaps the best rewards :-# 4) DK Rex: Slower then barrows but the best money 5) you tell me ;) my questions: 1: which one would you pick and why 2: have you done one of them long enough to give me a good estimate of the time spent to go thru 1k casts 3: have any better ways of doing it? 4: if your a pro at one of those (or another) give me your personal favorite setup 5:******VERY IMPORTANT AND I NEED TO KNOW :: this one i actually want to know how many casts at DK Rex you go through to typically get a daxe or Zerker. ill explain later Thank you SO much if you respond :) ---C14
  2. i actually do agree kbd and kq need updates... the dungeons and such (especially kbd) are so outdated. but what can you do without nerfing something or giving it an amazing drop as good as the gwd drops? pretty much nothing, give the looks a makeover perhaps.
  3. hmmm well i dont lag the whole time but when i do of course i moan, the lag in hd got me killed at metals cause i couldnt step back from getting meleed :wall: i think im entitled to complain. to sum it up, some people have bad computers and lag interupts the game play. i find complaining is appropriate for having to stop what your doing because your computer is slow... does this have much discussion value?
  4. what he said, the noob part idfc about the gratsing :P why use smoke runes btw?
  5. your too busy destro, school starts on monday for me so that sucks :-# i wish we could get on with this though :?
  6. i think the leaf is too big imo, but yeah big improvements since a day or two ago :thumbsup:
  7. the shadow still doesnt really fit in my opinion bud :/ what i actually like at the moment is the thing i did under my tree in my potm entry, i didnt make a specific shadow line but rather just darker thicker grass/shrubs. maybe give that a try :
  8. i actually really like it bro : i do think you saved it wrong however if it is a pixel sig, somebody might be able to explain what i mean in better terms but pretty much you saved it as a gif which lowers the quality and "cleancutness" of the sig. dont worry ive wasted hours upon hours saving things as gifs or jpegs late at night :wall: my C/C would be fixing the shadow the tree gives off, contrast it a tad more. Also, give the sky and ground more depth with various shades of blues and greens. others then that id say its a great piece, id say just add some more detail to shading, but you can pretty much say that about anyones work. looking forward to seeing more from you gil :D C14
  9. skull i got 3 zerkers before.. but ill test out our newfound luck \ \
  10. stfu and smfd you mf and comment my blogeh! :lol:
  11. your on my list punk :| and not the siggy one :twisted:
  12. well destro u said ud work on it today :thumbsup: lets see it. and i wonder if uno forgot about the deadline :ohnoes: we get mod to take over or what? cause its been a week since shes been on...
  13. went to dk with kota. so far just warrior. post pics later
  14. omfg i am kota i am =P~ have my babies. lets go to bandos right now mkay? cause those bandos tassets i bought to show off at clan wars wont sell for two more hours lol. can we go talk in my blog? i need posts in it :oops:
  15. FAIL i got 3 zerkers in one night? who fails here sith? heh :P y u no cartwheel? :lol: :lol: Cuz i fat :cry: yes, yes you are, but dont worry i put jenny as #1 in your speed dial :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  16. sounds funny :lol: i didnt bother reading it all but: did you know... making teleport tabs give you magic exp? If you die and you have the accumulator, you cant find it under your grave.
  17. right sorry :wall: i i knew that i just say he from my bad habit :-#
  18. gah how do you guys do that with the bridge :wall: i pmed terley a long time ago and he never responded, im sure it wasnt on purpose, i bet he gets tuns of "Make me pixel sig pl0xz?". i saw a sig he did of the barrows dungeon and he did an amazing job at contrast. but yeah your version of the bridge makes much more sense, if you see i tried to do it a little. and that beard and stache is funny.. =P heh. :lol:
  19. its no longer time to barrows, its time to go dk with me ;0 cause im goodluck for you. HE GOES TO SUICIDE FOR ME AND GETS A MUD STAFF AND SEERCULL!!! :x I was thinking... do cannons work in arma gwd :D ? respond back, not here though go respond in my blog cause it needs love :?
  20. Its already 3 days after :? uno hasnt been on i dont think. lets just wait for him? or do you guys want a mod to take over
  21. kota i said i love you :-# isnt my love enough :lol: and thanks cup :) im so excited im back above 10m this time i wont die and lose half of it
  22. Well i went to dk twice tonight... got THREE Zerkers :thumbsup: one in the first trip, two in the second \ \ very exciting stuff :D :D not sure if its worth rating... never actually posted here. but so far its my best night ever as far as dk goes :thumbsup:
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